Source Code
The source code is contained in the file, which is available from The source code was written and tested running under Linux. Some of the helper scripts may not run on other operating systems. This archive contains the following directories:
- flowframtk-0.8.4/bin
- scripts that load the required jar files into Java
- flowframtk-0.8.4/doc
- documentation
- flowframtk-0.8.4/lib
- required Java libraries
- flowframtk-0.8.4/src
- the Java source code.
- flowframtk-0.8.4/examples
- example images
In addition, the archive also contains the following files:
- important information about this distribution. Read this file before you try to compile the source.
- list of known bugs
- Makefile
- main makefile. Run "make all" to make all the applications
- icons
- application icons.
- change log
The documentation was written in LaTeX, but shares the dictionary resource files (flowframtk-<lang>.prop) used by FlowframTk to ensure that the documentation uses the correct menu and dialog labels. In addition, the Java code relies on the LaTeX documentation to provide the files required by the helpset (via LATEX2HTML and some helper Perl scripts). The labels used in the LaTeX source are also used in the Java code to identify the context dependent information required by the help buttons in many of the dialog boxes.