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ID 173🔗
Date: 2021-06-08 07:42:45
Status Closed (Fixed)
Category glossaries
Version 4.46
Summary .glsdefs is not updated

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Following are the steps to reproduce:
  1. Compile minimal working example
  2. Change the test glossary entry's description
  3. Compile minimal working example
  4. Compile minimal working example
Expected behavior: The new description should show up in the document.

Actual behavior: The old description shows up in the document.

While the documentation states "if you modify an entry definition, you need a second run to see the effect of your modification", this does not help.

Possible root of the bug:

By using \ifglsentryexists, the new dfinition is not used. Not even for \@gls@writedef.


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Fixed in v4.47. (You may need to delete your .glsdefs file after upgrading.)

Note that this update slightly changes the format of the .glsdefs file. If anyone has a system that parses this file (for example, to pick up labels for autocompletion) it will need to be modified.

Old format:

key value list
New format:
key value list



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You can use the following markup:


[pre]Displayed verbatim[/pre]
[quote]block quote[/quote]

In line:

[file]file/package/class name[/file]
[em]emphasized text[/em]
[b]bold text[/b]
[url]web address[/url] [sup]superscript[/sup]

Ordered list:
[li]first item[/li]
[li]second item[/li]

Unordered list:
[li]first item[/li]
[li]second item[/li]

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Page permalink: https://www.dickimaw-books.com/bugtracker.php?key=173

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