Bug Report (Page 1 of 3)
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Reporting bugs helps to improve software, which is great. Unfortunately, fixing bugs is time-consuming and unpaid work necessarily has to take a lower priority, so please don’t expect a rapid response. Please read the notes below before submitting a bug report.
- Please only list one issue per bug report. If you mention more than one issue, the report may be prematurely closed before all issues are fixed.
- Check the Bug Tracker to see if the bug has already been reported. Also check the FAQs.
- Check you are using the latest version. (You can find the latest version number on the CTAN package listing or on the application’s home page.
- If you want to report a typo in the documentation please use the Report a Typo page.
- If you want to request a feature please use the Feature Request page instead.
- If you have found an error in one of the sample files accompanying a package, you can use that file as the MWE when using this form, but make sure you have the latest version of the package installed in case you have picked up a sample file accompanying a new version.
- If you’re in an urgent hurry for a fix, post a query on a site such as TeX on StackExchange or the LaTeX Community to ask for a workaround. It’s possible that someone there might be able to provide a patch until the bug is fixed. You can include a link to the post in your message.
- If you are reporting a bug for a LaTeX class or package, this
form will require a Minimal Working Example (MWE) that demonstrates
the bug. This must be a short self-contained LaTeX document with all
unnecessary packages and commands removed, as described in
Creating a LaTeX Minimal Example.
You will also need to upload the
corresponding .log file. So make sure you have both files prepared
before using this form. (A MWE is optional for bug reports for
The MWE file will be renamed mwe.tex (mwe.log, correspondingly) when it is saved to ensure no problematic characters appear in the file name, so use
if you need to reference the file name in the document. - Avoid the use of internal commands (commands that contain the
symbol) in your MWE. If a user command doesn’t behave as documented, then it’s a bug. Internal commands are not intended for use in the document and their behaviour may change and this generally won’t be considered a bug if it doesn’t affect any of the user commands. (The exception to this are internal commands provided for developers that are documented in the user manual.) - The bug report will be checked for spam before being added to
the bug tracker. Since you are not logged in, you will have to periodically check the bug tracker
to find the report.
- glossaries language support: as from version 4.12, the glossaries language support has been separated into independent language modules. You need to install the appropriate language module in addition to installing/upgrading the glossaries package. (You should see a warning message in the transcript if the required module is missing when you build your document.) If you have found a bug in a language module, please contact the maintainer of that module. If there is no maintainer, you can volunteer using the contact page. I can’t arbitrate over issues regarding languages that I can’t speak. If the language module is unmaintained I will fix any syntactic errors that cause the LaTeX run to fail, but I won’t make any other modifications. If you ignore this and send in a bug report for a language module that involves issues with translations or language styles, the report will be closed. Each individual language module is quite small, so please consider volunteering.
- Likewise for the datetime2.sty language files.
Please use the GitHub issue tracker for the following:
I’m looking for volunteers to take over the maintenance of the following packages:
I wrote these for other people and don’t use them myself. It would be better if they were developed by someone who actively uses them on a regular basis. If you are willing to take over either of them, contact me and I will notify CTAN.
You may cross-reference another bug report using the “Cross-reference” field on the next page (optional).