Commands or environments defined in the LaTeX kernel are always available.
Exclamation symbol (end of sentence marker) § 2.13 Inter-Sentence Spacing;
Used in \resizebox
to maintain aspect ratio § 6.1 Graphical Transformations.
Upside-down exclamation mark symbol. See also
. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Replacement text for argument <digit>. § 8. Defining Commands
Switches in and out of in-line math mode. § 9.1 In-Line Mathematics
Comment character used to ignore everything up to and including the newline character in the source code. § 2. Some Definitions
Alignment tab. § 4.6.1 Column and Row Separation
Closing quote or apostrophe symbol in text mode
or prime symbol
in math mode. See also
. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Closing double quote symbol in text mode
or double prime
in math mode. See also
. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Opening parenthesis in text mode or left round bracket delimiter in math mode. § 9.4.9 Delimiters
Closing parenthesis in text mode or right round bracket delimiter in math mode. § 9.4.9 Delimiters
Hyphen - in text mode or minus sign
in math mode. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
En-dash symbol. (Normally used for number ranges.)
See also \textendash
. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Em-dash symbol. (Normally used to
indicate omissions or interruptions or to highlight a parenthetical element.)
See also \textemdash
. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
1) period (full stop) or decimal point § 2.13 Inter-Sentence Spacing; 2) invisible delimiter § 9.4.9 Delimiters.
Forward slash symbol (see also \slash
) § 2. Some Definitions;
Directory divider § 6. The graphicx Package;
Forward slash delimiter (math mode) § 9.4.9 Delimiters.
Less than symbol. (Use \textless
in text mode.) § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Used in tabular or array column specifiers after l, r, c, p, m or b to insert <decl> directly after the entry for that column. § 4.6 Aligning Material in Rows and Columns
Argument Summary:
- <decl> The code to insert at the end of the column.
Greater than symbol. (Use \textgreater
in text mode.) § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Used in tabular or array column specifiers before l, r, c, p, m or b to insert <decl> directly in front of the entry for that column. § 4.6 Aligning Material in Rows and Columns
Argument Summary:
- <decl> The code to insert at the start of the column.
Upside-down question mark symbol. See also
. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Used in the argument of tabular or array like environments to specify text to insert between columns. § 4.6 Aligning Material in Rows and Columns
Argument Summary:
- <text> Text to insert between columns
1) Open delimiter of an optional argument § 2.8.2 Optional Arguments; 2) Open square bracket in text mode § 4.4.1 Unordered Lists; 3) Left square bracket delimiter in math mode § 9.4.9 Delimiters.
Escape character (indicates a command). § 2.6 Commands
Negative thin space. § 9.4.12 Mathematical Spacing
Umlaut over <c>. Example: \"{o} produces ö. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character that requires an umlaut over it.
Hash # symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Dollar $ symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Percent % symbol § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Ampersand & symbol § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Acute accent over <c>. Example:
{o} produces ó. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character that requires an acute accent over it.
Equivalent to \begin
{math}. § 9.1 In-Line Mathematics
Equivalent to \end
{math}. § 9.1 In-Line Mathematics
Thin space. § 9.4.12 Mathematical Spacing
Insert discretionary hyphen. § 2.14 Hyphenation
Dot over <c>. Example:
{o} produces ȯ. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character that requires a dot over it.
Italic correction. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Medium space. § 9.4.12 Mathematical Spacing
Thick space. § 9.4.12 Mathematical Spacing
Macron accent over <c>. Example:
{o} produces ō. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character that requires a macron accent over it.
Used when a sentence ends with a capital letter. This command should be placed after the letter and before the punctuation mark. § 2.13 Inter-Sentence Spacing
Starts an unnumbered single-line of displayed maths. § 9.2 Displayed Mathematics
1) Breaks a line without justification (starred form forbids a page break) § 2.8.2 Optional Arguments; 2) Starts a new row in tabular-style environments § 4.6.1 Column and Row Separation.
Argument Summary:
- <height> Extra vertical space.
Ends an unnumbered single-line of displayed maths. § 9.2 Displayed Mathematics
Underscore _ symbol (see also \textunderscore
). § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Grave accent over <c>. Example:
{o} produces ò. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character that requires a grave accent over it.
Left brace { character. In math mode may be used as a delimiter. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Double vertical bar
delimiter § 9.4.9 Delimiters
Right brace { character. In math mode may be used as a delimiter. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Tilde accent over <c>. Example:
{o} produces õ. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character that requires a tilde accent over it.
Circumflex accent over <c>. Example:
{o} produces ô. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character that requires a circumflex accent over it.
(Backslash followed by space character.) Horizontal spacing command. § 2.13 Inter-Sentence Spacing
1) Closing delimiter of an optional argument § 2.8.2 Optional Arguments; 2) Closing square bracket in text mode § 4.4.1 Unordered Lists; 3) Right square bracket delimiter in math mode § 9.4.9 Delimiters.
Displays its argument as a subscript. § 9.4.3 Subscripts and Superscripts
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The subscript.
Open quote symbol. See also \textquoteleft
. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Open double quote symbol. See also \textquotedblleft
. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Marks the beginning of a group. § 2.7 Grouping (or Scope)
Delimiter. (Math mode only. Use \textbar
in text mode.) § 9.4.9 Delimiters;
Vertical rule specifier (tabular or
array) § 9.4.10 Arrays.
Marks the end of a group. § 2.7 Grouping (or Scope)
Unbreakable space. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Displays its argument as a superscript. § 9.4.3 Subscripts and Superscripts
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The superscript.
Upper case A-ring Å character. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Lower case a-ring å character. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Displays its contents as an abstract. § 5.2 Abstract
Text used in abstract heading. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Adds a sectional unit header to the contents list. § 5.4 Creating a Table of Contents
Argument Summary:
- <toc> The extension of the required external file without the dot (for example, toc for the table of contents or lof for the list of figures).
- <section unit> The name of the sectional unit (for example, chapter).
