Bug Tracker RSS feed

I’m currently working on a major new version of the datatool package. This may take a while. Please be patient. (Experimental version available for testing.)

If you have submitted any reports or comments whilst logged in, you can view the list from your account page. If you want to receive a notification when any updates are made to a report or any comments are added, you can subscribe to email notifications for the particular report. Alternatively, subscribe to the RSS feed to be alerted to any updates or new bug reports or feature requests.

222 reports found. Showing results 1–50.

#1 2012-09-30 makeglossaries (Perl)
Does not work with subdirectories. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#2 2012-10-12 jpgfdraw/jdrview/jdrutils
problem with transparency. Open 🔗
#3 2012-10-27 glossaries
xindy can't find module for language german. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#4 2012-10-22 glossaries
\nopostdesc 'ignored' if not protected (sanitize=none). Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#5 2012-10-27 glossaries
Additional vertical space above glossary heading. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#8 2012-10-27 glossaries
\nopostdesc with sanitize={description=false}. Closed (Duplicate) 🔗
#9 2012-12-09 datatool
Spurious spaces in \DTLloaddb. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#10 2012-12-27 glossaries
cross-referencing not as described. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#11 2012-12-27 datatool
typo in source (should be \PackageError instead of \PackageErrors). Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#12 2013-01-02 datatool
Bug when glossaries loaded before datatool. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#13 2013-01-07 datetime
name-clash (\ifleapyear / \@modulo) with macros of packages datetime and datenumber. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#14 2013-01-08 jpgfdraw/jdrview/jdrutils
Java not found - program cannot be started on Windows. Open 🔗
#15 2013-01-08 datatool
\DTLgetvalueforkey fails when key=0. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#16 2013-01-13 glossaries
\pagenumbering causes an error in \printglossaries. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#17 2013-01-13 glossaries
nohypertypes option not recognized. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#18 2013-01-16 datatool
xkeyval incompatibility. Closed (Migrated) 🔗
#20 2013-01-18 datatool
Error if \DTLnewdbentry's third argument is an empty macro. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#21 2013-01-31 makeglossaries (Perl)
makeglossaries error on Windows due to long username or accented character in it. Open 🔗
#22 2013-03-19 datetime
Spurious spaces with some babel languages. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#23 2013-03-29 datatool
Only the second row works not the first. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#24 2013-04-05 glossaries
problem with glossaries and pdf bookmark. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#25 2013-04-16 glossaries
option nohypertypes not recognized. Closed (Duplicate) 🔗
#26 2013-05-24 glossaries
Spurious parentheses with smallcaps option. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#27 2013-06-20 glossaries
Input of babel.sty in ltxdoc documentclass (.dtx) files. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#28 2013-07-07 glossaries
\Glsentry... doesn't work in arguments of sectioning commands. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#33 2013-07-25 makeglossaries (Perl)
$istfile double-quote checking needs modification for xdy (xindy) files - Solution Provided. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#34 2013-07-26 glossaries
smallcaps option won't allow aac acronym. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#35 2013-07-28 datatool
spurious space (?), ordinals in different languages. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#37 2013-08-13 glossaries
acronym longplural form not used in footnotes. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#38 2013-08-28 glossaries
Last displayed glossary entry's hanging indentation gets lost with index style. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#39 2013-09-11 glossaries
if hyperref is loaded before glossaries then the subscript size is wrong. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#40 2013-09-30 glossaries
\textup on plural not applied with smallcaps and garmondx font. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#41 2013-10-02 glossaries
\si macro (from siunitx) doesn't work. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#42 2013-10-03 glossaries
smaller. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#43 2013-10-05 datatool
I am not able to compile tex file created for displaying database. The \DTLdisplaydb gives missing number inserted error. Closed (Can Not Replicate) 🔗
#44 2013-10-23 glossaries
Bookmarks of symbols and numbers glossaries titles are not translated. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#45 2013-11-04 mfirstuc
\xcapitalisewords doesn't work in document structure headings. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#46 2013-11-14 glossaries
acronyms option isn't equivalent to acronym=true. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#47 2013-12-01 glossaries
a problem with glossaries, xindy and xelatex. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#48 2013-12-06 glossaries
minimalgls.tex. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#49 2013-12-19 glossaries
\Glsentry... don't give the expected result in bookmarks. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#50 2013-12-20 flowfram
Typo. Open 🔗
#51 2013-12-28 glossaries
Acronym disables glsentryfmt... Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#52 2014-01-12 glossaries
glossaries and makeidx packages. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#53 2014-01-24 glossaries
glossaries, multibib and tableofcontents produce "weird error". Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#54 2014-03-13 glossaries
Acronyms defined in document body result in wrong firstplural. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#55 2014-03-14 makeglossaries (Perl)
makeglossaries assumes 3 character extension. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#56 2014-03-14 glossaries
.glsdefs file and babel shorthands. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#57 2014-04-09 glossaries
Glossaries and memoir pagestyle collide. Closed (Fixed) 🔗

