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I’m currently working on a major new version of the datatool package. This may take a while. Please be patient. (Experimental version available for testing.)

ID 20🔗
Date: 2013-12-06 07:26:30
Status Closed (Not Implemented)
Category glossaries
Summary Provide printacronymsstyle and printsymbolsstyle options

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Thanks to \printacronyms and \printsymbols macros, it is now easy to display list of acronyms and list of symbols on their own, independent from the main glossary list. But the glossary style (e.g. the default one) couldn't suit the requirements for e.g. list of symbols where a style displaying the "symbol column" could be required.

Hence, it could be nice for glossaries to provide printacronymsstyle and printsymbolsstyle options that let the user choose different styles for the corresponding lists.

Denis Bitouzé


No mwe.tex


Since it's possible to set the style using the style key in \printacronyms etc, I don't see the need to add the extra overhead of providing additional options.



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