- <text> The text to be added to the contents list.
Adds <code> to the definition of <command>. (See also \appto
.) § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Argument Summary:
- <command> The command that needs patching.
- <code> The additional code to add to the command definition.
Increments the value of a counter by the given amount. § 11. Counters
Argument Summary:
- <counter> The name of the counter that needs changing.
- <number> The amount by which to increment the counter. (Must be an integer.)
Sets the font characteristics for the given KOMA-Script element. § 5.3 Chapters, Sections, Subsections ...
Argument Summary:
- <element name> The element's name, for example chapter. See the KOMA-Script manual for a full list of defined elements.
- <commands> The font changing commands to apply to that element.
Adds <dimension> to the value of the given length register. § 2.17 Lengths
Argument Summary:
- <register> The name of the length register (for
). - <dimension> The dimension to add to the length.
Æ ligature. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
æ ligature. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Used for numbered aligned equations. § 9.3 Multiple Lines of Displayed Maths
Used for unnumbered aligned equations. § 9.3 Multiple Lines of Displayed Maths
Displays counter value as an upper case letter. (A, B, C, ..., Z) § 11. Counters
Argument Summary:
- <counter> The name of the counter.
Displays counter value as a lower case letter. (a, b, c, ..., z) § 11. Counters
Argument Summary:
- <counter> The name of the counter.
Greek lower case alpha
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Binary operator
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Used to separate authors in \author
§ 5.1 Author and Title Information
Indicates (but doesn't print anything) that the document is switching to the appendices. If chapters exist, the chapter numbering is reset and switched to a different format (usually upper case letters) otherwise the section numbering is reset and switched to a different format. § 5.3 Chapters, Sections, Subsections ...
Number prefix used in appendix headings. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Adds <code> to the definition of <command>. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Argument Summary:
- <command> The command that needs patching.
- <code> The additional code to add to the command definition.
Displays counter value as an Arabic number. (1, 2, 3, ...) § 11. Counters
Argument Summary:
- <counter> The name of the counter.
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Environment for lining things up in rows and columns. Use tabular for text mode. § 9.4.10 Arrays
Argument Summary:
- <v-pos> Vertical alignment of the entire environment with respect to the surrounding baseline. May be one of t (top), b (bottom) or c (centered).
- <column specifiers> Indicates how to align the columns.
Length register specifying half the gap between columns in an array environment. § 9.4.10 Arrays
Binary operator
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Specifies the document author (or authors). This command doesn't
display any text so may be used in the preamble, but if it's not
in the preamble it must be placed before \maketitle
. § 5.1 Author and Title Information
Argument Summary:
- <name> The name (or names) of the document author (or authors).
Bar under <c>. Example:
{r} produces ṟ. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character that requires the bar under it.
Suppresses chapter and section numbering, but still adds unstarred
sectional units to the table of contents. (See also \frontmatter
and \mainmatter
.) § 5.7 Page Styles and Page Numbering
symbol, which may be used
as a delimiter. (Use
for text mode.) § 9.4.9 Delimiters
A length register that stores the current interline spacing. This is recalculated whenever the font changes. § 10. Defining Environments
Starts an environment. (Must have a matching \end
§ 2.15 Environments
Argument Summary:
- <env-name> The name of the environment. (No backslash.)
- <env-option> An optional argument that may be passed to the environment. Not all environments have optional arguments.
- <env-arg-1>...<env-arg-n> Any mandatory arguments required by the environment. Not all environments require arguments.
Greek lower case beta
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Typesets the environment contents in a bold font. § 2.15 Environments
Switches to the bold weight in the current font family. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Indicates the start of a new reference in the bibliography. May only be used inside the contents of thebibliography environment § 5.6 Creating a Bibliography
Argument Summary:
- <tag> If present, overrides the marker at the start of the reference.
- <key> A unique key that identifies this reference so
it can be cited elsewhere in the document using
Text used for bibliography chapter heading. (See also
.) § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Collection intersection
symbol (may take limits). § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Binary operator
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Collection union
symbol (may take limits). § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Right delimiter sizing. § 9.4.9 Delimiters
Argument Summary:
Right delimiter sizing. § 9.4.9 Delimiters
Argument Summary:
Big operator
(may take limits). § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Big operator
(may take limits). § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Big operator
(may take limits). § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Right delimiter sizing. § 9.4.9 Delimiters
Argument Summary:
Right delimiter sizing. § 9.4.9 Delimiters
Argument Summary:
Big operator
(may take limits). § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Binary operator
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Binary operator
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Big operator
(may take limits). § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Big operator
(may take limits). § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Big operator
(may take limits). § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Like the array environment, but doesn't have an argument and adds curly brace delimiters. § 9.4.10 Arrays
Like the array environment, but doesn't have an argument and adds square bracket delimiters. § 9.4.10 Arrays
Modulo operator. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Like \mathbf
but also works for numbers and
many nonalphabetical symbols. (See also \pmb
.) § 9.4.1 Maths Fonts
Argument Summary:
- <symbol> The character or symbol on which to apply the font change.
Horizontal rule for the bottom of a tabular environment. § 4.6.3 Rules
Argument Summary:
- <wd> Thickness of the rule (dimension).
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Binary operator
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Cedilla under <c>. Example:
{o} produces ǫ. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character that requires the cedilla.
Binary operator
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Inserts the caption for a float such as a figure or table. This command has a moving argument. § 7. Floats
Argument Summary:
- <short caption> If provided, an abbreviated caption to go in the list of figures/tables etc.
- <caption text> The caption contents.
Used to set up the options affecting float captions. § 7.4 Sub-Floats
Argument Summary:
- <float type> The float type.
- <options> A <key>=<value> comma-separated list of options.
Like the array environment, but adds a left brace start delimiter and an invisible end delimiter. § 9.4.10 Arrays
Centred dot
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Centred ellipses
symbol. § 9.4.8 Ellipses
Switches the paragraph alignment to centred. § 2.12 Declarations
Displays a continued fraction. § 9.4.5 Fractions
Argument Summary:
- <pos> May be l (left) or r (right).