222 reports found. Showing results 50–100.

#58 2014-04-13 venndiagram
\fillOnly* fills outside the right area. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#59 2014-05-04 datetime
Spurious comma in French long and short dates. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#60 2014-05-12 glossaries
some problems by using glossaries package. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#61 2014-05-16 datetime
Wrong date format if datenumber is loaded after datetime. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#62 2014-06-02 venndiagram
Shading wrong areas. Open 🔗
#63 2014-07-18 glossaries
Use of \acrfull before first use of \gls should cause \gls to show abbreviation instead of full entry. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#64 2014-08-05 glossaries
new keys do not expand properly as of this version. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#65 2014-08-27 mfirstuc
Fails with UTF-8 input. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#66 2014-09-03 probsoln
Default args are ignored. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#67 2014-09-14 glossaries
glsaddallunused does not work with xindy. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#68 2014-09-15 glossaries
Acronym shortplural not used. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#69 2014-10-03 glossaries
\glsadd cancels effect of \nobreak. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#70 2014-10-10 datatool
Error or misunderstanding in datatool documentation. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#71 2014-10-28 flowfram
Typo. Open 🔗
#72 2014-10-28 glossaries
Option numberline crashes KOMA-Script classes. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#74 2014-11-19 glossaries
Incorrect acronym expansion. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#75 2014-11-25 datatool
Package person.sty contains bugs. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#76 2014-12-19 glossaries
Nested glossary items fail when capitalizing. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#77 2015-01-15 glossaries
Error on glossaries-portuges-utf8.ldf. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#78 2015-02-24 datatool
\DTLifSubString fails inside \DTLforeach. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#79 2015-03-14 glossaries
bug with \Acrlongpl and \Aclp. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#80 2015-03-18 makeglossaries (Perl)
Incompatible to dialect ngerman. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#81 2015-04-03 datatool
Spurious line in tabular with . Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#82 2015-04-08 datetime2-english
useregional=numeric causes errors. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#83 2015-04-13 datatooltk
fields repeat in the import of probsoln problems with data tool-gui interface on osx. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#84 2015-04-14 glossaries
\glsresetall unsets more than only first use flag (\cgls). Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#85 2015-04-16 glossaries
First use \Gls capitalizes all. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#86 2015-04-22 glossaries
[argument] must be [{argument}. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#87 2015-04-25 glossaries
glossaries problem with running headings. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#88 2015-05-06 glossaries
Groups not working for sort=def. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#89 2015-06-24 glossaries
breaking space between long acronym and acronym. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#90 2015-07-09 makeglossaries-lite (Lua)
Line 1 should call texlua not lua. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#91 2015-07-10 datatool
morewrites does not work as expected. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#92 2015-07-31 glossaries
To early usage of \hsize. Closed (Can Not Implement) 🔗
#93 2015-08-18 venndiagram
fills in wrong areas. Closed (Duplicate) 🔗
#94 2015-09-02 datetime2-english
\DTMdisplaytime{12}{30}{0} and \DTMdisplaytime{0}{30}{0} both interpreted as AM by 'englishampm' style. Open 🔗
#95 2015-09-14 datetime2
\DTMsaveaszulutime calculates the wrong UTC time. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#96 2015-09-17 glossaries
dropping/missing entrys. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#97 2015-09-22 glossaries
Not bold smallcaps even with fonts that support them. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#98 2015-09-25 datetime2
datetime2-german: wrong datesep. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#99 2015-11-12 datatool
strange behavior of \dtlcompare. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#100 2015-11-12 datatool
\DTLifstringeq depends on Babel. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#101 2015-11-29 makeglossaries (Perl)
"{" should be escaped. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#102 2015-11-30 glossaries
\printglossary outputs extra empty pages when there is no glossary file yet. Closed (Can Not Implement) 🔗
#103 2015-12-03 glossaries
Confusing Warning: Deprecated use of \glossaryentryfield. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#104 2015-12-08 mfirstuc
\capitalisewords fails with commands in non-first word. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#105 2016-02-11 flowfram
sorry we broke flowfram with 2015 latex release. Open 🔗
#106 2016-03-29 datatool
Error is a command used in the assign list is equal to relax. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#107 2016-04-26 glossaries-extra
using \glsfmtshortpl only shows the singular short version in text. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#108 2016-04-28 glossaries
nogroupskip + style=long results in error. Closed (Fixed) 🔗

