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ID 293🔗
Date: 2025-03-10 15:45:53
Last update: 2025-03-11 10:35:51
Status Closed (Fixed)
Category tracklang
Version 1.6.5
Summary tracklang causes combination of pdfx and glossaries-extra to break

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After updating to TeXLive 2025 (specifically MacTeX), glossaries-extra together with pdfx causes an error in datatool.

Ulrike Fischer pointed out that this has to do with the test for \ifx\inputencodingname\undefined, as you can see in [TeX.SX Link].


Download (542B)






\newacronym{ac:PDF}{PDF}{probability density function}
\newacronym{ac:IID}{IID}{independent and identically distributed}




    Test: \glossary{ac:PDF}



Fixed in v1.6.6. (Bear in mind that tracklang.tex is a generic TeX file. LaTeX-specific commands can only be used in the tracklang.sty wrapper package.) Please allow a few days for it to reach the TeX distributions.

Unrelated to this issue, \glossary is not used by the glossaries or glossaries-extra package. The correct syntax is:


\newacronym{ac:PDF}{PDF}{probability density function}
\newacronym{ac:IID}{IID}{independent and identically distributed}



    Test: \gls{ac:PDF}




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