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Further information about the commands or environments summarised here may be obtained from: the package or class documentation via texdocname⟩ (for class or package commands or environments); The TeXbook [46] (for TeX primitives); the LaTeX2e source documentation via texdoc source2e (for LaTeX Kernel commands or environments); the PDFTeX documentation via texdoc pdftex (for PDFTeX primitives); the eTeX documentation via texdoc etex (for eTeX primitives). If you use an up-to-date version of PDFLaTeX you will be able to use all the primitives described here. Older versions of LaTeX may not have some of the PDFTeX or eTeX primitives.



Defined in: arara directive.

Logical not. § 1.2 Arara


Defined in: graphicx package.

Used in \resizebox to maintain aspect ratio. § 10.3 The leaflet Class


Defined in: xcolor package.

Used in colour specifications to indicate colour mixtures or percentages. § 12.1 Flow Charts

A visual indication of a space in the code. When you type up the code, replace all instances of this symbol with a space via the space bar on your keyboard. § 1. Introduction


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Replacement text for argument ⟨digit⟩. (See Volume 1.) § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Replacement text for argument ⟨digit⟩ when the command definition is included in the definition of another command. § 2.7.5 Iteration Tips and Tricks


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Switches in and out of in-line math mode. (See Volume 1.) § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: tikz calc library.

When used with the tikz calc library this is used to indicate co-ordinate calculations. § 10.3 The leaflet Class


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Comment character used to ignore everything up to and including the EOL character in the source code. This is often used to suppress unwanted space caused by the EOL in source code. Sometimes comments are used to provide information to applications that build your document, such as arara. See also Volume 1. § 1. Introduction

% arara:

Instruction to arara indicating how to build the document. This is ignored if you are not using arara. With v4.0 long directives may have line breaks provided the continuation lines start with % arara: --> § 1.2 Arara


Defined in: arara directive.

Non-short-circuit logical and. § 1.2 Arara


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Alignment tab. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: arara directive.

Logical and. § 1.2 Arara


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Closing quote or apostrophe ’ symbol in text mode or prime symbol ′ in math mode. § 4.3 Building Your Own Invoice using longtable and datatool


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Closing double quote ” symbol in text mode or double prime ″ in math mode. § 2.7.2 Iterating Over a Comma-Separated List


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

En-dash – symbol. (Normally used for number ranges.) § 2.1.3 Arithmetic


Defined in: tikzpicture environment.

Used within the path specifications to indicate that a straight line should be drawn between two positions. § 12.1 Flow Charts


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Em-dash — symbol. (Normally used to indicate omissions or interruptions or to highlight a parenthetical element.) § 2.9 Null and Boolean Values


Defined in: arara directive.

Continuation from previous line. § 1.2 Arara


Defined in: tikzpicture environment.

Start arrow tip § 12.1 Flow Charts


Defined in: array package.

Used in tabular-like environment column specifiers before l, r, c, p, m or b to insert ⟨decl⟩ directly in front of the entry for that column. § 4.3 Building Your Own Invoice using longtable and datatool

Argument Summary:


Defined in: tikzpicture environment.

End arrow tip § 12.1 Flow Charts


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Used in the argument of tabular-like environments to specify text to insert between columns. Since ⟨text⟩ replaces the usual inter-column space, this may also be used with an empty argument to simply suppress that space. § 10.3 The leaflet Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Used when a sentence ends with a capital letter. This command should be placed after the letter and before the punctuation mark. § Glossary


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Indicates a sectioning command has just been used, so the next paragraph should have its indentation suppressed. § 6.5.2 Non-Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Identifies the output stream for the document's auxiliary file. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

The name of the current environment. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

TeX count register that keeps track of the current enumerate level. § Delving Deeper


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (internal command).

Just does the first argument and discards the second argument. See also \@secondoftwo. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (internal command).

Iterates through the comma-separated list and assigns the control sequence ⟨cs⟩ to the current item in the list so that it can be used as a placeholder in ⟨body⟩. The xfor package extends the functionality of this command, allowing you to terminate the loop at the end of the current iteration via \@endfortrue. § 2.7.2 Iterating Over a Comma-Separated List

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (internal command).

Determines if the control sequence given by ⟨cs-name⟩ (without the leading backslash) is undefined (or \relax). § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (internal command).

Defines the control sequence given by ⟨cs-name⟩ (without the leading backslash). § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (internal command).

Uses the control sequence given by ⟨cs-name⟩ (without the leading backslash). § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (internal command).

Just does the second argument and discards the first argument. See also \@firstoftwo. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Generates a “Too deeply nested” error. § Delving Deeper


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Open delimiter of an optional argument. (See Volume 1.) § 1. Introduction


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Escape character indicating a command. (See Volume 1.) § Glossary


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Umlaut over ⟨c⟩. Example: \"{o} produces ö. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Hash # symbol. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Dollar $ symbol. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Percent % symbol. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Ampersand & symbol. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Acute accent over ⟨c⟩. Example: \'{o} produces ó. § 5.1 The currvita Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Thin space. § 4.3 Building Your Own Invoice using longtable and datatool


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Starts an unnumbered single-line of displayed maths. § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Starts a new row in environments that have a concept of rows rather than paragraphs (such as the tabular-style environments). This may have a starred version and/or an optional argument. § 4.1 Writing an Invoice Using the isodoc Class


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Ends an unnumbered single-line of displayed maths. § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Underscore _ symbol. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Left brace { character. In math mode may be used as a delimiter. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Right brace { character. In math mode may be used as a delimiter. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

(Backslash followed by space character.) Horizontal spacing command. § 7.4 Parsing and Displaying Times


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Closing delimiter of an optional argument. (See Volume 1.) § 1. Introduction


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (Math Mode).

Displays its argument as a superscript. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (Math Mode).

Displays its argument as a subscript. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Open quote ‘ symbol. § 4.3 Building Your Own Invoice using longtable and datatool


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Open double quote “ symbol. § 2.7.2 Iterating Over a Comma-Separated List


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Marks the beginning of a group. (See Volume 1.) § 1. Introduction


Defined in: arara directive.

Non-short-circuit logical or. § 1.2 Arara


Defined in: arara directive.

Logical or. § 1.2 Arara


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Marks the end of a group. (See Volume 1.) § 1. Introduction


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Unbreakable space. (See Volume 1.) § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File



Defined in: pressrelease class.

For use within the pressrelease environment, this environment contains information about the company. § 6.2 Press Releases


Defined in: isodoc class.

Generates a table containing the account information needed to pay the invoice. § 4.1 Writing an Invoice Using the isodoc Class


Defined in: changes package.

Indicates that the given text has been added. § 13.1 Change Markup

Argument Summary:

\addplot[path options]plot specs⟩;

Defined in: pgfplots package.

Adds a plot to the current image. § 12.5 Plots

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Enable the point-totalling commands. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: letter class.

Specifies the sender's address. § 3.1 Writing a Letter Using the letter Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

Specifies the sender's address. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

Specifies the recipient's address. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: leaflet class (preamble only).

Indicates picture code to place on the page given by ⟨page-number⟩. The starred version refers to the sheet number instead. § 10.3 The leaflet Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Adds ⟨dimension⟩ to the value of the given length register. § Delving Deeper

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Increments the value stored in ⟨register⟩ by ⟨value⟩. The by keyword may be omitted. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Displays counter value as an upper case letter. (A, B, C, …, Z) § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Displays counter value as a lower case letter. (a, b, c, …, z) § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Used to separate authors in \author § 8. Presentations (The beamer Class)


Defined in: flowfram package.

Appends the given text to the contents of a dynamic frame. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Appends ⟨code⟩ to the definition of the control sequence ⟨cs⟩. Use \gappto for a global assignment. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Displays counter value as an Arabic number. (1, 2, 3, …) § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

A list like environment to format an argument. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Specifies code that should be performed at the beginning of the document environment. This command has a cumulative effect. § 7.3 Displaying a Date

Argument Summary:


Defined in: Most classes that have the concept of a title page.

Specifies the document author (or authors). This command doesn't display any text so may be used in the preamble, but if it's not in the preamble it must be placed before \maketitle. Some classes, such as beamer, provide an optional argument for this command. § 2.3 Security

Argument Summary:

Note that some classes, such as those supplied by journals or conference proceedings, may also define an optional argument that can be used to specify an abbreviated author list for the page headers.


Defined in: pgfplots package.

Create a plot with normal Cartesian axes. § 12.5 Plots

Argument Summary:



Defined in: background package.

Sets the background options. § The background Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

A TeX primitive that stores the minimum space from the bottom of one line to the bottom of the next line in a paragraph. This is recalculated whenever the font changes. § 3.6 Envelopes


Defined in: bchart package.

For use within the bchart environment, this draws a bar with the given value. § 12.3.1 The bchart Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: bchart package.

The font declaration used for the bar chart labels. § 12.3.1 The bchart Package


Defined in: bchart package.

Creates a bar chart. § 12.3.1 The bchart Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: bchart package.

For use within the bchart environment, this inserts a “free” label at the current position within the chart. § 12.3.1 The bchart Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: bchart package.

For use within the bchart environment, this inserts a gap of the given length. § 12.3.1 The bchart Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: bchart package.

