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I’m currently working on a major new version of the datatool package. This may take a while. Please be patient. (Experimental version available for testing.)

ID 279🔗
Submitted by: Junfeng Qiao
Date: 2024-08-09 14:03:32
Last update: 2024-08-09 14:15:42
Status Open
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Category glossaries-extra
Version 1.53
Summary Undefined control sequence \glsentrylongplural

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Hi, thanks for the great glossaries-extra package!

Today I encountered an edge case: when I tried to use the record count functionality, it seemed to not work with plural abbreviations. Probably it is easier to look at the MWE, in which I have additional comments to explain the issue, and my hack to fix it (seems to work, though I am not sure if it is the correct way to do it).

Thanks a lot for your time!



Download (1.29K)


 long={periodic boundary condition}


 category={same as entry}

% My hack, see comments around line 35 for explanations
% \newcommand{\glsentrylongplural}{\glsentrylongpl}
% \newcommand{\Glsentrylongplural}{\Glsentrylongpl}
% This is because in glossaries-extra v1.53 glossaries-extra.sty line 7886, the
% definition of \rglsplformat command uses \glsentrylongplural instead of
% \glsentrylongpl, same for \rGlsplformat in line 7896




% If I comment the following line 40 `\ab{pbc}`, lualatex complains:
% ! Undefined control sequence.
% <argument> \glsentrylongplural
%                     {pbc}
% But if I keep the next line, things work fine. Not sure why.
% \ab{pbc}
% Another solution is to define the command \glsentrylongplural,
% see the above two \newcomand at line 22 and 23.
% If they are removed, same error again.



% Compiled with:
% lualatex mwe.tex
% bib2gls --record-count mwe
% lualatex mwe.tex




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