- <numerator> The numerator (above the line).
- <denominator> The denominator (below the line).
Inserts a chapter heading. This command has a moving argument. § 5.3 Chapters, Sections, Subsections ...
Argument Summary:
- <short title> An abbreviated form of the title to go in the table of contents or the page header.
- <title> The title.
Number prefix used in chapter headings. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Greek lower case chi
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Inserts the citation markers of each reference identified in the key list. A second run is required to ensure the reference is correct. § 5.6 Creating a Bibliography
Argument Summary:
- <text> Additional text to insert into the citation (such as the chapter number, or a particular page or page range within the citation).
- <key list> A comma-separated list of keys used in
the corresponding
A declaration that switches the current foreground colour to the given specification. § 8. Defining Commands
Argument Summary:
- <model> The colour model, for example rgb or named.
- <specs> The colour specification for the given model. For example, if the rgb model is chosen, <specs> must be a comma-separated list of three numbers each between 0 and 1.
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Text used for table of contents heading. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
symbol (may take limits). § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Copyright © symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Inserts into the output file the time when the LaTeX
application created it from the source code. § 4.2.1 Changing the Format of
Dot under <c>. Example:
{o} produces ọ. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character that requires the dot under it.
Dagger symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Binary operator
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Specifies the document date. This command doesn't
display any text so may be used in the preamble, but if it's not
in the preamble it must be placed before \maketitle
. If omitted, most
classes assume the current date (as provided by \today
). § 5.1 Author and Title Information
Argument Summary:
- <text> The document date.
Double-dagger symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Binary operator
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Changes the format of \today
so that it displays the date in
the form 02/05/2013 (day/month/year in digits). § 4.2.1 Changing the Format of
Diagonal ellipses
symbol. § 9.4.8 Ellipses
Used to defined your own caption label formats. § 7.4 Sub-Floats
Argument Summary:
Specify the file extensions to look for if no extension is used in
§ 6. The graphicx Package
Argument Summary:
- <ext-list> A comma-separated list of extensions.
Defines a new maths operator. The starred version allows limits. § Defining New Functional Operators
Argument Summary:
- <cmd> The name of the new operator command (must begin with a backslash).
- <operator name> The name of the maths operator.
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Greek upper case delta
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Greek lower case delta
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Labelled list. § 4.4.3 Description Environment
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Binary operator
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Inserts PostScript ZapfDingbats character with code <n>, which must be an integer. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Argument Summary:
- <n> The decimal code of the required character.
A list where the item marker is given by character <number> in the Zapf Dingbats font. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Argument Summary:
- <number> The character code for the item marker.
Allows a page break in multi-lined maths environments, such as align. § 9.3 Multiple Lines of Displayed Maths
Argument Summary:
- <n> An integer from 0 to 4 indicating how strongly you want a page break to occur. The higher the number, the stronger the request.
Division operator
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
The body of the document. § 4. Creating a Simple Document
Loads the document class file, which sets up the type of document you wish to write. § 4. Creating a Simple Document
Argument Summary:
- <option-list> A comma-separated list of options to pass to the class file or any packages that will later be loaded.
- <class-name> The name of the document class. This corresponds to a file called <class-name>.cls, which must be installed.
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
for dots with binary
operators/relations. § 9.4.8 Ellipses
Puts a double-lined frame around its contents, prohibiting a line break in the contents. § 4.7.1 Framed Boxes
Argument Summary:
- <text> The contents of the box.
Double-lined down arrow
. (May be used as a delimiter.) § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Down arrow
. (May be used as a delimiter.) § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Toggles the upright and italic/slanted form of the current font family. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Typesets the environment contents in an emphasized font. (Switches to italic/slanted if the surrounding font is upright, or switches to upright if the surrounding font is italic/slanted.) § Emphasizing Words or Phrases
Toggles the upright and italic/slanted rendering of <text>. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Argument Summary:
- <text> The text on which to apply the font change.
Ends an environment. (Must have a matching \begin
.) § 2.15 Environments
Argument Summary:
- <env-name> The name of the environment.
Horizontal spacing command (half as wide as \quad
). § 2.13 Inter-Sentence Spacing
Ordered list. § 4.4.2 Ordered Lists
Greek lower case epsilon
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Short cut for (\ref
{<label>}) for
referencing equations. § 9.2 Displayed Mathematics
Argument Summary:
- <label> The required label that was used in the
Displays its contents as a single-lined numbered equation. § 9.2 Displayed Mathematics
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Greek lower case eta
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Specifies the default font family. Defaults to
but may be redefined by certain classes. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Puts a frame around its contents, prohibiting a line break in the contents. § 4.7.1 Framed Boxes
Argument Summary:
- <text> The contents of the box.
Floats the contents to the nearest location according to the
preferred placement options, if possible. Within the environment,
may be used one or more times, as required.
The caption will usually include the prefix given by
§ 7.1 Figures
Argument Summary:
- <placement> The preferred placement.
Number prefix used in figure captions. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Displays counter value as footnote symbol. (
) § 11. Counters
Argument Summary:
- <counter> The name of the counter.
Inserts a footnote. § 4.1 Using Simple Commands
Argument Summary:
- <number> Overrides the default footnote number with the specified <number>.
- <text> The footnote text.
Switches to footnote sized text. § 4.5.2 Changing the Font Size
“For all”
symbol. § 9.4.8 Ellipses
Typesets the given text using any predefined names or date formats supplied by the given language. § 5.8 Multi-Lingual Support: using the babel package
Argument Summary:
- <language> The language identifier.
- <text> The foreign text.
Displays a fraction. § 9.4.5 Fractions
Argument Summary:
- <numerator> The numerator (above the line).
- <denominator> The denominator (below the line).
Puts a frame around its contents, prohibiting a line break in the contents. § 4.7.1 Framed Boxes
Argument Summary:
- <width> The width of the box. (If omitted, this value is the natural width of the box contents.)