For use within the bchart environment, this sets the x-axis label. § 12.3.1 The bchart Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Starts an environment. (Must have a matching \end. See Volume 1.) § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Switches to the bold weight in the current font family. See Volume 1. § 10.3 The leaflet Class


Defined in: background package.

Indicates the background should be displayed on the current page. (For use with the some pages option.) § The background Package


Defined in: bibentry package.

Prints the bibliographic entry for citation ⟨key⟩. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Indicates the start of a new reference in the bibliography. May only be used inside the contents of thebibliography environment § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Inputs the .bbl file (if it exists) and identifies the name(s) of the bibliography database files where the citations are defined. § 1.2 Arara

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Specifies the bibliography style to be used by bibtex. § 1.2 Arara

Argument Summary:


Defined in: ifsym package with geometry option.

Produces a large open circle. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Inserts a large vertical space. The size is given by the length \bigskipamount. § 10.3 The leaflet Class


Defined in: censor package.

Redacts ⟨text⟩, which can consist of one or more paragraphs. § 6.4.1 Redaction: The censor Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: beamer class.

Puts its contents in a titled block. § 8. Presentations (The beamer Class)

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Like \part but indicates the points are bonus marks. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Like \question but indicates the points are bonus marks. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Like \subpart but indicates the points are bonus marks. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Like \subsubpart but indicates the points are bonus marks. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exsheets package.

Displays the total number of bonus points. (Requires two LaTeX runs to ensure it's up to date.) The starred version omits the unit. § 9.2 The exsheets Package


Defined in: exam class.

Like \titledquestion but indicates the points are bonus marks. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: ifthen package.

May be used in the first argument of \ifthenelse to test the state of the named boolean variable. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Sets the given boolean variable's state to false. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Sets the given boolean variable's state to true. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: booktabs package.

Horizontal rule for the bottom of a tabular environment. § 2.6 Displaying Tabulated Data

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Changes the points format to use square brackets instead of the default parentheses. § 9.1 The exam Class



Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Inserts the caption for a float such as a figure or table. § 2.6 Displaying Tabulated Data

Argument Summary:

\cc{cc info}

Defined in: Classes that define the letter environment.

Used to indicate the additional recipients of the letter. § 3.1 Writing a Letter Using the letter Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

Specifies the distribution list. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

Sets distribution list. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: censor package.

Redacts ⟨text⟩ by replacing the text with a filled black rectangle of the same size. § 6.4.1 Redaction: The censor Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: censor package.

Alternative to \censor when the sensitive text should be omitted from the document source. § 6.4.1 Redaction: The censor Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: censor package.

Redacts ⟨contents⟩ (a box, such as a tabular environment) by replacing the contents with a filled black rectangle of the same size. § 6.4.1 Redaction: The censor Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: censor package.

Alternative to \censorbox when the sensitive text should be omitted from the document source. § 6.4.1 Redaction: The censor Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Centres its contents and places a small vertical gap above and below the environment. This gap can interfere with the vertical spacing in figure or table environments, so the use of center within a float is considered inappropriate. It can, however, be used outside a float where the gap may be useful to separate its contents from the previous and following paragraphs. § 3. Correspondence


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Switches the paragraph alignment to centred. (See Volume 1.) § 2.6 Displaying Tabulated Data


Defined in: meetingmins class.

Sets the name of the chair (for use within \setmembers and \setpresent). § 6.3.1 The meetingmins Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: arara directive.

Evaluates to true if the given file has changed. The argument ⟨ref⟩ may either be a string "⟨extension⟩" which indicates the file extension or a file reference toFile("filename"). § 1.2 Arara

Argument Summary:


Defined in: Book-style classes (such as scrbook or scrreprt) that have the concept of chapters.

Inserts a chapter heading. § 6.5.2 Non-Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering

Argument Summary:

The starred form of this command doesn't have an optional argument and doesn't increment or display the chapter counter.


Defined in: hyperref package.

A check box (for use within the Form environment.) § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

A list environment with checkbox choices as the items in the list. Items are specified via \choice. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: wasysym package.

Produces a square with a tick in it ☑. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form


Defined in: exam class.

For use in one of the choices or checkboxes environments, this commands starts a new choice. Use \CorrectChoice instead of \choice to indicate the correct choice. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: hyperref package.

A list menu, popup menu, combo menu or set of radio buttons (for use within the Form environment.) § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

A list environment with labelled choices as the items in the list. Items are specified via \choice. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

For use in the argument of \put, this command draws a circle with the given diameter (specified in terms of \unitlength. The starred version fills the circle. § 10.1 The picture Environment

Argument Summary:

\cite[text]{key list}

Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Inserts the citation markers of each reference identified in the key list. A second run is required to ensure the reference is correct. Some packages redefine \cite to have two optional arguments. (See Volume 2.) § 1.2 Arara

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Displays an error message for the given class. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

The closing text. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

Argument Summary:

\closing{sign-off text}

Defined in: Classes that define the letter environment.

Typesets the signing off text at the end of the letter. § 3.1 Writing a Letter Using the letter Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: environ package.

As amsmath's \collect@body but allows paragraph breaks within the environment. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: amsmath package.

Collects the contents of the current environment and passes it to the command ⟨cs⟩ which should take an argument. The environment contents may not contain any paragraph breaks. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: collect package.

Collects the body of the environment and stores ⟨before⟩⟨body⟩⟨after⟩ in the given macro. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: color and xcolor packages.

A declaration that switches the current foreground colour to the given specification. § 12.2.1 The datapie Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: color package.

Produces a box containing ⟨text⟩ with the background given by ⟨specs⟩ for the given colour model. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application

Argument Summary:


Defined in: flowfram package.

Gets the co-ordinate of the left edge of the even numbered pages relative to the typeblock and stores it in the supplied control sequence. § 11. Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: flowfram package.

Gets the co-ordinate of the left edge of the odd numbered pages relative to the typeblock and stores it in the supplied control sequence. § 11. Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

For use within the Argumentation environment, this indicates the start of an important item against the argument. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package


Defined in: minutes package.

For use within the Argumentation environment, this indicates the start of an item against the argument. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package


Defined in: exam class.

Used instead of \choice to indicate the correct choice. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: probsoln package.

For use within the textenum, this command may be used in place of \item to indicate a correct choice. If the solutions aren't displayed this command behaves the same as \item. § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: probsoln package.

The format used by \correctitem. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (Math Mode).

Typesets cos function name. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: exam class.

Contains material to go before the start of the exam. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: etoolbox package.

As \appto but requires the name (without the leading backslash) of the control sequence. Use \csgappto for a global assignment. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

This is analogous to \def except that the name of the control sequence (without the initial backslash) is supplied. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

As \eappto but requires the name (without the leading backslash) of the control sequence. Use \csxappto for a global assignment. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

This is analogous to \edef except that the name of the control sequence (without the initial backslash) is supplied. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

As \epreto but requires the name (without the leading backslash) of the control sequence. Use \csxpreto for a global assignment. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

As \gappto but requires the name (without the leading backslash) of the control sequence. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

This is analogous to \gdef except that the name of the control sequence (without the initial backslash) is supplied. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Global version of \cspreto. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Analogous to \let except that the name of the control sequence (without the initial backslash) is supplied for the first argument. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:

\csletcs{new cs-name}{org cs-name}

Defined in: etoolbox package.

Analogous to \let except that the names of the control sequences (without the initial backslash) are supplied. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Expands to the control sequence whose name (without the leading backslash) is given by ⟨cs-name⟩. If the control sequence isn't already defined, TeX will first define it to \relax before using it. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

As \preto but requires the name (without the leading backslash) of the control sequence. Use \csgpreto for a global assignment. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox.

Executes the control sequence whose name (without the leading backslash) is given by ⟨cs-name⟩. If the command doesn't exist, this expands to an empty string. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etextools package.

Iterates through the comma-separated list using a handler macro provided in the optional argument. If none is provided, the command \do is used. The list may explicitly be a comma-separated list or it may be a macro that expands to a list, unless the starred form is used. There are other variants to this command not described here. See the etextools documentation for further details. § 2.7.2 Iterating Over a Comma-Separated List

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

As \xappto but requires the name (without the leading backslash) of the control sequence. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

This is analogous to \xdef except that the name of the control sequence (without the initial backslash) is supplied. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Global version of \csepreto. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Refers to the current option when used in the argument of \DeclareOption* § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form


Defined in: leaflet class (preamble only).

Indicates that a cut line should be drawn to the left of the given page number. The starred version only draws a dotted line. The unstarred version draws a dotted line and a pair of scissors. § 10.3 The leaflet Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: currvita package.

The body of the CV. § 5.1 The currvita Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: currvita package.

A headed list-like structure for use within the cv environment. § 5.1 The currvita Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: currvita package.

Specifies the location where the CV was written. § 5.1 The currvita Package

Argument Summary:



Defined in: picture environment.

Similar to \framebox but produces a dashed frame. § 10.1 The picture Environment

Argument Summary:


Defined in: Most classes that have the concept of a title page.

Specifies the document date. This command doesn't display any text so may be used in the preamble, but if it's not in the preamble it must be placed before \maketitle. If omitted, most classes assume the current date. Some classes, such as beamer, provide an optional argument for this command. § 5.1 The currvita Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

Sets the date. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

The current day of the month. § 7.2 The pgfcalendar Package Utility Commands


Defined in: databib package.