222 reports found. Showing results 100–150.

#109 2016-04-30 datetime2
incompatible with luatex85.sty. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#110 2016-05-03 glossaries-extra
postfootnote and long-em styles conflict. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#111 2016-06-07 glossaries
\newglossaryentry nonumberlist fails on 2nd & later runs. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#112 2016-06-09 glossaries
Glossary Label With Backslash Characters? Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#113 2016-08-14 glossaries-extra
\RestoreAcronyms throw errors Undefined control sequence \gls. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#114 2016-08-27 datatool
fp and pgfmath. Open 🔗
#115 2016-10-11 tracklang
Trouble with \shellescape. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#116 2016-10-30 glossaries
Glossary quote not linked after first use. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#117 2016-12-16 glossaries-extra
Uppercase abbreviations becomes pluralised. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#118 2017-01-12 datatool
dataplot setcount for digits after decimal point on y-axis doesn't work. Open 🔗
#119 2017-02-07 glossaries-extra
\glsdisp hangs. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#120 2017-02-08 glossaries-extra
incorrect alias target name when using \glshyperlink (and therefore also \glsseeformat). Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#121 2017-02-12 datatool
datapie's pieoutline draws extra lines when its line width is not zero. Open 🔗
#122 2017-02-23 datetime2
spurious spaces in \DTMsetregional. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#123 2017-04-03 datatool
datatool gobbles space. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#124 2017-04-07 glossaries
If a non reverenced glossary entry has a see field. Die Entry is in the Glossary anyway. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#125 2017-10-07 datatool
datatool + utf8 special chars in raw CSV import = sounds of breaking LaTeX. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#126 2019-01-31 datatool
Problems with \DTLsubstituteall. Open 🔗
#127 2019-04-25 glossaries
Glossaries' acronyms' suffix in effect are not for the last loaded language. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#129 2019-05-20 makeglossaries-lite (Lua)
makeglossaries-lite fails to call makeindex because of spurious quotation marks. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#130 2019-05-24 datatool
Some tests don't support well \noalign material. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#131 2019-05-29 datetime2
showdayofmonth setting wrongly said as ignored. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#134 2019-08-31 tracklang
tracklang doesn't work with newer babel (\babelprovide). Closed (Can Not Implement) 🔗
#135 2019-08-31 tracklang
Misspelt command \AddTrackedLangage. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#136 2019-09-13 flowframtk/jdrview/jdrutils
Exception occurs when removing object. Open 🔗
#137 2019-10-19 datetime2
Use of \nr as a scratch macro conflicts with other packages. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#138 2019-11-05 glossaries-extra
Superfluous comma printed. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#139 2019-12-05 glossaries-extra
Prefix commands with record option don't write records to aux file. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#140 2020-01-16 glossaries-extra
long-short-sc style ⇒ \acrlong in small caps. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#141 2020-01-19 jmlr
Issues with very long author names. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#142 2020-01-23 glossaries-extra
acronym/acronyms package option interferes with abbreviation styles. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#143 2020-01-26 glossaries-extra
Plural suffix not converted to uppercase with \GLSpl for some styles. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#144 2020-01-26 glossaries-extra
insertdots attribute has stopped including the spacefactor. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#145 2020-01-26 glossaries-extra
record=nameref causes undefined \glslabel when \gls used in equation. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#146 2020-01-30 glossaries
Inserting \null breaks legit use case. Closed (Duplicate) 🔗
#147 2020-02-07 glossaries-extra
Space missing between name and location with tree-like styles when no description or symbol. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#148 2020-02-07 glossaries-extra
Inappropriate penalty for headerless group tree styles. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#149 2020-02-07 glossaries
\glsentrytitlecase causes an error with undefaction=warn (or record) option. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#150 2020-02-11 glossaries-extra
\glsentry... commands in section headings causes an error with undefaction=warn (or record) option. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#151 2020-02-26 jmlr
twoside does not alternate headers. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#152 2020-02-28 glossaries-extra
Infinite loop caused by \glslabel in \glsxtrentryfmt. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#154 2020-03-15 datatool
\switchargs isn't taken into account when sorting. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#155 2020-03-20 glossaries-extra
Modified alttree style provided by glossaries-extra-stylemods duplicates description. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#156 2020-03-21 glossaries-extra
indexonlyfirst doesn't work with bib2gls. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#157 2020-03-26 jmlr
subfigure and subtable references produce extraneous text. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#158 2020-04-01 glossaries-extra
Modified treenoname style provided by glossaries-extra-stylemods duplicates description. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#159 2020-04-16 glossaries
Superragged style may create a header on an empty page even when using the emptypage package. Open 🔗
#160 2020-05-25 datetime2
Trigger language autodetection when setting language after loading datetime2. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#161 2020-05-26 glossaries-extra
Possible incompatibility with totcount (\newtotcounter) or other macros/packages. Closed (Migrated) 🔗
#162 2020-06-14 glossaries
Using \glspl on acronym while \glsnoexpandfields is active produces wrong output. Closed (Fixed) 🔗