- <align> Horizontal alignment of box contents (c if omitted).
- <text> The contents of the box.
Switch to French spacing. § 2.13 Inter-Sentence Spacing
Switches to lower case Roman numeral page numbering. Also suppresses
chapter and section numbering, but still adds unstarred sectional
units to the table of contents. (See also \mainmatter
and \backmatter
.) § 5.7 Page Styles and Page Numbering
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Greek upper case gamma
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Greek lower case gamma
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Left arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Double acute diacritic over <c>. Example:
{o} produces Ő. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character that requires the double acute diacritic.
Length register specifying the thickness of \toprule
. § 4.6.3 Rules
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Hooked left arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Hooked right arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Inserts a horizontal gap of the given width. § 4.6 Aligning Material in Rows and Columns
Argument Summary:
- <length> The width of the horizontal gap.
Switches to extra-huge sized text. § 4.5.2 Changing the Font Size
Switches to huge sized text. § 4.5.2 Changing the Font Size
Specifies hyphenation points. § 2.14 Hyphenation
Argument Summary:
- <word> Word with hyphen points indicated with a dash (-).
Dotless i character: ı. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Tests the current language. § 5.8 Multi-Lingual Support: using the babel package
Argument Summary:
- <language> The language identifier.
- <true text> The text to typeset if true.
- <false text> The text to typeset if not true.
Used in begin environment code to suppress any spaces occurring
at the start of the environment (see also \ignorespacesafterend
). § 10. Defining Environments
Used in end environment code to suppress any spaces following the end of the environment. § 10. Defining Environments
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Inserts a graphics file into the document. § 6. The graphicx Package
Argument Summary:
- <key vals> Comma-separated list of options that can be used to change the way the image is displayed.
Adds indexing information to an external index file. The command
must be used in the preamble to enable
this command. The external index file must be post-processed with
an indexing application, such as makeindex. § 8. Defining Commands
Argument Summary:
- <text> The text to go in the index.
Text used for index heading. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
symbol. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
symbol (may take limits). § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Used for a short interjection in the middle of a multi-line displayed maths, such as in an align environment. May only appear right after \\. § 9.3 Multiple Lines of Displayed Maths
Argument Summary:
- <text> The interjection text.
Greek lower case iota
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Specifies the start of an item in a list. (Only allowed inside one of the list making environments.) § 4.4 Lists
Argument Summary:
- <marker> If specified, the default item marker is replaced with <marker>.
Unordered list. § 4.4.1 Unordered Lists
Switches to the italic form of the current font family, if it exists. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Typesets the environment contents in an italic font. § Emphasizing Words or Phrases
Dotless j character: ȷ. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Greek lower case kappa
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Upper case L-bar Ł character. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Lower case l-bar ł character. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Assigns a unique textual label linked to the most recently
incremented cross-referencing counter in the current scope (see
also \ref
). § 5.5 Cross-Referencing
Argument Summary:
- <string> A unique label that can be referenced
elsewhere in the document with
. (It's best to just use alphanumerics and non-active punctuation characters in the label.)
Defines how the label for the counter <ctr> should be formatted. The definition <defn> should use #1 to indicate the label value. § 7.4 Sub-Floats
Argument Summary:
- <ctr> The name of the counter.
- <defn> How to display the value of the counter.
The default label for the first level itemize. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
The default label for the second level itemize. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
The default label for the third level itemize. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
The default label for the fourth level itemize. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Greek upper case lambda
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Greek lower case lambda
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
delimiter. § 9.4.9 Delimiters
Switches to extra-extra-large sized text. § 4.5.2 Changing the Font Size
Switches to extra-large sized text. § 4.5.2 Changing the Font Size
Switches to large sized text. § 4.5.2 Changing the Font Size
Typesets the
logo. § 2.6 Commands, 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Typesets the
logo. § 5.6 Creating a Bibliography
Left ceil
delimiter. § 9.4.9 Delimiters
Ellipses ... symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Indicates a left stretchable delimiter. Must have a matching
. § 9.4.9 Delimiters
Argument Summary:
Double-lined left arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Left arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Left down harpoon
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Left up harpoon
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Double-ended double-lined horizontal arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Double-ended horizontal arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Left floor
delimiter. § 9.4.9 Delimiters
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Requests a line break, ensuring the paragraph remains justified. This may cause excess white space in the paragraph. § B.29 There's no line here to end
Argument Summary:
- <n> An integer from 0 to 4 indicating how strongly you want a line break to occur. The higher the number, the stronger the request to break the line.
A length containing the desired current line width. This is
usually the width of the typeblock, but inside a minipage
or \parbox
it will be the width the box. Note that
the actual contents of the line may fall short of the line width
(underfull hbox) or extend beyond it (overfull hbox). § 4.7 Boxes and Mini-Pages
Text used for list of figures heading. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Inserts the list of figures. A second (possibly third) run is required to ensure the page numbering is correct. § 7.1 Figures
Inserts the list of tables. A second (possibly third) run is required to ensure the page numbering is correct. § 7.2 Tables
Text used for list of tables heading. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Long double-lined left arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Long left arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Long double-lined double-ended horizontal arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Long double-ended horizontal arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Long mapping arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Long double-lined right arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Long right arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Switches to Arabic page numbering and enables
chapter and section numbering. (See also
and \backmatter
.) § 5.7 Page Styles and Page Numbering
Enables \index
. § 8. Defining Commands
Generates the title page (or title block). This command is usually placed at the beginning of the document environment. § 5.1 Author and Title Information
Mapping arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Specifies information for the left and right page headers. Not all page styles use this information, in which case the arguments are ignored. § 5.7 Page Styles and Page Numbering
Argument Summary:
Specifies information for the right (odd) page header. Not all page styles use this information, in which case the argument is ignored. § 5.7 Page Styles and Page Numbering
Argument Summary:
Sets its contents in in-line math mode. § 9.1 In-Line Mathematics
Typesets its argument in the blackboard bold font.