For use with \DTLforeachbibentry or \gDTLforeachbibentry, this expands to the name of the current cite key. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists


Defined in: databib package.

For use with \DTLforeachbibentry or \gDTLforeachbibentry, this expands to the name of the current entry type (for example, book). § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists


Defined in: minutes package.

Specifies a decision, which is added to the list of decisions. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

Specifies a decision, which isn't added to the list of decisions. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

Defines a decision theme which will be added to the list of decisions. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Declares an option for a class or package. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Declares the code for an unknown option. You can refer to the option within ⟨code⟩ using \CurrentOption. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

This locally defines the command ⟨cs⟩ that has the given syntax. Use \gdef for global definitions. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: hyperref package.

The default height of check boxes. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms


Defined in: hyperref package.

The default height of choice boxes. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms


Defined in: hyperref package.

The default height of the reset button. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms


Defined in: hyperref package.

The default height of the submit button. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms


Defined in: hyperref package.

The default height of single-lined text fields. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms


Defined in: hyperref package.

The default height of multi-lined text fields. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms


Defined in: hyperref package.

The default width of check boxes. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms


Defined in: hyperref package.

The default width of choice boxes. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms


Defined in: hyperref package.

The default width of the reset button. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms


Defined in: hyperref package.

The default width of the submit button. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms


Defined in: hyperref package.

The default width of text fields. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms


Defined in: changes package.

Defines a tracked author. § 13.1 Change Markup

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Defines a new problem. (The contents may include the onlysolution environment for the solution.) § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: changes package.

Indicates that the given text has been deleted. § 13.1 Change Markup

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (Math Mode).

Greek upper case delta 𝛥. § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: leaflet class.

The font declaration used by the item labels in the description environment. § 10.3 The leaflet Class


Defined in: Most class files.

Labelled list. § 10.3 The leaflet Class

\dimexprdimension expression

Defined in: eTeX primitive.

Expands to the value given by the dimension expression. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pifont package.

Inserts PostScript ZapfDingbats character with code ⟨n⟩, which must be an integer. § 2.9 Null and Boolean Values

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pifont package.

A list where the item marker is given by character ⟨number⟩ in the Zapf Dingbats font. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application

Argument Summary:


Defined in: invoice package.

For use within the invoice environment, this command is used to specify a discount. § 4.2 Writing an Invoice Using the invoice Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Divides the value stored in ⟨register⟩ by ⟨value⟩. The by keyword may be omitted. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Handler macro used by commands like \docsvlist and \csvloop. The argument is the item in the current iteration of the list. § 2.7.2 Iterating Over a Comma-Separated List

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Loops over the given comma-separated list and executes the command \do for every item in the list, using the item as the argument of \do. It's up to the user to define \do as appropriate. § 2.7.2 Iterating Over a Comma-Separated List

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

The body of the document. § 7.3 Displaying a Date


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Loads the document class file, which sets up the type of document you wish to write. (See Volume 1.) § 1. Introduction

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Iterates over a randomly selected ⟨n⟩ items in a comma-separated list. At each iteration, ⟨cs⟩ is defined to be the currently selected item and ⟨body⟩ is performed. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Similar to \dolistloop except the name (without the preceding backslash) of the list control sequence is used. § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Iterates over all items in the list macro ⟨list-cs⟩ and performs \do{item} for each item. § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Fills the remaining space with a dotted line. § 10.3 The leaflet Class


Defined in: tikz package.

For use within the tikzpicture environment. Draws the path with the given specification using the current path stroking operations. § 12.1 Flow Charts

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Prints the question points. This command should only occur at the end of a paragraph or between paragraphs. (Used with \pointsdroppedatright.) § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: datatool package.

Computes the absolute value of ⟨number⟩ and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩, which must be a control sequence. The number should be formatted according to the current locale (set via \DTLsetnumberchars) and may optionally be prefixed with a known currency identifier. See the datatool documentation for further details. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Computes the absolute value of ⟨number⟩ and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩, which must be a control sequence. The number must be a plain decimal number (a full stop as a decimal point, no number grouping and no currency prefix). § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Adds ⟨number1⟩ to ⟨number2⟩ and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩, which must be a control sequence. The number should be formatted according to the current locale (set via \DTLsetnumberchars) and may optionally be prefixed with a known currency identifier. See the datatool documentation for further details. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Adds ⟨number1⟩ to ⟨number2⟩ and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩, which must be a control sequence. The number must be a plain decimal number (a full stop as a decimal point, no number grouping and no currency prefix). § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Applies the assignment list, which has the same format as for \DTLforeach and \DTLforeach*, to the given row. Row indexes start from 1. § 2.8 Fetching Data From a Given Row

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Finds the first row in the database ⟨db-name⟩ where entry in the column identified by the label ⟨col-label⟩ matches ⟨value⟩ and applies the assignment list, which has the same format as for \DTLforeach and \DTLforeach*. Note that no expansion is performed on ⟨value⟩. See also \xDTLassignfirstmatch. § 2.8 Fetching Data From a Given Row

Argument Summary:


Defined in: databar package.

Hook used by \DTLbarchart or \DTLmultibarchart at the start of the tikzpicture environment. § 12.3.2 The databar Package


Defined in: databar package.

Hook used by \DTLbarchart or \DTLmultibarchart at the start of the tikzpicture environment. § 12.3.2 The databar Package


Defined in: databar package.

Generates a bar chart from a column of the datatool database called ⟨db-name⟩. § 12.3.2 The databar Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: databar package.

A length register storing the total length of the y-axis. § 12.3.2 The databar Package


Defined in: databar package.

A length register storing the offset between the x-axis and the lower bar label. § 12.3.2 The databar Package


Defined in: databar package.

A macro that expands to the colour used to draw the bar outlines. § 12.3.2 The databar Package


Defined in: databar package.

A length register that stores the width of the bar outline. A zero width indicates that the outline shouldn't be drawn. § 12.3.2 The databar Package


Defined in: databar package.

A length register storing the width of each bar. § 12.3.2 The databar Package


Defined in: databib package.

(For use within the final argument of \DTLforeachbibentry or \gDTLforeachbibentry.) This command displays the value of entry in the column whose label is given by ⟨field-name⟩. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: databib package.

(For use within the final argument of \DTLforeachbibentry or \gDTLforeachbibentry.) This command assigns the value of entry in the column whose label is given by ⟨field-name⟩ to the control sequence ⟨cs⟩. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

When used in the body of commands like \DTLforeach, this signifies that the loop should be terminated at the end of the current iteration. § 2.7.1 Iterating Through a Database


Defined in: datatool package.

A case-sensitive comparison handler for use with \dtlsort. § 2.4 Sorting Data

Argument Summary:


Defined in: databib package.

This command is analogous to \bibitem[label]{key} except it uses ⟨marker code⟩ instead of \item[label]. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

The prefix to use when generating a default column label. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: datatool package.

Hook after the header row in \DTLdisplaydb and \DTLdisplaylongdb. § 2.6 Displaying Tabulated Data


Defined in: datatool package.

Displays the database identified by ⟨db-name⟩ in a tabular environment. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Hook used at the end of \DTLdisplaydb and \DTLdisplaylongdb. § 2.6 Displaying Tabulated Data


Defined in: datatool package.

Displays the database identified by ⟨db-name⟩ in a longtable environment. § 2.6 Displaying Tabulated Data

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Hook used at the start of \DTLdisplaydb and \DTLdisplaylongdb. § 2.6 Displaying Tabulated Data


Defined in: datatool package.

Computes ⟨number1⟩ divided by ⟨number2⟩ and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩, which must be a control sequence. The number should be formatted according to the current locale (set via \DTLsetnumberchars) and may optionally be prefixed with a known currency identifier. See the datatool documentation for further details. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Computes ⟨number1⟩ divided by ⟨number2⟩ and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩, which must be a control sequence. The number must be a plain decimal number (a full stop as a decimal point, no number grouping and no currency prefix). § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: databar package.

Sets the current text colour to the colour of the ⟨n⟩th bar. § 12.3.2 The databar Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datapie package.

As \DTLdopiesegmentcolor but for the current segment. § 12.2.1 The datapie Package


Defined in: datapie package.

Switches the current text colour to that of the ⟨n⟩th segment. § 12.2.1 The datapie Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: databar package.

For use within the definition of \DTLeverybarhook, this can be used to reference the end of the bar. § 12.3.2 The databar Package


Defined in: databar package.

Hook used by \DTLbarchart or \DTLmultibarchart at each bar. § 12.3.2 The databar Package


Defined in: datatool package.

Switches on the value expansion when using \DTLnewdbentry § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets


Defined in: datatool package.

Iterates through each row of the database identified by ⟨db-name⟩ and does ⟨body⟩ if ⟨condition⟩ is met for that row. § 2.7.1 Iterating Through a Database

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

A read-only version of \DTLforeach. If no modifications need to be made to the database, this is the better version to use as it's quicker. (How much quicker depends on the size of the database.) § 2.7.1 Iterating Through a Database

Argument Summary:


Defined in: databib package.

