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Note that FlowframTk can't load the files that it can export, so I strongly recommend that you first save the picture as a JDR or AJR file before exporting it, in case you wish to edit it later.

The File->Export menu allows you to export your image. There are essentially four types of export:

  1. Export to PNG.

    This just creates a PNG file with the image as shown on the canvas (without the grid or annotations) clipped to the image's bounding box. This export ignores all LaTeX settings.

  2. Export to LaTeX Package or Class.

    This creates a .cls or .sty file that uses the flowfram package to create the page layout defined by the image through the functions in the TeX/LaTeX->Flow Frames menu.

  3. Export to a pgfpicture environment.

    This creates a .tex file with the pgf code required to draw the image so that it can be included in a LaTeX document through the \input command.

  4. Export to a Single-Paged Document.

    This includes the export to LaTeX document or encapsulated LaTeX document as well the export to PDF, PostScript or SVG functions. These functions all create a .tex file that contains a complete LaTeX document, including document class and document environment.

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