222 reports found. Showing results 150–200.

#163 2020-06-23 glossaries
Inverted crossref (see and seealso) behavior. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#164 2020-06-28 datatool
Updating currentrow does not work as expected. Open 🔗
#165 2020-06-30 tracklang
Error message: ! Extra \else. . Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#166 2020-06-30 glossaries
bad behaviour with negative spaces. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#167 2020-09-25 datetime2
spurious space in \DTMsaveddatediff. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#168 2020-10-18 jmlr
Float-only last pages not counted for page numbering. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#169 2020-10-20 jmlrbook
Fails with new kernel (extra \endgroup). Closed (Can Not Implement) 🔗
#170 2020-11-22 jmlr
Incompatibility with cleveref. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#171 2021-01-06 glossaries-extra
glossaries-extra does not recognise glossaries commands. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#172 2021-01-18 datatool
\DTLminforcolumn does not work for empty fields. Open 🔗
#173 2021-06-08 glossaries
.glsdefs is not updated. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#174 2021-06-19 glossaries-extra
Default to \setabbreviationstyle[acronym]{long-short}. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#175 2021-06-22 glossaries-extra
Spurious space with hyperoutside being false. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#176 2021-09-14 glossaries-extra
Last displayed topic subitem has invalid indentation. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#177 2021-09-18 glossaries
spurious \glolist@ at the end of glslabels file with writeglslabels option. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#181 2021-09-19 glossaries-extra
stylemods alttree introduces space at the start of descriptions. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#182 2021-09-20 glossaries-extra
topic style doesn't retain hangindent for multi-paragraph descriptions. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#183 2021-09-20 makeglossaries-lite (Lua)
"bad argument #1 to 'gsub'" when \makeglossaries missing. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#184 2021-10-05 glossaries
"! LaTeX Error: Suspicious rollback date given" using TexLive. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#185 2021-10-08 glossaries-extra
Undefined control sequence \s@GlsXtrIfFieldNonZero. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#186 2021-10-19 glossaries
list style with entrycounter has problematic unexpanded content. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#187 2021-10-28 glossaries
Compilation fails if hyperref is loaded and the style is listhypergroup. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#188 2021-11-01 glossaries
Glossary style `list' undefined with v4.46 rollback. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#189 2021-11-05 glossaries
spurious space in math mode after line break before \gls{…}. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#190 2021-11-18 glossaries-extra
hypergroup, \glsnavhyperlinkname and targetnameprefix don't work together. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#191 2021-11-20 glossaries
local \gls option not localised. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#192 2021-11-28 glossaries-extra
Undefined control sequences with \mgls and bib2gls. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#193 2021-12-01 glossaries-extra
\Glsxtrhiername fails with child entries. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#194 2021-12-30 glossaries-extra
setting mathrel category gives ordinary spacing instead of mathrel spacing. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#195 2022-02-04 glossaries
Conflict if xtab is loaded. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#196 2022-02-08 glossaries
Incompatibility between xindy and LuaLatex. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#197 2022-02-09 glossaries-extra
Aliases added to the glossary without the main entry and any reference. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#198 2022-02-15 glossaries
Auxiliary file 'glossaries.aux' doesn't exist error wiht LuaLatex. Closed (Duplicate) 🔗
#199 2022-02-27 glossaries-extra
xindy call with an empty -C value. Closed (Duplicate) 🔗
#200 2022-04-18 datetime2
Dependency lack at install. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#202 2022-05-02 datatool
\dtldisplaystarttab is broken with \DTLdisplaylongdb. Open 🔗
#203 2022-06-08 datatool
datapie fails with Package tikz Error: Cannot parse this coordinate. Open 🔗
#204 2022-06-09 glossaries-extra
glossaries-extra discardperiod and abbreviation long form. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#205 2022-06-10 glossaries-extra
Entry counting and entry resetting. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#206 2022-06-16 glossaries-extra
ActualText for entries with no explicit access value. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#207 2022-07-27 glossaries-extra
wrong page order. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#208 2022-08-05 datetime2
"number too big" error when some separator is empty. Open 🔗
#209 2022-09-26 tracklang
No longer detects polyglossia languages. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#210 2022-09-26 glossaries
Dependent package textcase now deprecated. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#211 2022-09-26 mfirstuc
Case-changing needs to use new LaTeX3 commands. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#212 2022-10-20 glossaries-extra
table block-style 'name' shows spurious comma with empty other field. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#213 2022-10-21 glossaries-extra
Extra alignment tab from glossary-table block styles. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#214 2022-10-26 glossaries
Command \glossaryentryfield undefined. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#215 2022-11-02 glossaries
automake doesn't work. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#216 2022-12-02 datetime2
Missing 'r' at the back of "desember" in icelandic. Closed (Fixed) 🔗