Iterates through the database (loaded by \DTLloadbbl) called ⟨db-name⟩, and performs ⟨body⟩ on each row where ⟨condition⟩ is met. The starred version is read-only. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: databib package.

(For use within the final argument of \DTLforeachbibentry or \gDTLforeachbibentry.) This command displays the current row according to the format for its given entry type. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists


Defined in: databib package.

Similar to \DTLformatbibentry but can be used outside \DTLforeachbibentry/\gDTLforeachbibentry to format the referenced identified by ⟨key⟩ in the database ⟨db-name⟩. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Global version of \DTLabs § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Global version of \DTLadd § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Global version of \DTLdiv § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Global version of \DTLmul § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Global version of \DTLneg § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Global version of \DTLround § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Global version of \DTLsub § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

A case-insensitive comparison handler for use with \dtlsort. § 2.4 Sorting Data

Argument Summary:


Defined in: databib package.

(For use within the final argument of \DTLforeachbibentry or \gDTLforeachbibentry.) Does ⟨true-part⟩ if the entry in the column whose label is given by ⟨field-name⟩ is non-null. Otherwise does ⟨false-part⟩. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Checks if the datatool internal database called ⟨db-name⟩ is empty. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Provided for use in the ⟨body⟩ part of \DTLforeach this does ⟨true⟩ if it's on the iteration is on the first row otherwise it does ⟨false⟩. § 2.7.5 Iteration Tips and Tricks

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Checks if the given item is in the given comma-separated list. A one-level expansion is performed on ⟨list⟩ but not on ⟨item⟩. § 2.7.2 Iterating Over a Comma-Separated List

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Provided for use in the ⟨body⟩ part of \DTLforeach this does ⟨true⟩ if it's on the iteration is on the last row otherwise it does ⟨false⟩. § 2.7.5 Iteration Tips and Tricks

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

If the control sequence ⟨cs⟩ is null (as defined by datatool) this does ⟨true⟩ otherwise this does ⟨false⟩. § 2.9 Null and Boolean Values

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

This is a combination of \DTLifnull and \ifdefempty. If the control sequence ⟨cs⟩ is null (as defined by datatool) or empty this does ⟨true⟩ otherwise this does ⟨false⟩. § 2.9 Null and Boolean Values

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool-base package.

Checks if ⟨number1⟩ equals ⟨number2⟩ and does ⟨true⟩ if true, otherwise does ⟨false⟩. The numbers may be integers or decimals § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

When you load a .dbtex file, this command is set to the label associated with the data in that file. § 2.2.2 Loading Data From a .dbtex File


Defined in: datatool package.

A letter-ordering comparison handler for use with \dtlsort. § 2.4 Sorting Data

Argument Summary:


Defined in: databib package.

Loads bibliography data from the .bbl file given by ⟨bbl⟩ and stores it in the datatool internal database called ⟨db-name⟩. This also sets the bibliography style to databib.bst and identifies the list of .bib files where the bibliography data is defined. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Loads the data given in the CSV file ⟨filename⟩ and stores it in a datatool database called ⟨db-name⟩. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Inputs the datatool (.dbtex) fileand assigns the database name to the command ⟨cs⟩ § 2.2.2 Loading Data From a .dbtex File

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

As \DTLloaddb but maps nine of the ten special characters to LaTeX commands that display the relevent symbol. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Changes the category code of the tab separator to 10 (space). § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: databar package.

For use within the definition of \DTLeverybarhook, this can be used to reference the mid point of the bar. § 12.3.2 The databar Package


Defined in: databib package.

Displays the month name for the month given by ⟨number⟩. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Computes ⟨number1⟩ multiplied by ⟨number2⟩ and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩, which must be a control sequence. The number should be formatted according to the current locale (set via \DTLsetnumberchars) and may optionally be prefixed with a known currency identifier. See the datatool documentation for further details. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Computes ⟨number1⟩ multiplied by ⟨number2⟩ and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩, which must be a control sequence. The number must be a plain decimal number (a full stop as a decimal point, no number grouping and no currency prefix). § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: databar package.

Generates a bar chart with grouped data from columns of the datatool database called ⟨db-name⟩. § 12.3.2 The databar Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Negates ⟨number⟩ and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩, which must be a control sequence. The number should be formatted according to the current locale (set via \DTLsetnumberchars) and may optionally be prefixed with a known currency identifier. See the datatool documentation for further details. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Negates ⟨number⟩ and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩, which must be a control sequence. The number must be a plain decimal number (a full stop as a decimal point, no number grouping and no currency prefix). § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Creates a new database called ⟨db-name⟩. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Adds an entry to the current row of the named database. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Adds a new row to the database. This new row becomes the current row when adding new entries. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Counts the number of non-empty items in the given comma-separated list and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩. A one-level expansion is performed on ⟨list⟩. § 2.7.2 Iterating Over a Comma-Separated List

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datapie package.

Hook performed at the start of \DTLpiechart. § 12.2.1 The datapie Package


Defined in: datapie package.

Hook performed at the end of \DTLpiechart. § 12.2.1 The datapie Package


Defined in: datapie package.

Creates a pie chart from the data given in the database ⟨db-name⟩. § 12.2.1 The datapie Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datapie package.

May be used in the inner or outer label to access the percentage value of the pie chart variable. § 12.2.1 The datapie Package


Defined in: datapie package.

May be used in the inner or outer label to access the value of the pie chart variable. § 12.2.1 The datapie Package


Defined in: datatool package.

Like \DTLsaverawdb but works with databases that contain fragile commands. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datapie package.

The pie chart radius § 12.2.1 The datapie Package


Defined in: datatool package.

Defines extra mappings for \DTLloadrawdb. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Rounds ⟨number⟩ to ⟨num-digits⟩ decimal places and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩, which must be a control sequence. The number should be formatted according to the current locale (set via \DTLsetnumberchars) and may optionally be prefixed with a known currency identifier. See the datatool documentation for further details. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Rounds ⟨number⟩ to ⟨num-digits⟩ decimal places and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩, which must be a control sequence. The number must be a plain decimal number (a full stop as a decimal point, no number grouping and no currency prefix). § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Saves the database in the format that can be loaded by \DTLloaddbtex and the datatooltk application. If the database contains any fragile commands, use \DTLprotectedsaverawdb instead. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: databar package.

Sets the ⟨n⟩th bar colour to ⟨colour⟩. § 12.3.2 The databar Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Specifies the delimiter character for CSV files. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Assigns a header for the column identified by ⟨col-label⟩ in the database labelled ⟨db-name⟩. § 2.2.2 Loading Data From a .dbtex File

Argument Summary:

\DTLsetnumberchars{number group character}{decimal character}

Defined in: datatool package.

Sets the number group and decimal character for real numbers. See the datatool package for further details. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datapie package.

Sets the colour for the ⟨n⟩th pie chart segment. § 12.2.1 The datapie Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Specifies the separator character for CSV files. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Sets the separator character for CSV files to the tab character. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: datatool package.

A shortcut for \dtlsort where the comparison handler is \dtlcompare (case-sensitive). § 2.4 Sorting Data

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Sorts the data identified by ⟨db-name⟩ according to the columns listed in the ⟨criteria⟩ using the given comparison handler control sequence. § 2.4 Sorting Data

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

A shortcut for \dtlsort where the comparison handler is \dtlicompare (case-insensitive). § 2.4 Sorting Data

Argument Summary:


Defined in: databar package.

For use within the definition of \DTLeverybarhook, this can be used to reference the start of the bar. § 12.3.2 The databar Package


Defined in: datatool package.

Computes ⟨number1⟩ minus ⟨number2⟩ and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩, which must be a control sequence. The number should be formatted according to the current locale (set via \DTLsetnumberchars) and may optionally be prefixed with a known currency identifier. See the datatool documentation for further details. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Computes ⟨number1⟩ minus ⟨number2⟩ and stores the result in ⟨cs⟩, which must be a control sequence. The number must be a plain decimal number (a full stop as a decimal point, no number grouping and no currency prefix). § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

A word-ordering comparison handler for use with \dtlsort. § 2.4 Sorting Data

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datetime2 package.

Displays the given date according to the current date format. § 7.1 The datetime2 Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datetime2 package.

Inserts into the output file the date and time when the LaTeX application created it from the source code. § 7.1 The datetime2 Package


Defined in: datetime2 package.

Stores the given date. § 7.1 The datetime2 Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datetime2 package.

Stores the given date and time data. § 7.1 The datetime2 Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datetime2 package.

Displays the previously saved date and time stamp. § 7.1 The datetime2 Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datetime2 package.

Displays the previously saved date. § 7.1 The datetime2 Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datetime2 package.

Displays the previously saved time. § 7.1 The datetime2 Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: flowfram package.

Sets the contents of a dynamic frame. (Verbatim not allowed.) § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application

Argument Summary:



Defined in: etoolbox package.

Similar to \appto but expands ⟨code⟩. Use \xappto for a global assignment. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: invoice package.

For use within the invoice environment, this command is used to specify a local expense. § 4.2 Writing an Invoice Using the invoice Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: invoice package.

For use within the invoice environment, this command is like \EBC but although the amount is added to the total expense it's not itemized. § 4.2 Writing an Invoice Using the invoice Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Specifies your address. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Specifies text to include after insert your personal image. You can use \ecvspace within ⟨text⟩. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Shortcut for \ecvCEF{A1}{basic user}. § 5.2.3 Spoken Languages


Defined in: europecv class.