Example: \(\mathbb
{R}\) produces
. § 9.4.1 Maths Fonts
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The maths to be displayed in a blackboard bold font.
Renders <maths> in the predefined maths bold font. (Doesn't
work with numbers and nonalphabetical symbols.) See also \boldsymbol
. § 9.4.1 Maths Fonts
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The text on which to apply the font change.
Typesets its argument in the maths calligraphic font.
Example: \(\mathcal
{S}\) produces
. § 9.4.1 Maths Fonts
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The maths to be displayed in a calligraphic font.
Typesets its argument in Euler Fraktur letters.
Example: \(\mathfrak
{U}\) produces
. § 9.4.1 Maths Fonts
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The maths to be displayed in Euler Fraktur letters.
Renders <maths> in the predefined maths italic font. § 9.4.1 Maths Fonts
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The text on which to apply the font change.
Renders <maths> in the predefined maths serif font. § 9.4.1 Maths Fonts
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The text on which to apply the font change.
Renders <maths> in the predefined maths sans-serif font. § 9.4.1 Maths Fonts
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The text on which to apply the font change.
Renders <maths> in the predefined maths typewriter font. § 9.4.1 Maths Fonts
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The text on which to apply the font change.
Like the array environment, but doesn't have an argument. § 9.4.10 Arrays
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Ensures that the given text doesn't contain a line break. § 4.7 Boxes and Mini-Pages
Switches to the medium weight in the current font family. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Horizontal rule to go below headings row of a tabular environment. § 4.6.3 Rules
Argument Summary:
- <wd> Thickness of the rule (dimension).
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Makes a box with line-wrapped contents. (See also \parbox
.) § 4.7 Boxes and Mini-Pages
Argument Summary:
- <pos> The vertical alignment of the box relative to the surrounding text. (Centred if omitted.)
- <height> The height of the box. (If omitted the height is the natural height of the contents of the box.)
- <width> The width of the box.
An unnumbered heading not associated with any structuring level. § 5.3 Chapters, Sections, Subsections ...
Argument Summary:
- <heading> The heading text.
Modulo operator without parentheses. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The modulo (placed in parentheses).
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Minus or plus operator
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Greek lower case mu
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Spans multiple columns in a tabular-style environment. § 4.6.2 Spanning Columns
Argument Summary:
- <cols spanned> The number of columns to span.
- <col specifier> The alignment of this column-spanning entry.
- <text> The contents of this column-spanning entry.
North-East arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Negative thin space. § 9.4.12 Mathematical Spacing
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Defines a new command. § 8. Defining Commands
Argument Summary:
- <cmd> The new command name (including initial backslash).
- <n-args> The number of arguments this new command should have.
- <default> If the first argument should be optional, the default value if omitted.
- <text> What actions the command should perform.
Defines a new counter. § 11. Counters
Argument Summary:
- <counter> The name of the new counter.
- <outer counter> The name of the parent counter.
Defines a new environment. § 10. Defining Environments
Argument Summary:
- <env-name> The new environment name (no backslash).
- <n-args> The number of arguments this new environment should have.
- <default> If the first argument should be optional, the default value if omitted.
- <begin-code> Actions to perform at the start of the environment.
- <end-code> Actions to perform at the end of the environment.
Forces a line break. § B.29 There's no line here to end
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Suppress the indentation that would usually occur at the start of the next paragraph. § 10. Defining Environments
Switch to English spacing. § 2.13 Inter-Sentence Spacing
Switches to the default font style. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Switches to normal sized text. § 4.5.2 Changing the Font Size
<symbol command>
Negates the following symbol. Example: \not
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <symbol command> The symbol to be negated.
Suppresses equation numbering for the current row in environments such as align. § 9.3 Multiple Lines of Displayed Maths
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Greek lower case nu
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
North-West arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Upper case slashed-O Ø character. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Lower case slashed-o ø character. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Œ ligature. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
œ ligature. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Closed path integral
symbol (may take limits). § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Greek upper case omega
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Greek lower case omega
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Within the environment contents, predefined textual elements, such
as the date given by \today
or prefixes like “Chapter”,
are set to those supplied by the given language. § 5.8 Multi-Lingual Support: using the
babel package
Argument Summary:
- <language> The language identifier.
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Puts a thick-lined oval frame around its contents, prohibiting a line break in the contents. § 4.7.1 Framed Boxes
Argument Summary:
- <text> The contents of the box.
Puts a thin-lined oval frame around its contents, prohibiting a line break in the contents. § 4.7.1 Framed Boxes
Argument Summary:
- <text> The contents of the box.
Puts an extendible left arrow over <maths> § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The maths over which to put the arrow.
Puts an extendible left-right arrow over <maths> § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The maths over which to put the arrow.
Puts an extendible right arrow over <maths> § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The maths over which to put the arrow.
Paragraph ¶ symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Sets the style of the page numbers. § 5.7 Page Styles and Page Numbering
Argument Summary:
- <style> The page numbering style (e.g. roman for lower case Roman numerals).
Similar to \ref
but inserts the page number where the given
label was defined.
A second (possibly third) run of LaTeX is required to ensure the cross-references
are up-to-date.
§ 5.5 Cross-Referencing
Argument Summary:
- <string> The required label that was used in the
Sets the style of the headers and footers. § 5.7 Page Styles and Page Numbering
Argument Summary:
Insert a paragraph break. § 4. Creating a Simple Document
Inserts a subsubsubsection header. Most classes default to an unnumbered running header for this sectional unit. This command has a moving argument. § 5.3 Chapters, Sections, Subsections ...
Argument Summary:
- <short title> An abbreviated form of the title to go in the table of contents or the page header.
- <title> The title.
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Makes a box with line-wrapped contents. (More restrictive than minipage.) § 4.7 Boxes and Mini-Pages
Argument Summary:
- <pos> The vertical alignment of the box relative to the surrounding text. (Centred if omitted.)
