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Path and Text Styles

The way a path is displayed is governed by the line colour, the fill colour, the line styles (such as pen width and markers) and the winding rule. The way a text area is displayed is governed by the text colour, font, transformation matrix and (if exporting to a LaTeX file) the anchor. The way a text-path is displayed is governed by the text colour, font, anchor, transformation matrix and the underlying path. (A text area or text-path may also be rendered as an outline optionally with a fill colour, see Text Outlines.)

The current path colours and styles can be set using the Settings->Styles dialog box. This dialog box has a tabbed pane with five tabs. The tabs for setting the current path attributes are labelled: Line Colour, Fill Colour and Line Style. There is a sample panel on the right hand side illustrating the effects of the path settings you choose. The tabs for setting the current text area attributes are labelled: Text Colour and Font. There is a sample panel along the top illustrating the effects of the text area attributes you choose. Any subsequent new paths or text areas will be given the styles specified by the Settings->Styles dialog box. The current styles are saved when you exit FlowframTk, and will be in effect next time you use FlowframTk, unless you change the startup settings (see Image Settings Dialog).

defaultup.pngTo restore the default settings, click on the Default button located at the bottom right corner of the dialog box.

To change the style of an existing path, first select the path, and then use the Edit->Path sub menu: the line colour can be changed using the Edit->Path->Line Colour dialog box. The fill colour can be changed using the Edit->Fill Colour dialog box. The line style can be changed using the Edit->Path->Line Styles sub menu. If you have more than one path selected, the chosen attributes will be applied to all the paths in the selection. This is applied recursively through all paths within each selected group. Note that the Edit->Path dialog boxes only affect selected paths and do not affect new paths. You must use the Settings->Styles dialog box to set the current styles.

To change the style of an existing text area, first select the text area, and then use the Edit->Text sub menu: the text colour can be changed using Edit->Text->Text Colour and the text attributes can be changed using the Edit->Text->Font Style sub menu. If you have more than one text area selected, the chosen attributes will be applied to all the text areas in the selection. This is applied recursively through all text areas within each selected group. Note that the Edit->Text dialog boxes only affect selected text areas and do not affect new text areas. You must use the Settings->Styles dialog box to set the current styles.

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