Shortcut for \ecvCEF{A2}{basic user}. § 5.2.3 Spoken Languages


Defined in: europecv class.

Specifies text to include before insert your personal image. You can use \ecvspace within ⟨text⟩. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Shortcut for \ecvCEF{B1}{intermediate user}. § 5.2.3 Spoken Languages


Defined in: europecv class.

Shortcut for \ecvCEF{B2}{intermediate user}. § 5.2.3 Spoken Languages


Defined in: europecv class.

For use in the ⟨l1⟩, …, ⟨l5⟩ arguments of \ecvlanguage or \ecvlastlanguage. § 5.2.3 Spoken Languages

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Sets the column separation. § 5.2.3 Spoken Languages

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Shortcut for \ecvCEF{C1}{proficient user}. § 5.2.3 Spoken Languages


Defined in: europecv class.

Shortcut for \ecvCEF{C2}{proficient user}. § 5.2.3 Spoken Languages


Defined in: europecv class.

Specifies your date of birth. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Specifies your email address. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information

Argument Summary:

\ecvfax{fax number}

Defined in: europecv class.

Specifies your fax number. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Specifies your name as it will appear in the footer. If omitted, the name will be taken from that specified by \ecvname. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Specifies your gender. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information

Argument Summary:

\ecvitem[vspace]{left text}{right text}

Defined in: europecv class.

Adds ⟨left text⟩ to the left of the vertical rule and ⟨right text⟩ to the right of the vertical rule. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Typesets a row in the language table. Each of the ⟨l1⟩, …, ⟨l5⟩ arguments should be in the form \ecvCEF{level}{desc}. Use \ecvlastlanguage for the last row. § 5.2.3 Spoken Languages

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Typesets the footer of the language table and identifies the symbol to use as a footnote symbol, which should be the same as that used in \ecvlanguageheader. § 5.2.3 Spoken Languages

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Typesets the header of the language table and identifies the symbol to use as a footnote symbol. § 5.2.3 Spoken Languages

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Typesets the last row in the language table. Each of the ⟨l1⟩, …, ⟨l5⟩ arguments should be in the form \ecvCEF{level}{desc}. § 5.2.3 Spoken Languages

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Sets the width of the left column. § 5.2.3 Spoken Languages

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Starts the spoken language section and identifies your mother tongue. § 5.2.3 Spoken Languages

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Specifies your name. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Specifies your nationality. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Typesets your personal details. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information

Argument Summary:

\ecvpicture[options]{image filename}

Defined in: europecv class.

Specifies the name of the file showing an image of yourself. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Creates a section heading. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

May only be used within the argument of \ecvbeforepicture or \ecvafterpicture to insert some vertical space. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

Specifies your telephone number and optionally your mobile phone number. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

This locally defines the command ⟨cs⟩ to the full expansion of ⟨definition⟩. Use \xdef for global definitions. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:

\EFC{description}{foreign currency}{amount}{conversion rate}{base currency result}

Defined in: invoice package.

For use within the invoice environment, this command is used to specify a foreign expense. § 4.2 Writing an Invoice Using the invoice Package

Argument Summary:

\EFCi{description}{foreign currency}{amount}{conversion rate}{base currency result}

Defined in: invoice package.

For use within the invoice environment, this command is like \EFC but although the amount is added to the total expense it's not itemized. § 4.2 Writing an Invoice Using the invoice Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

Specifies the sender's email address. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Toggles the upright and italic/slanted rendering of ⟨text⟩. (See Volume 1.) § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Does nothing. § 12.5 Plots

\encl{enclosures info}

Defined in: Classes that define the letter environment.

Used to indicate any enclosures accompanying the letter. § 3.1 Writing a Letter Using the letter Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

Specifies the list of enclosures. § 3.5 Mail Merging

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Ends an environment. (Must have a matching \begin. See Volume 1.) § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: longtable package.

Marks the end of the header code for the first page of the longtable environment. § 4.3 Building Your Own Invoice using longtable and datatool


Defined in: longtable package.

Marks the end of the footer code for the longtable environment. § 4.3 Building Your Own Invoice using longtable and datatool


Defined in: longtable package.

Marks the end of the header code for the longtable environment. § 4.3 Building Your Own Invoice using longtable and datatool


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Stops reading the current file. Anything in the current file occurring after this command is skipped. § 7.3 Displaying a Date


Defined in: longtable package.

Marks the end of the footer code for the last page of the longtable environment. § 4.3 Building Your Own Invoice using longtable and datatool


Defined in: minutes package.

Specifies the end time of the meeting. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Horizontal spacing command (half as wide as \quad). § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Ordered list. Some packages, such as paralist, modify this environment to provide an optional argument that allows you to adjust the counter format. § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Similar to \preto but expands ⟨code⟩. Use \xpreto for a global assignment. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: ifthen package.

A test that can be used within the condition of \ifthenelse to determine if ⟨text1⟩ is the same as ⟨text2⟩. (Both arguments are expanded.) § 2.7.1 Iterating Through a Database

Argument Summary:


Defined in: europecv class.

The body of the CV. § 5.2 The europecv Class


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

A length containing the horizontal offset for even pages. See \hoffset. § 11. Forms


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Indicates code to be performed at the start of every paragraph. § 6.5.2 Non-Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering

Argument Summary:


Defined in: arara directive.

Evaluates to true if the given file doesn't exist. The argument ⟨ref⟩ may either be a string "⟨extension⟩" which indicates the file extension or a file reference toFile("⟨filename⟩"). § 1.2 Arara

Argument Summary:

\expandaftertoken 1⟩⟨token 2

Defined in: TeX primitive.

Equivalent to ⟨token 1⟩ expansion of ⟨token 2⟩. § 2.7.2 Iterating Over a Comma-Separated List

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Only permits one level of expansion of the command ⟨cs⟩. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:



Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Puts a frame around its contents, prohibiting a line break in the contents. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar

Argument Summary:


Defined in: invoice package.

For use within the invoice environment, this command is used to specify a fee. § 4.2 Writing an Invoice Using the invoice Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: Most classes except for those designed for correspondence or similarly restrictive documents.

Floats the contents to the nearest location according to the preferred placement options, if possible. Within the environment, \caption may be used one or more times, as required. (See Volume 1.) § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: ifsym package with geometry option.

Produces a small filled circle. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form


Defined in: envlab package.

Sets the starting label on a partially used sheet. § 3.6 Envelopes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Aligns its contents flush-right and places a small vertical gap above and below the environment. § 10.3 The leaflet Class


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Sets the name of the current font family. (The change won't take effect until the next \selectfont.) For example, in text mode, \rmfamily is equivalent to \fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont (unless it's been modified by a font package.) § The xwatermark Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Sets the name of the current font series. (The change won't take effect until the next \selectfont.) For example, in text mode, \bfseries is equivalent to \fontseries{b}\selectfont (unless it's been modified by a font package.) § The xwatermark Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Inserts a footnote. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

This is like \docsvlist except that instead of using \do it uses ⟨handler-cs⟩. § 2.7.2 Iterating Over a Comma-Separated List

Argument Summary:

\foreachvariables[options] in {list}{body}

Defined in: pgffor package.

Iterates through the ⟨list⟩ and assigns ⟨variables⟩ which can be used in ⟨body⟩. The full syntax is quite complicated, so read the pgf manual for further details. The \breakforeach command can be used to prematurely terminate the loop after the current iteration. § 2.7.2 Iterating Over a Comma-Separated List

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Iterates over all defined datasets and performs ⟨body⟩ at each iteration. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Iterates through the given dataset and does ⟨body⟩ at each iteration. Within ⟨body⟩, \thisproblem may be used to display the current problem and \thisproblemlabel may be used to access the current problem label. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Similar to \foreachproblem but only iterates through problems that contain the onlysolution environment. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Similar to \forlistloop except the list control sequence name (without the leading backslash) is used. § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Similar to \dolistloop except it uses ⟨handler-cs⟩ instead of \do at each iteration. § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: hyperref package.

Environment containing interactive form elements. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:

found(⟨ref⟩, ⟨expression⟩)

Defined in: arara directive.

Evaluates to true if the given regular expression is found in the given file. The argument ⟨ref⟩ may either be a string "⟨extension⟩" which indicates the file extension or a file reference toFile("⟨filename⟩"). § 1.2 Arara

Argument Summary:


Defined in: fp package.

Generates a random number between 0 and 1 and assigns the result to the given control sequence ⟨cs⟩. § 9.5 Random Numbers

Argument Summary:


Defined in: fp package.

A count register that stores the random generator seed. § 9.5 Random Numbers


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (Math Mode).

Displays a fraction. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: beamer class.

Creates a slide (or possibly multiple slides if the frame contains overlays) § 8. Presentations (The beamer Class)


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Puts a rectangular frame around ⟨text⟩. Similar to \fbox but doesn't insert a gap between ⟨text⟩ and the frame. The beamer class redefines this command for its frame environment. § 10.4 The pst-barcode Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: picture environment.

