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Line Colour

The line colour is the colour used to draw the path's outline. You can specify one of the following:

No colour (the outline is not drawn).

A single colour is used for the outline. This can be specified as RGB (red green blue), CMYK (cyan magenta yellow black), HSB (hue saturation brightness) or grey scale. The alpha value changes the opacity (maximum value is solid, zero is completely transparent and a value in between produces a semi-transparent effect).

A two-tone gradient is used for the outline. This requires a start colour and an end colour. The shading may be linear or radial: if linear, you need to specify a direction using one of the direction buttons; if radial, you need to specify the starting location using one of the buttons provided.

Note that the colours you see on the screen may not exactly match colours produced by your printer due to the non-invertible mapping between colour spaces.

The colours are specified as integer values between 0 and 100, or between 0 and 359 in the case of hue. You can type in the number in the appropriate box or use the slider bars or you can click on one of the predefined colour buttons.

If you use one of the export functions, note:

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