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I’m currently working on a major new version of the datatool package. This may take a while. Please be patient. (Experimental version available for testing.)

ID 41🔗
Date: 2016-08-19 13:12:50
Status Open
Category glossaries-extra
Summary RTL glossary style

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Dear Colleague,
First, let me thank you for all what you do with your glossaries package, which was very useful for me, and for your amability for answering me every time I have a question about it on stackexchange. I send to you today, with your permission, a glossary style what I have done for my purpose, strongly inspired from your styles... and what I suggest you to insert in a next package:
     \setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 0.3pt}%
I use it in an arabic environment (so right-to-left) with polyglossia and I can produce with it a left-to-right glossary in two columns. Note that it's used with the multicol package.

With my many thanks.


No mwe.tex


I'm not very keen on the idea of adding new styles to the base package as I don't intend developing it any further (just bug fixes) or to glossaries-extra, which merely patches existing styles from the base package, but you could provide this style yourself. Save it in a file called, say, glossary-ltrmcol.sty and upload it to CTAN.



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