Unlike the ordinary \framebox command, this version doesn't add any space between the frame and the text. § 10.1 The picture Environment

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Puts a frame around its contents, prohibiting a line break in the contents. § 10.1 The picture Environment

Argument Summary:


Defined in: flowfram package.

Inserted at the point of the frame break when a paragraph spans two flow frames of unequal widths. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application


Defined in: beamer class.

Subtitle for a frame. (For use within the frame environment.) § 8. Presentations (The beamer Class)

Argument Summary:


Defined in: beamer class.

Title for a frame. (For use within the frame environment. § 8. Presentations (The beamer Class)

Argument Summary:



Defined in: pgfgantt package.

For use within the ganttchart environment, this draws a bar representing a task or subtask. § 12.4 Gantt Charts

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfgantt.

Creates a Gantt chart. § 12.4 Gantt Charts

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfgantt package.

For use within the ganttchart environment, this draws a group bar. § 12.4 Gantt Charts

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfgantt package.

For use within the ganttchart environment, this draws a linked bar representing a task or subtask. § 12.4 Gantt Charts

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfgantt package.

For use within the ganttchart environment, this draws a linked group bar. § 12.4 Gantt Charts

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfgantt package.

For use within the ganttchart environment, this draws a linked milestone marker. § 12.4 Gantt Charts

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfgantt package.

For use within the ganttchart environment, this draws a milestone marker. § 12.4 Gantt Charts

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfgantt package.

For use within the ganttchart environment, this starts a new row. § 12.4 Gantt Charts

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfgantt.

Sets the options governing the Gantt chart style. § 12.4 Gantt Charts

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfgantt package.

For use within the ganttchart environment, this draws a single title element. § 12.4 Gantt Charts

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfgantt package.

For use within the ganttchart environment, this draws a title calendar that spans the whole chart. § 12.4 Gantt Charts

Argument Summary:

\gantttitlecalendar*[options]{start-tss}{end-tss}{calendar lines}

Defined in: pgfgantt package.

For use within the ganttchart environment, this draws a title calendar that spans the chart from ⟨start-tss⟩ to ⟨end-tss⟩. § 12.4 Gantt Charts

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfgantt package.

For use within the ganttchart environment, this iterates over ⟨list⟩ and draws a title element spanning ⟨n⟩ time slots. § 12.4 Gantt Charts

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Global version of \appto. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

As \def but the definition is global. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: databib package.

Global version of \DTLforeachbibentry. The starred version is read-only. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: flowfram package.

Gets the location and size of the given flow frame. The results are stored in the lengths \ffareax, \ffareay, \ffareawidth and \ffareaheight. § 11. Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: flowfram package.

Gets the location and size of the given flow frame for even pages. The results are stored in the lengths \ffareax, \ffareay, \ffareawidth and \ffareaheight. § 11. Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

An assignment prefix that indicates the following assignment shouldn't be confined to the current scope. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Global version of \preto. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Displays the grading table. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

The salutation text. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

Specifies the names of any guests present. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:



Defined in: exam class.

Indicates a half point § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: newlfm class.

Specifies the subject of a press release. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Inserts a horizontal space that will expand to fit the available width. § 3.6 Envelopes


Defined in: meetingmins class.

Similar to the items environment but is only displayed if the agenda class option is used. § 6.3.1 The meetingmins Class


Defined in: meetingmins class.

Similar to the subitems environment but is only displayed if the agenda class option is used. § 6.3.1 The meetingmins Class


Defined in: meetingmins class.

This environment only displays its contents if the agenda class option is used. § 6.3.1 The meetingmins Class


Defined in: probsoln package.

Hides the solutions (from that point onwards). § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

A length containing the horizontal offset. The left margin of a page is computed from \hoffset plus 1 in plus \oddsidemargin/\evensidemargin. § 11. Forms


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Fills the remaining space with a line. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Inserts a horizontal gap of the given width. The unstarred version doesn't create a space if it occurs at the beginning or end of a paragraph. The starred version always creates a space. § 3.6 Envelopes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: Most document classes.

Switches to extra-huge sized text. § 10.3 The leaflet Class

\hypersetup{key-val list}

Defined in: hyperref package.

Set up options. § 2.3 Security

Argument Summary:



Defined in: arara directive.

Only run the application if ⟨condition⟩ is true. § 1.2 Arara

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Expands to ⟨true⟩ if the boolean flag ⟨name⟩ is true, and to ⟨false⟩ otherwise. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Evaluates the ⟨expression⟩ and executes ⟨true⟩ if true, and ⟨false⟩ otherwise. The syntax for the expression is described in the etoolbox manual. § 2.9 Null and Boolean Values

Argument Summary:

\ifcasenumber⟩ ⟨case0 code\orcase1 code\orcase2 code\or\elsedefault code\fi

Defined in: TeX primitive.

If ⟨number⟩ equals 0, performs ⟨case0 code⟩, if ⟨number⟩ equals 1, performs ⟨case1 code⟩, if ⟨number⟩ equals 2, performs ⟨case2 code⟩, etc. If none of the cases match, ⟨default code⟩ is performed. The \elsedefault code⟩ part may be omitted. If ⟨case 0 code⟩ starts with a number, insert \relax before it to prevent TeX from scanning it as part of ⟨number⟩. § 7.3 Displaying a Date

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Checks if the control sequence with the name ⟨cs-name⟩ exists. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Checks if the control sequence whose name is given by ⟨cs name⟩ doesn't exist or is defined as \relax. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

For use within the ⟨code⟩ part of \pgfcalendar. The same as \pgfcalendarifdate for the current date. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Checks if the control sequence ⟨cs⟩ exists. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

If the control sequence ⟨cs⟩ is empty this does ⟨true⟩ otherwise it does ⟨false⟩. § 2.9 Null and Boolean Values

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

If the control sequence ⟨cs⟩ was defined to be ⟨string⟩ this does ⟨true⟩ otherwise it does ⟨false⟩. (No expansion is performed.) § 2.9 Null and Boolean Values

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Checks if ⟨item⟩ is included in one of etoolbox's internal list macros ⟨list-cs⟩ and does ⟨true⟩ if true, otherwise it does ⟨false⟩. No expansion is performed on ⟨item⟩. See also \xifinlist § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

As \ifinlist but the control sequence name is supplied (without the backslash). § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:

\ifnumnum1⟩ ⟨comp⟩ ⟨num2⟩ ⟨true-part\elsefalse-part\fi

Defined in: TeX primitive.

Compares ⟨num1⟩ to ⟨num2⟩. The comparison ⟨comp⟩ may be one of: = (equality), < (less than) or > (greater than). The \elsefalse-part⟩ may be omitted. If ⟨true-part⟩ starts with a number, insert \relax before it to prevent TeX from scanning it as part of ⟨num2⟩. § 2.7.4 General Iteration with TeX's \loop

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Checks if ⟨number1⟩ is less than ⟨number2⟩. Both values should be integers. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:

\ifoddnumber⟩ ⟨odd code\elseeven code\fi

Defined in: TeX primitive.

Tests if ⟨number⟩ is odd. If true this does ⟨odd code⟩ otherwise it does ⟨even code⟩. The \elseeven code⟩ may be omitted. § 11. Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Tests if the solutions are displayed. § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Tests if ⟨string⟩ is empty. (No expansion is performed on ⟨string⟩.) § 7.3 Displaying a Date

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Tests if ⟨string1⟩ is the same as ⟨string2⟩. (No expansion is performed on ⟨string1⟩ or ⟨string2⟩.) § 7.4 Parsing and Displaying Times

Argument Summary:


Defined in: ifthen package.

If the condition is met, does ⟨true⟩ otherwise does ⟨false⟩. The ⟨condition⟩ must follow the syntax defined by the ifthen package. The datatool package provides additional commands that may be used in ⟨condition⟩. Note that in general, it's better to use the conditionals provided by the etoolbox package, but the optional argument of \DTLforeach (and the starred version) requires the same format as the first argument of \ifthenelse. § 2.7.1 Iterating Through a Database

Argument Summary:

\ifthispageodd{odd code}{even code}

Defined in: KOMA-Script classes.

Determines if the current page is odd or even. § 11. Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Checks if the control sequence ⟨cs⟩ doesn't exist or is defined as \relax. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Used in begin environment code to suppress any spaces occurring at the start of the environment (see also \ignorespacesafterend). § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Used in end environment code to suppress any spaces following the end of the environment. § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: isodoc class.

Generates a row of data for use within \itable. § 4.1 Writing an Invoice Using the isodoc Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Issues a \clearpage, creates an associated auxiliary file, inputs ⟨filename⟩ and issues another \clearpage. (See also \input.) § 13. Collaborating on Documents

Argument Summary:


Defined in: graphicx package.

Inserts a graphics file into the document. Permitted file types depend on the output format. (PostScript (PS) and Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) for the DVI format. PDF, JPG and PNG for the PDF format (also EPS if the TeX distribution permits on-the-fly epstopdf conversion). § 3.2 Writing a Letter Using the scrlttr2 Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exsheets package.

Includes questions defined in the named files. § 9.2 The exsheets Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

For use within the textenum, this command may be used in place of \item to indicate an incorrect choice. If the solutions aren't displayed this command behaves the same as \item. § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: probsoln package.

The format used by \incorrectitem. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: paralist package.