- <height> The height of the box. (If omitted the height is the natural height of the contents of the box.)
- <width> The width of the box.
- <text> The contents of the box.
A length register that stores the indentation at the start of paragraphs. § 2.17 Lengths
A length register that stores the spacing between paragraphs. (If you're using one of the KOMA-Script classes, use the parskip option to set it to full or half line height.) § 2.17 Lengths
Inserts a part sectional unit. This command has a moving argument. § 5.3 Chapters, Sections, Subsections ...
Argument Summary:
- <short title> An abbreviated form of the title to go in the table of contents or the page header.
- <title> The title.
symbol. § 9.4.5 Fractions
Number prefix used in part headings. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Greek upper case phi
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Greek lower case phi
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Greek upper case pi
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Greek lower case pi
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Like the array environment, but doesn't have an argument and adds round bracket delimiters. § 9.4.10 Arrays
“Poor man's bold.” Overlays multiple copies of the symbol to
produce a bold effect for symbols that don't work with
. § 9.4.1 Maths Fonts
Argument Summary:
- <symbol> The symbol on which to apply the bold effect.
Modulo operator with parentheses. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The modulo (placed in parentheses).
Modulo operator with parentheses but no “mod”. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The modulo (placed in parentheses).
Pound £ symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Prints the index. Must be used with \makeindex
and \index
(The external index file must first be processed by an indexing application.) § 8. Defining Commands
symbol (may take limits). § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Used in a moving argument to prevent a fragile command from expanding. § 2.9 Moving Arguments And Fragile Commands
Argument Summary:
- <command> The fragile command that needs protecting.
Greek upper case psi
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Greek lower case psi
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Specifies the publisher (typeset after all the other titling information). § 5.1 Author and Title Information
Argument Summary:
- <text> The publisher text.
Horizontal spacing command (twice as wide as \quad
). § 9.4.12 Mathematical Spacing
Horizontal spacing command equal to the current font's em value. § 9.4.12 Mathematical Spacing
Ring over <c>. Example:
{u} produces ů. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character that requires the ring over it.
Ragged-left paragraph justification. § 2.12 Declarations
Ragged-right paragraph justification. § 2.12 Declarations
delimiter. § 9.4.9 Delimiters
Right ceil
delimiter. § 9.4.9 Delimiters
References the value of the counter linked to the given label. A second (possibly third) run of LaTeX is required to ensure the cross-references are up-to-date. § 5.5 Cross-Referencing
Argument Summary:
- <string> The required label that was used in the
Reflects the specified contents in the
-axis.) § 6.1 Graphical Transformations
Argument Summary:
- <text> The text to be reflected.
Text used for bibliography section heading. (See also
.) § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Increments the value of the given counter by one and allows the
counter to be cross-referenced using \ref
and \label
. § 11. Counters
Argument Summary:
- <counter> The name of the counter that needs incrementing.
Redefines an existing command. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Argument Summary:
- <cmd> The command name (including initial backslash).
- <n-args> The number of arguments this command should have.
- <default> If the first argument should be optional, the default value if omitted.
- <text> What actions the command should perform.
Redefines an existing environment. § 10.1 Redefining Environments
Argument Summary:
- <env-name> The environment name (no backslash).
- <n-args> The number of arguments this new environment should have.
- <default> If the first argument should be optional, the default value if omitted.
- <begin-code> Actions to perform at the start of the environment.
- <end-code> Actions to perform at the end of the environment.
Scales the specified contents to the given dimensions. § 6.1 Graphical Transformations
Argument Summary:
- <h length> The required width or ! to keep the aspect ratio.
- <v length> The required height or ! to keep the aspect ratio.
- <text> The text to be scaled.
Right floor
delimiter. § 9.4.9 Delimiters
Greek lower case rho
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Indicates a right stretchable delimiter. Must have a matching
. § 9.4.9 Delimiters
Argument Summary:
Double-lined right arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Right arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Right down harpoon
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Right up harpoon
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Right-left harpoons
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
The name of the default serif family as used by \rmfamily
Defaults to cmr (Computer Modern Roman). § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Switches to the predefined serif font. (Defaults to Computer Modern Roman.) § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Displays counter value as an upper case Roman number. (I, II, III, ...) § 11. Counters
Argument Summary:
- <counter> The name of the counter.
Displays counter value as a lower case Roman number. (i, ii, iii, ...) § 11. Counters
Argument Summary:
- <counter> The name of the counter.
Rotates the given contents by the given angle. § 6.1 Graphical Transformations
Argument Summary:
Sectional § symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Displays its argument as a subscript. § 9.4.3 Subscripts and Superscripts
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The subscript.
Scales the specified contents. § 6.1 Graphical Transformations
Argument Summary:
- <h scale> The horizontal scale factor.
- <v scale> The vertical scale factor. If omitted, the same as <h scale>.
- <text> The text to be scaled.
Switches to sub- or superscript sized text. § 4.5.2 Changing the Font Size
Switches to the small-caps form of the current font family, if it exists. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
South-East arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Inserts a section header. This command has a moving argument. § 5.3 Chapters, Sections, Subsections ...
Argument Summary:
- <short title> An abbreviated form of the title to go in the table of contents or the page header.
- <title> The title.
Switches to the named language. Predefined textual elements, such
as the date given by \today
or prefixes like “Chapter”,
are redefined to those supplied by the given language. § 5.8 Multi-Lingual Support: using the
babel package
Argument Summary:
- <language> The language identifier.
Sets the value of a counter. § 11. Counters
Argument Summary:
- <counter> The name of the counter that needs changing.
- <number> The new value. (Must be an integer.)
Sets the value of a length register. § 2.17 Lengths
Argument Summary:
- <register> The name of the length register (for
). - <dimension> The new dimension.
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
The name of the default sans-serif family as used by \sffamily
Defaults to cmss (Computer Modern Sans-serif). § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Switches to the predefined sans-serif font. (Defaults to Computer Modern Sans.) § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Puts a shadow frame around its contents, prohibiting a line break in the contents. § 4.7.1 Framed Boxes
Argument Summary:
- <text> The contents of the box.
