Bug Tracker 
I’m currently working on a major new version of the datatool package. This may take a while. Please be patient. (Experimental version available for testing.)
ID | 166🔗 |
Date: | 2020-06-30 12:50:30 |
Status | Closed (Fixed) |
Category | glossaries |
Version | 4.41 |
Summary | bad behaviour with negative spaces |
OS | Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4 |
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I have a glossary entry using a negative thinspace ("\!"), but it seems that `makeglossaries` is generating wrong code.If a glossary entry has a negative thinspace (to fix the typesetting after a dash, as an example) when printing the previous entry, some residual text appears at the end of the definition.
Here is a minimal working example :
\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,twoside]{memoir} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage[acronym,toc]{glossaries} \newglossaryentry{foo}{text=foo,name=Foo,description={This is foo}} \newglossaryentry{footoo}{text={foo-too},name={Foo-\!Too},description={This is foo-too}} \makeglossaries \begin{document} \lipsum[1] \gls{foo} \lipsum[1] \gls{footoo} \lipsum[1] \printglossaries{} \end{document}
In the glossary, at the end of the "Foo" line, there is a residual "Foo- ̈".I find [pre]Foo-\"\relax \glsresetentrylist[\pre] in the .gls file, which, once removed, cleans the output of `pdflatex`, but the root cause is likely in the glo file which replaces the "\!" with "\"!".
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\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,twoside]{memoir} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage[acronym,toc]{glossaries} \newglossaryentry{foo}{text=foo,name=Foo,description={This is foo}} \newglossaryentry{footoo}{text={foo-too},name={Foo-\!Too},description={This is foo-too}} \makeglossaries \begin{document} \lipsum[1] \gls{foo} \lipsum[1] \gls{footoo} \lipsum[1] \printglossaries{} \end{document}
Since the sort
key hasn’t been set, its value is obtained from the name
key Foo-\!Too
. The exclamation mark is a makeindex special character (indicating a division in the hierarchical level). The special characters are usually internally escaped when an entry is defined, but in this case the exclamation mark isn’t detected as it’s part of a control sequence.
In this case, it’s better to set the sort
key as there’s no benefit in including the typesetting markup, which will confuse the alphabetical sorting.
\newglossaryentry{footoo}{text={foo-too},sort={Foo-Too},name={Foo-\!Too},description={This is foo-too}}
I’ve changed the category from makeglossaries to glossaries, since it stems from glossaries not finding the !
within the control sequence \!
when parsing the sort value.
Fixed in v4.47
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