An inline numbered list. (Similar to the enumerate environment, but the items don't start a new paragraph, unless you explicitly insert a paragraph break.) § 9.2 The exsheets Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Reads in the contents of ⟨filename⟩. § 2.2.2 Loading Data From a .dbtex File

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

If the given file exists, this does ⟨true-part⟩ and then loads the file. Otherwise it does ⟨false-part⟩. § 6.4.1 Redaction: The censor Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: beamer class.

Used to prefix each institute listed in \institute when there are multiple institutes. A corresponding \inst{number} should be placed after the relevant author name within \author. § 8. Presentations (The beamer Class)

Argument Summary:


Defined in: Various classes or packages that have the concept of an institute in the title page.

Specifies the author's institution for use with \maketitle in a similar manner to \title. Some classes, such as beamer, also provide an optional argument for this command. § 8. Presentations (The beamer Class)

Argument Summary:


Defined in: isodoc class.

Creates an invoice. § 4.1 Writing an Invoice Using the isodoc Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: invoice package.

The body of the invoice. § 4.2 Writing an Invoice Using the invoice Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: isodoc class.

Generates the table used within \invoice. § 4.1 Writing an Invoice Using the isodoc Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Specifies the start of an item in a list. (Only allowed inside one of the list making environments, such as enumerate.) § 5.1 The currvita Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Unordered list. § 8.1 Overlays


Defined in: meetingmins class.

A numbered list for use within a section. Use the subitems environment for lists within subsections and sub-subsections. § 6.3.1 The meetingmins Class


Defined in: isodoc class.

Generates a row of for the total amount for use within \itable. § 4.1 Writing an Invoice Using the isodoc Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Switches to the italic form of the current font family, if it exists. See Volume 1. § 10.2 The ticket Package



Defined in: TeX primitive.

The current job name. This is usually the base name (without the .tex extension) of the main .tex file, but can be changed using TeX's -jobname switch. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists


\KOMAoption{option}{value list}

Defined in: KOMA-Script classes.

Allows you to specify a list of values to the given multi-valued KOMA-Script option. § 3.2 Writing a Letter Using the scrlttr2 Class

Argument Summary:

\KOMAoptions{option list}

Defined in: KOMA-Script classes.

Allows you to set one or more of the KOMA-Script options. § 3.2 Writing a Letter Using the scrlttr2 Class

Argument Summary:



Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Assigns a unique textual label linked to the most recently incremented cross-referencing counter in the current scope. (See Volume 1.) § 1.2 Arara

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Used by \item in the first level enumerate environment to display the label. § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Used by \item in the second level enumerate environment to display the label. § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Used by \item in the third level enumerate environment to display the label. § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Used by \item in the fourth level enumerate environment to display the label. § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: envlab package.

A length register used to store the label height. § 3.6 Envelopes


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Length register used by list environments to store the size of the horizontal gap between the item marker and the following text. § Delving Deeper


Defined in: envlab package.

A length register used to store the label width. § 3.6 Envelopes


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Length register used by list environments to store the label width. The value is typically set in the ⟨list declarations⟩ argument of the list environment. § Delving Deeper


Defined in: Most document classes.

Sets its body in an extra-large sized font. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions


Defined in: Most document classes.

Switches to extra-large sized text. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions


Defined in: Most document classes.

Switches to large sized text. § 10.1 The picture Environment


Defined in: hyperref package.

Lays out the label and associated check box. This just defaults to ⟨label⟩ ⟨field⟩. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: hyperref package.

Lays out the label and associated choice field. This just defaults to ⟨label⟩ ⟨field⟩. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: hyperref package.

Lays out the label and associated text field. This just defaults to ⟨label⟩ ⟨field⟩. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Length register used by list environments to store the left margin width. The value is typically set in the ⟨list declarations⟩ argument of the list environment. § Delving Deeper


Defined in: leaflet class.

May be used to specify a length instead of a value that's in terms of \unitlength for use within the picture environment. § 10.3 The leaflet Class

Argument Summary:

\letnew cs⟩⟨org cs

Defined in: TeX primitive.

Gives ⟨new cs⟩ the same meaning as ⟨org cs⟩. For example if I define: \newcommand{\mycmd}{stuff} and then \let\mynewcmd\mycmd is like doing \newcommand{\mynewcmd}{stuff}, but no existence check is performed. If I then redefine \mycmd, \mynewcmd still retains the old definition of \mycmd. Since there's no check to see if the new command is already defined, care is required to prevent accidentally overwriting a preexisting command. (The arguments ⟨new cs⟩ and ⟨org cs⟩ don't actually have to be control sequences. They can be any tokens, but that's beyond the scope of this book.) § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Analogous to \let except that the name of the control sequence (without the initial backslash) is supplied for the second argument. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: Some classes used for writing letters, such as scrlttr2.

Typesets its contents as correspondence. The KOMA-Script scrlttr2 class also allows an optional argument before the mandatory argument. § 3.1 Writing a Letter Using the letter Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: isodoc class.

Creates a letter. § 3.4 Writing a Letter Using the isodoc Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (Math Mode).

Typesets lim function name (may have limits via _ or ^). § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

For use within the argument of \put, this draws a straight line of the given length whose horizontal and vertical extent (gradient vector) is given by (⟨h⟩,⟨v⟩). § 10.1 The picture Environment

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

A TeX primitive that stores the interline glue. § 3.6 Envelopes


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

A length containing the desired current line width. This is usually the width of the typeblock, but inside a minipage or \parbox it will be the width the box. Note that the actual contents of the line may fall short of the line width (underfull hbox) or extend beyond it (overfull hbox). § 4.3 Building Your Own Invoice using longtable and datatool


Defined in: lipsum package.

Produces dummy text for testing purposes. The optional argument specifies which paragraphs to display. (There are 250 predefined paragraphs). By default this command displays the first seven paragraphs, but this may be changed via the optional argument, which may be either a single number or a range. The starred version suppresses the paragraph breaks. § The background Package

Argument Summary:

\begin{list}{label}{list declarations}body\end{list}

Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

A generic list environment § Delving Deeper

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Appends the given ⟨item⟩ to the list control sequence ⟨list-cs⟩. A blank item is not added. No expansion is performed on the item. § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Similar to \listadd except the name (without the preceding backslash) of the list control sequence is used. § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Similar to \listeadd except the name (without the preceding backslash) of the list control sequence is used. § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

As \listcsadd but the assignment is global. § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

As \listcseadd but the assignment is global. § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Appends the expansion of ⟨item⟩ to the list control sequence ⟨list-cs⟩. A blank item is not added. § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

As \listadd but the assignment is global. § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: changes package.

Print a list or summary of the changes. At least two LaTeX runs are required to make the list appear. § 13.1 Change Markup

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

Displays a list of decisions. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package


Defined in: Most classes that have the concept of document structure.

Inserts the list of figures. A second (possibly third) run is required to ensure the page numbering is correct. § 13.1 Change Markup


Defined in: Most classes that have the concept of document structure.

Inserts the list of tables. A second (possibly third) run is required to ensure the page numbering is correct. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package


Defined in: etoolbox package.

As \listeadd but the assignment is global. § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Places ⟨text⟩ to the left of the reference point without taking up any space. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Loads all problems defined in ⟨filename⟩ and appends them to the specified data set in the order in which they are defined in the file. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Used in class files to load another class. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Loads the problems defined in the given filename except those listed in ⟨exception list⟩ and adds them to the given dataset. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Loads ⟨n⟩ randomly selected problems defined in the given filename excluding those listed in ⟨exception list⟩ and adds them to the given dataset. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Loads ⟨n⟩ randomly selected problems defined in the given filename and adds them to the given dataset. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Loads the listed problems defined in the given filename and adds them to the given dataset. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: letter class.

Specifies the sender's additional location information. § 3.1 Writing a Letter Using the letter Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

Specifies the location of the meeting. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

An assignment prefix that indicates the following assignment (such as \def) should define a long command. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:

\begin{longtable}[horizontal alignment]{column specifiers}body\end{longtable}

Defined in: longtable package.

Like a combination of the table and tabular environments, except it can span multiple pages. § 2.6 Displaying Tabulated Data

Argument Summary:

\loopcode\if… \repeat

Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Repeats code while the given condition is true. § 2.7.4 General Iteration with TeX's \loop

Argument Summary:


Defined in: listings package.

Reads in ⟨filename⟩ and typesets the contents as displayed code. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: listings package.

Typesets the contents of the environment as displayed code. § 8. Presentations (The beamer Class)

Argument Summary:



Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Changes the category code of the at character (@) to “letter” so that it can be used in control sequence names. See also \makeatother. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Changes the category code of the at character (@) to “other”. This means that it can no longer be used in control sequence names. See also \makeatletter. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Puts ⟨text⟩ in a box, prohibiting a line break in the contents. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: picture environment.

Creates a box picture object without a frame. § 10.1 The picture Environment

Argument Summary:


Defined in: hyperref package.

The format for push button labels. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: hyperref package.

The display for check fields. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: hyperref package.

The display for choice fields. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: letter class and envlab package (preamble only).

Switches on the label-generating function. § 3.6 Envelopes


Defined in: hyperref package.

The display for radio fields. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: hyperref package.