Like the figure environment but rotates the entire figure (including caption) sideways. § 7.3 Sideways Floats
Like the table environment but rotates the entire table (including caption) sideways. § 7.3 Sideways Floats
Greek upper case sigma
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Greek lower case sigma
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Forward slash / symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Switches to the slanted form of the current font family, if it exists. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Switches to small sized text. § 4.5.2 Changing the Font Size
Like the array environment but doesn't have an argument and is designed for in-line maths. § 9.4.10 Arrays
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Displays its argument as a superscript. § 9.4.3 Subscripts and Superscripts
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The superscript.
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Displays a root. § 9.4.6 Roots
Argument Summary:
- <order> The order of the root. (If omitted, a square root).
- <operand> The operand.
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
SS (upper case ß). § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Eszett ß character. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Increments the value of the given counter by one. § 11. Counters
Argument Summary:
- <counter> The name of the counter that needs incrementing.
Used to form a subfigure within a figure
environment. The \caption
command may be used in this
environment to produce a subcaption. § 7.4 Sub-Floats
Argument Summary:
- <pos> The vertical alignment of the box relative to the surrounding text. (Centred if omitted.)
- <width> The width of the box.
Specifies the subject (typeset just above the title). § 5.1 Author and Title Information
Argument Summary:
- <text> The subject.
Inserts a subsubsubsubsection header. Most classes default to an unnumbered running header for this sectional unit. This command has a moving argument. § 5.3 Chapters, Sections, Subsections ...
Argument Summary:
- <short title> An abbreviated form of the title to go in the table of contents or the page header.
- <title> The title.
Analogous to \ref
but only references the subfigure
or subtable caption. § 7.4 Sub-Floats
Argument Summary:
- <label> The required label that was used in the
Inserts a subsection header. This command has a moving argument. § 5.3 Chapters, Sections, Subsections ...
Argument Summary:
- <short title> An abbreviated form of the title to go in the table of contents or the page header.
- <title> The title.
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Can be used to produce a multiline subscript or superscript. Lines are separated using \\. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The subscript or superscript maths with rows ended using \\
Inserts a subsubsection header. This command has a moving argument. § 5.3 Chapters, Sections, Subsections ...
Argument Summary:
- <short title> An abbreviated form of the title to go in the table of contents or the page header.
- <title> The title.
Used to form a subtable within a table
environment. The \caption
command may be used in this
environment to produce a subcaption. § 7.4 Sub-Floats
Argument Summary:
- <pos> The vertical alignment of the box relative to the surrounding text. (Centred if omitted.)
- <width> The width of the box.
Specifies the subtitle (typeset just below the title). § 5.1 Author and Title Information
Argument Summary:
- <text> The subtitle text.
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol (may take limits). § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
South-West arrow
. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Tie over <characters>. Example:
{xy} produces x͡y. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <characters> The characters that require the tie.
Length register specifying half the gap between columns in a tabular environment. § 4.6 Aligning Material in Rows and Columns
Floats the contents to the nearest location according to the
preferred placement options, if possible. Within the environment,
may be used one or more times, as required.
The caption will usually include the prefix given by
§ 7.2 Tables
Argument Summary:
- <placement> The preferred placement.
Number prefix used in table captions. § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Inserts the table of contents. A second (possibly third) run is required to ensure the page numbering is correct. § 5.4 Creating a Table of Contents
Environment for lining things up in rows and columns. Use array for math mode. § 4.6 Aligning Material in Rows and Columns
Argument Summary:
- <v-pos> Vertical alignment of the entire environment with respect to the surrounding baseline. May be one of t (top), b (bottom) or c (centered).
- <column specifiers> Indicates how to align the columns.
Behaves like \\ in a tabular-like environment but helps to disambiguate a line break in a paragraph cell from a row separator. § 4.6.1 Column and Row Separation
Overrides equation numbering for the current row in environments such as align. § 9.3 Multiple Lines of Displayed Maths
Argument Summary:
- <tag> The replacement for the equation number.
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Greek lower case tau
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Typesets the TeX logo. § 2.6 Commands
Displays its argument in the normal text font (as opposed to the current maths font). § 9.2 Displayed Mathematics
Argument Summary:
- <text> The text to be displayed in the normal text font.
Circumflex ^ symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Tilde ~ symbol. (If you are typing an
URL, use the url package, which provides \url
that allows you to directly type ~ in the address.) § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Backlash \ symbol. (Use
for math mode.) § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Vertical bar | symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Renders <text> with a bold weight in the current font family, if it exists. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Argument Summary:
- <text> The text on which to apply the font change.
Bullet * symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Sets <text> with the foreground colour according to the given <specs>. § 8. Defining Commands
Argument Summary:
- <<model>> The colour model, for example rgb or named.
- <<specs>> The colour specification for the given model. For example, if the rgb model is chosen, <specs> must be a comma-separated list of three numbers each between 0 and 1.
- <<text>> The text to be displayed in the given colour.
Em-dash symbol. (Normally used to indicate omissions or interruptions or to highlight a parenthetical element.) See also ---. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
En-dash symbol. (Normally used for number ranges.) See also --. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Upside-down exclamation mark symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Greater than > symbol. (Just use > in math mode.) § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
A length containing the height of the typeblock. Note that the actual contents of the page may fall short of the text height (underfull vbox) or extend beyond it (overfull vbox). This measurement does not include the header and footer areas. § 6. The graphicx Package
Renders <text> with the italic form of the current font family, if it exists. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Argument Summary:
- <text> The text on which to apply the font change.
Less than < symbol. (Just use < in math mode.) § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Renders <text> with a medium weight in the current font family. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Argument Summary:
- <text> The text on which to apply the font change.
Renders <text> in the default font style. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Argument Summary:
- <text> The text on which to apply the font change.
