11. Counters
As we have seen, LaTeX automatically generates numbers for
chapters, sections, equations etc. These numbers are stored in
counters. The names of these counters are usually the same
as the name of the object with which it is associated but without
any backslash. For example, the \chapter
command has an associated
counter called chapter, the \footnote
command has an
associated counter called footnote, the
equation environment has an associated counter called
equation, the figure environment has an associated counter
called figure and the table environment has an associated
counter called table. There is also a counter called
page that keeps track of the current page number.
The value of a counter can be displayed using the command
where <counter> is the name of the associated counter. Note
that <counter> does not go in curly braces and adjoins
(for example, \thepage
[Page number is wrong at
start of page], \thesection
). In fact, we have already encountered
in §7.4. Sub-Floats.

The mandatory argument <counter-name> is the name of your new counter (no backslash in the name). For example, let's define a counter called exercise to keep track of each exercise. (Recall the exercise example from §10. Defining Environments.)
We can now display the value of the counter using
the command \theexercise
. At the moment the counter
has the value zero, the value can be changed using one
of the following commands:
{<counter>}- Increments
<counter> by 1
{<counter>}- As above, but
allows you to cross-reference the counter using
Sets the counter to <num>
{<counter>}{<num>}- Adds <num> to <counter>
A couple of the commands above take a number <num> as one of the arguments. If you want to use another counter for this argument, you need to use
For example, if you want to set our new exercise counter to the same value as the page counter, you would do
Let's go back to the exercise environment you created in Exercise 25. The exercises really ought to have an associated number, and this number should be incremented each time we use the exercise environment. So let's modify our code to do this. Modifications are illustrated in bold like this:
{exercise}[1]% environment name
{% begin code
{Exercise \theexercise
{% end code
Note that the counter needs to be incremented before it is used.
I've also added an extra \vspace
at the end of the
environment and a paragraph break.
Since we've used \refstepcounter
instead of
we can cross-reference our
exercise environment:
This produces the following output:
The counter representation can be changed by redefining
[Redefining counters'
-commands] using the \renewcommand
command described in §8.2. Redefining Commands.
The following commands can be used to display the counter:
{<counter>}- Arabic numeral (1, 2, 3, ...)
{<counter>}- Upper case Roman numeral
(I, II, III, ...)
{<counter>}- Lower case Roman numeral
(i, ii, iii, ...)
{<counter>}- Lower case letter
(a, b, c, ..., z)
{<counter>}- Upper case letter
(A, B, C, ..., Z)
A footnote symbol
To make the chapter numbers appear as upper case Roman numerals you would do:
You may have noticed that \newcounter
has an optional
argument <outer-counter>. This is for use if you require the
new counter to be reset every time <outer-counter> is
incremented[Master and slave counters]. For example,
the section numbers in the scrbook class are dependent on the
chapter numbers. Each time a new chapter is started, the section
numbers are reset. Suppose we want our exercise counter to
be dependent on the chapter counter, we would do
Note that if you make a counter dependent on another counter like
this, the default action of \the
<counter> remains the
same, so \theexercise
won't print the chapter number.
To make the chapter number appear as well, we need to redefine
(recall §8.2. Redefining Commands):
Notice the use of \thechapter
instead of,
say, \arabic{chapter}
. This way
we don't need to keep track of the chapter counter format.
Example (Footnote Markers):
The footnote counter is reset at the start of each
chapter but by default the chapter number isn't displayed in
. In the PDF version of
this document \thefootnote
was redefined so that it
displays the chapter number:
Exercise 26: Using CountersModify the document from Exercise 25 so that the exercise environment has a counter. Make the counter dependent on the chapter. You can download or view an example.
This book is also available as A4 PDF or 12.8cm x 9.6cm PDF or paperback (ISBN 978-1-909440-00-5).