222 reports found. Showing results 200–222.

#217 2022-12-22 jmlr
The \propositionref macro is missing. Open 🔗
#218 2023-02-22 glossaries-extra
\glssetcategoryattribute not working with multiple comma separated attributes. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#220 2023-02-25 glossaries-extra
Undefined control sequence \pretoglossarypreamble. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#223 2023-04-16 datatool
Using datatool methods with hyperref package. Open 🔗
#251 2023-04-22 glossaries-extra
All-cap abbreviations lead to undefined control sequence when used chapters/sections of books. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#260 2023-06-22 datatool
\DTLifstringeq (and others) leads to a "Misplaced \noalign" error. Open 🔗
#261 2023-06-26 glossaries
Nested acronym must be defined before acronym that calls it. Open 🔗
#262 2023-06-28 glossaries-extra
mgls records not written to aux file if tikz loaded. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#268 2023-08-28 datetime2
XeLaTeX command \creationdate not detected. Open 🔗
#269 2023-11-18 datetime2
File ended while scanning use of \@dtm@parsedate. Open 🔗
#270 2024-01-15 glossaries
Typo in file dependency "glossaries.sty". Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#271 2024-03-25 glossaries-extra
Uppercase macros don't work anymore. Closed (Fixed) 🔗
#273 2024-03-27 jmlr
Setting curr file breaks compilation with images. Open 🔗
#274 2024-05-23 glossaries
Wrong short form produced by the first occurrence of \gls for an acronym containing a nested acronym. Open 🔗
#275 2024-06-27 glossaries
unable to define newentry by using math symbols as the label. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#276 2024-07-31 mfirstuc
output no longer the same as in manual. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#277 2024-08-01 glossaries-extra
Uppercase macros not expanding with hyperref. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#278 2024-08-06 tex-locale
package errors with lualatex. Open 🔗
#279 2024-08-09 glossaries-extra
Undefined control sequence \glsentrylongplural. Open 🔗
#280 2024-08-23 glossaries-extra
toc = false results in pdf bookmark. Open 🔗
#281 2024-09-22 glossaries-extra
Document incomplete on 2nd ff compiles. Closed (Not a Bug) 🔗
#282 2024-10-31 datetime2
One occurence of \DTMsaveddatediff spelled incorrectly in documentation. Closed (Migrated) 🔗
#284 2025-01-24 tracklang
Detecting loaded languages with babel. Closed (Fixed) 🔗