Centred period symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Upside-down question mark symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Opening double quote symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Closing double quote symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Opening single quote symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Closing single quote (or apostrophe) symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Registered symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Renders <text> in the predefined serif font. (Defaults to Computer Modern Roman.) § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Argument Summary:
- <text> The text on which to apply the font change.
Renders <text> with the small-caps form of the current font family, if it exists. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Argument Summary:
- <text> The text on which to apply the font change.
Renders <text> in the predefined sans-serif font. (Defaults to Computer Modern Sans.) § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Argument Summary:
- <text> The text on which to apply the font change.
Renders <text> with the slanted form of the current font family, if it exists. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Argument Summary:
- <text> The text on which to apply the font change.
Trademark TM symbol. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Renders <text> in the predefined monospaced font. (Defaults to Computer Modern Typewriter.) § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Argument Summary:
- <text> The text on which to apply the font change.
Underscore _ symbol (see also \textunderscore
). § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Renders <text> with the upright form of the current font family. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Argument Summary:
- <text> The text on which to apply the font change.
A length containing the width of the typeblock. Note that the actual contents of the line may fall short of the line width (underfull hbox) or extend beyond it (overfull hbox). This width does not include the area for marginal notes. § 2.17 Lengths
Inserts a special type of footnote in one of the titling fields,
such as \author
or \title
. Usually used for some form of
acknowledgement or affiliation. § 5.1 Author and Title Information
Displays the value of the given register (such as a length register).
Not to be confused with \the
<ctr> commands, such as \thefigure
. § 2.17 Lengths
Argument Summary:
- <register> The name of the register.
Bibliographic list. (See also \bibitem
). § 5.6 Creating a Bibliography
Argument Summary:
- <widest entry label> The widest label in the bibliography list.
Displays the current value of the chapter counter § 11. Counters
Displays the current value of the figure counter § 11. Counters
Displays the current value of the footnote counter § 11. Counters
Displays the current value of the page counter § 11. Counters
Displays the current value of the section counter § 11. Counters
Greek upper case theta
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Greek lower case theta
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Thin space. § 9.4.12 Mathematical Spacing
Like \pagestyle
but only affects the current page. § 5.7 Page Styles and Page Numbering
Argument Summary:
- <style> The name of the page style.
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Switches to tiny sized text. § 4.5.2 Changing the Font Size
Specifies the document title. This command doesn't
display any text so may be used in the preamble, but if it's not
in the preamble it must be placed before \maketitle
. § 5.1 Author and Title Information
Argument Summary:
- <text> The title of the document.
Specifies the title header (typeset at the top of the title page). § 5.1 Author and Title Information
Argument Summary:
- <text> The title header text.
Right arrow
. § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Inserts into the output file the date when the LaTeX application created it from the source code. § 4.1 Using Simple Commands, 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Horizontal rule for the top of a tabular environment. § 4.6.3 Rules
Argument Summary:
- <wd> Thickness of the rule (dimension).
Binary operator
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Binary operator
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
The name of the default typewriter family as used by \ttfamily
Defaults to cmtt (Computer Modern Typewriter). § 8.2 Redefining Commands
Switches to the predefined monospaced font. (Defaults to Computer Modern Typewriter.) § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Breve diacritic over <c>. Example:
{o} produces ŏ. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character that requires the breve diacritic.
Puts an extendible left arrow under <maths> § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The maths under which to put the arrow.
Puts an extendible left-right arrow under <maths> § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The maths under which to put the arrow.
Puts an extendible right arrow under <maths> § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <maths> The maths under which to put the arrow.
Double-lined up arrow
. (May be used as a delimiter.) § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Up arrow
. (May be used as a delimiter.) § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Double-ended double-lined vertical arrow
. (May be used as a delimiter.) § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Double-ended vertical arrow
. (May be used as a delimiter.) § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Switches to the upright form of the current font family. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Greek upper case upsilon
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Greek lower case upsilon
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Typesets an URL in a typewriter font and allows you to use characters such as ~. § 4.5.1 Changing the Font Style
Argument Summary:
- <address> The web address.
Loads the named packages. § 4.2 Packages
Argument Summary:
- <option-list> A comma-separated list of options to pass to the package.
- <package-list> A comma-separated list of package names (without the .sty extension).
Caron diacritic over <c>. Example:
{o} produces ǒ. § 4.3 Special Characters and Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character that requires the caron diacritic.
References the value of the given counter where a number rather than a counter name is required. § 11. Counters
Argument Summary:
- <counter> The name of the counter.
Variant Greek lower case alpha
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Variant Greek lower case phi
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Variant Greek lower case pi
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.4.4 Functional Names
Variant Greek lower case rho
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Variant Greek lower case sigma
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
A variant Greek lower case theta
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Vertical ellipses
symbol. § 9.4.8 Ellipses
Typesets its argument as a vector (defaults to a right arrow accent). § 9.4.11 Vectors
Argument Summary:
- <c> The character or symbol that represents a vector.
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Like the array environment, but doesn't have an argument and adds double vertical bar delimiters. § 9.4.10 Arrays
Like the array environment, but doesn't have an argument and adds single vertical bar delimiters. § 9.4.10 Arrays
Like \ref
but also adds information about the location, such
as “on page <n>” or “on the following page”.
§ 5.5 Cross-Referencing
Argument Summary:
- <string> The required label that was used in the
Inserts a vertical gap of the given height. § 11. Counters
Argument Summary:
- <length> The height of the vertical gap.
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
symbol. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Greek upper case xi
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
Greek lower case xi
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
An extendible left arrow with a superscript and optionally a subscript. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <subscript> The subscript to go under the arrow.
- <superscript> The superscript to go over the arrow.
An extendible right arrow with a superscript and optionally a subscript. § 9.4.7 Mathematical Symbols
Argument Summary:
- <subscript> The subscript to go under the arrow.
- <superscript> The superscript to go over the arrow.
Greek lower case zeta
. § 9.4.2 Greek Letters
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