Bug Tracker 
I’m currently working on a major new version of the datatool package. This may take a while. Please be patient. (Experimental version available for testing.)
ID | 64🔗 |
Date: | 2014-08-05 02:03:04 |
Status | Closed (Fixed) |
Category | glossaries |
Version | 4.08 |
Summary | new keys do not expand properly as of this version |
OS | OS X Mavericks |
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As of updating glossaries to 4.08, use of macros related to added keys expand incorrectly, producing garbage in the output. It was working fine as far as I could see prior to the update. Glossary file:\makeglossaries \newglossaryentry{syllable}{% name={syllable}, ic={syllabic}, description={TO BE DEFINED} }
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\documentclass[b5paper,11pt,twoside,one column,openright]{memoir} \usepackage[bookmarks,colorlinks=true,linkcolor=blue,citecolor=blue,filecolor=black,urlcolor=blue,breaklinks=true, pdftitle={Karljürgen G. Feuerherm---Introduction to Classical Hebrew},pdfauthor={Karljürgen G. Feuerherm},unicode]{hyperref} \usepackage[toc,xindy]{glossaries} % Define "ic" key: \glsaddkey* {ic}% key {\glsentrytext{\glslabel}ic}% default value {\glsentryic}% command analogous to \glsentrytext {\Glsentryic}% command analogous to \Glsentrytext {\glsic}% command analogous to \glstext {\Glsic}% command analogous to \Glstext {\GLSic}% command analogous to \GLStext \newglossarystyle{mytreehypergroup}{% \setglossarystyle{treehypergroup}% base this style on the list style \renewenvironment{theglossary}% {% \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}% \setlength{\parskip}{0.5\baselineskip}% %\let\item\@idxitem }% {\par}% } \setglossarystyle{mytreehypergroup} \makeglossaries \loadglsentries{glossfile} %%% BEGIN DOCUMENT HERE \begin{document} \Gls{syllable} becomes \glsic{syllable} \printglossary \end{document}
This bug is now fixed in version 4.09. Please allow a few days for the new version to make its way into the TeX distributions.
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