Bug Tracker 
ID | 288🔗 |
Date: | 2025-03-05 11:06:03 |
Last update: | 2025-03-10 08:16:54 |
Status | Closed (Fixed) |
Category | datatool |
Version | 3.0 |
Summary | Missing file `datatool-l3fp.def' for math=l3fp. |
Cross Ref | 289 |
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The problem should be reproducible by compiling the mwe.tex file provided. The MWE creates a simple network using packages tikz and tikz-network.I use miktex on windows 11. The MWE was compiled using pdflatex.
I recently, 5 Mar 2025, updated miktex through its' console management tool. As a consequence of that update, I'm using v3.0 of the datatool package.
Note that I do not use the datatool package correctly. After some investigation, I found that the tikz-network package requires the datatool package. I am using v1.1 of the tikz-network package.
Importantly, the MWE compiles successfully with the previous version of datatool, that is v2.32. I know this because on a second computer, datatool v2.32 and tikz-network v1.1 are installed. As before using pdflatex under miktex the MWE compiles and produces the correct input.
I found this when revising previous diagrams.
Download (539B)
\documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz-network} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \clip (0,0) rectangle (6,6); \Vertex[x=0.785,y=2.375,color=red,opacity=0.5,label=Alice]{a} \Vertex[x=5.215,y=5.650,color=blue,opacity=0.5,label=Bob]{b} \Vertex[x=3.819,y=0.350,color=red,opacity=0.5,label=Claire]{c} \Vertex[x=4.654,y=2.051,color=blue,opacity=0.5,label=Dennis]{d} \Edge[,bend=-8.531](a)(c) \Edge[,bend=-8.531](c)(d) \Edge[,bend=-8.531](d)(b) \Edge[,bend=-8.531](a)(b) \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
I'm sorry it looks like the .def and .ldf files were missing from datatool.tds.zip. I'll get that fixed and upload a new version.
The files are in datatool.dtx so a stopgap measure is to download datatool.dtx and datatool.ins from your closest CTAN mirror and run latex datatool.ins
to extract the files.
Update: it turn out that the rollback files were also missing. There were some errors in the scripts used to generate the zip files that I uploaded to CTAN that missed out the ldf, def and rollback files. This is now fixed and 3.0.1 should by now have reached the TeX distributions. I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Date: 2025-03-07 12:55:55
In the MiKTeX Console it says I have version 3.0 but it does not give me an option to update to 3.0.1. When searching for updates it doesn't find any. How do I get version 3.0.1?
Date: 2025-03-07 13:25:38
Repying to: anonymous 2025-03-07 12:55:55
I'm guessing it's maybe a slight delay while it picks up the new version from the nearest CTAN mirror. I know it's reached TeX Live so it should reach MiKTeX soon. You can download the tds file manually from your closest CTAN mirror [Link] if you're in a hurry, but otherwise it would be better wait a few hours and update via MikTeX.
Date: 2025-03-10 07:45:07
Repying to: Nicola Talbot 🦜 2025-03-07 13:25:38
Still no update for "normal" Miktex usage =/
package datatool still on Version 3.0
Date: 2025-03-10 08:16:54
Repying to: Toni 2025-03-10 07:45:07
I’m sorry you’ll have to chase that up with MikTeX. The files are now all available and should have reached all the mirrors by now.
Date: 2025-03-11 11:21:18
Repying to: Nicola Talbot 🦜 2025-03-10 08:16:54
Yeah thx a lot =)
I switched to TexLive and it works just fine.
Read something about that Miktex can take weeks before the updated version is pushed.
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Page permalink: https://www.dickimaw-books.com/bugtracker.php?key=288
Date: 2025-03-06 00:05:35
Thanks for the prompt fix. And apologies for some issues in my original post above ("package correctly" should be "package directly", "correct input" should be "correct output").