The display for text fields. § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: Most classes that have the concept of a title page.

Generates the title page (or title block). This command is usually placed at the beginning of the document environment. § 5.1 The currvita Package


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Converts its argument to upper case. § 3.6 Envelopes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Puts ⟨text⟩ in the margin. If the document provides left and right margins (for example, a two-sided document) ⟨left⟩ indicates the text to use if the margin is on the left and ⟨text⟩ indicates the text to use if the margin is on the right. § 6.5.2 Non-Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Ensures that the given text doesn't contain a line break. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Inserts a medium-sized vertical space. The size is given by the length \medskipamount. § 12.3.1 The bchart Package


Defined in: booktabs package.

Horizontal rule to go below headings row of a tabular environment. § 2.6 Displaying Tabulated Data

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Makes a box with line-wrapped contents. (See also \parbox.) § 3.6 Envelopes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

Contains the minutes from a meeting. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

Specifies the date of the meeting. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

Specifies the name of the minute taker. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: arara directive.

Evaluates to true if the given file doesn't exist. The argument ⟨ref⟩ may either be a string "⟨extension⟩" which indicates the file extension or a file reference toFile("⟨filename⟩"). § 1.2 Arara

Argument Summary:

\missing[excused-names]{no-excuse names}

Defined in: minutes package.

List of absentees. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

List of absentees who gave an excuse. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

List of absentees who didn't give an excuse. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: envlab package.

Manually creates an address label. § 3.6 Envelopes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

Specifies the name of the meeting moderator. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

The current month number. § 7.2 The pgfcalendar Package Utility Commands


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Spans multiple columns in a tabular-style environment. See Volume 1. § 2.7.1 Iterating Through a Database

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Multiplies the value stored in ⟨register⟩ by ⟨value⟩. The by keyword may be omitted. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

For use in the picture environment, this puts ⟨n⟩ copies of ⟨object⟩, starting at position (⟨x⟩,⟨y⟩) and advancing the position by (⟨inc-x⟩,⟨inc-y⟩) each time. § 10.1 The picture Environment

Argument Summary:



Defined in: letter class.

Specifies the sender's name. § 3.1 Writing a Letter Using the letter Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

Specifies the sender's name. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

Specifies the recipient's name. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

This should be the first statement of any class or package identifying the required TeX format. For a LaTeX2e class or package this should be LaTeX2e. (Other formats may not define this command.) § 7.3 Displaying a Date

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Defines a new boolean flag called ⟨name⟩. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: ifthen package.

Defines a new boolean variable. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Defines a new command. (See Volume 1.) § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Defines a new count register. (Note to be confused with the LaTeX \newcounter command.) § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Defines a new counter (see Volume 1). § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: flowfram package.

Defines a new dynamic frame. The starred version adds a rectangular border to the frame. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Defines a new environment. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: flowfram package.

Defines a new flow frame. The starred version adds a rectangular border to the frame. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application

Argument Summary:

\newglossaryentry{label}{key-val list}

Defined in: glossaries package.

Defines a new glossary entry or term. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:

\newlengthlength cs

Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Defines a new length register called ⟨length cs⟩. § Delving Deeper

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

The body of the letter, fax or memo. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

\newlfmP{option list}

Defined in: newlfm class.

Sets the given options. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Forces a line break. § 5.2.1 Setting Personal Information


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Forces a page break leaving a ragged bottom. § 10.3 The leaflet Class


Defined in: probsoln package.

A shortcut that defines a problem with an associated solution using the defproblem, onlysolution and solution environments. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

A shortcut that defines a problem using the defproblem environment. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: flowfram package.

Defines a new static frame. The starred version adds a rectangular border to the frame. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application

Argument Summary:


Defined in: xwatermark package.

Specifies a watermark. § The xwatermark Package

Argument Summary:

\nextmeeting{date and time}

Defined in: meetingmins class.

Displays the next meeting date and time. § 6.3.1 The meetingmins Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Disable the point-totalling commands. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: background package.

Indicates the background shouldn't be displayed on the current page. (For use with the all pages option.) § The background Package


Defined in: bibentry package.

Analogous to \bibliography, this command writes the information to the .aux file that's required by BibTeX but doesn't display anything in the document. Individual bibliography entries can then be displayed using \bibentry. § 5.2.2 Sections and Publication Lists

Argument Summary:

\nocite{key list}

Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Like \cite except that it doesn't produce any text. The ⟨key list⟩ may be just an asterisk * to indicated that all citations in the .bib file (or files) should be included in the bibliography. § 5.1 The currvita Package

Argument Summary:

\node[options] (⟨label⟩) {text};

Defined in: tikz package.

Node specification, for use within the tikzpicture environment. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar

Argument Summary:


Defined in: tikz package.

For use within the contents of a split node, this moves from the current split to the split identified by ⟨part⟩. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Prevents ⟨token⟩ from being expanded in an expandable context. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Suppress the indentation that would usually occur at the start of the next paragraph. § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: exam class.

Disable (don't show) the solutions. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Switches to normal sized text. § 10.3 The leaflet Class


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Displays the decimal value of ⟨num⟩. (Any redundant leading zeros are stripped.) § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:

\numexprinteger expression

Defined in: eTeX primitive.

Expands to the value given by the integer expression. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

The number of parts. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: exam class.

The total number of points. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: exam class.

The number of questions. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: exam class.

The number of sub-parts. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: exam class.

The number of sub-sub-parts. § 9.1 The exam Class



Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

A length containing the horizontal offset for odd pages. See \hoffset. § 11. Forms


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Issues a page break and switches to one column mode. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application


Defined in: exam class.

Checkbox choices are listed inline. Items are specified via \choice. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: exam class.

Labelled choices are listed inline. Items are specified via \choice. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: probsoln package.

Only displays its contents if the showanswers boolean flag is off. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Only displays its contents if the showanswers boolean flag is on. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: Classes that define the letter environment.

Typesets the salutation at the start of the letter. § 3.1 Writing a Letter Using the letter Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

Indicates a discussion on an opinion. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

A list like environment to format opinions. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

For use in the argument of \put, this command draws an oval of the given width and height. The optional argument indicates to only draw a quarter or half oval. § 10.1 The picture Environment

Argument Summary:



Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Prefixed used when cross-referencing the enumi counter. § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Prefixed used when cross-referencing the enumii counter. § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Prefixed used when cross-referencing the enumiii counter. § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Prefixed used when cross-referencing the enumiv counter. § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Sets the style of the headers and footers. § 10.1 The picture Environment

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

A length containing the total height of the page. See also \textheight. § 10.3 The leaflet Class


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

A length containing the total width of the page. See also \textwidth. § 10.3 The leaflet Class


Defined in: TeX primitive (context-dependent).

Insert a paragraph break. Usually just a blank line in the source code is used instead of \par. This command is typically only used within command or environment definitions or when it's important to remind authors that a paragraph break is required at a certain point where a blank line may appear accidental or may be overlooked. (For example, in {\centering Some centred text.\par} it's a reminder that there must be a paragraph break before the closing } to ensure the \centering declaration has an effect.) § 1. Introduction


Defined in: Most classes that have the concept of document structure.

Inserts a subsubsubsection header. Most classes default to an unnumbered running header for this sectional unit. § 6.5.2 Non-Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering

Argument Summary:

The starred form of this command doesn't have an optional argument and doesn't increment or display the associated counter.


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Makes a box with line-wrapped contents. (More restrictive than minipage.) § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

A length register that stores the indentation at the start of paragraphs. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

\parshape=⟨n⟩ ⟨i1⟩ ⟨l1⟩ … ⟨in⟩ ⟨ln

Defined in: TeX primitive.

Creates a shaped paragraph. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Inside the parts environment, this command starts a new numbered question part, with optionally the number of points the part is worth. Outside the parts environment this command works as a standard sectioning command. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: Most classes that have the concept of document structure.

Inserts a part sectional unit. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:

The starred form of this command doesn't have an optional argument and doesn't increment or display the part counter.


Defined in: minutes package.

Specifies the names of the people present. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Contains all the question parts. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Passes the given options to the given class. (Must be used before the class is loaded.) § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: tikz package.

For use within the tikzpicture environment. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar

Argument Summary:


Defined in: PDFTeX primitive.

The date and time at the start of the current TeX run. This expands to D:YYYY⟩⟨MM⟩⟨DD⟩⟨hh⟩⟨mm⟩⟨ss⟩⟨time zone⟩. This primitive is also available with LuaTeX but not XeTeX. § 7.4 Parsing and Displaying Times


Defined in: PDFTeX primitive.

The modification date and time of the file ⟨filename⟩. This expands to D:YYYY⟩⟨MM⟩⟨DD⟩⟨hh⟩⟨mm⟩⟨ss⟩⟨time zone⟩. Unlike \pdfcreationdate, this primitive isn't provided by LuaTeX. § 7.4 Parsing and Displaying Times

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

A for loop that iterates from ⟨start-date⟩ to ⟨end-date⟩ and performs ⟨code⟩ at each iteration. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

For use within the ⟨code⟩ part of \pgfcalendar. The ⟨start-date⟩ parameter in ISO format. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

For use within the ⟨code⟩ part of \pgfcalendar. The ⟨start-date⟩ parameter converted to a Julian day number. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

For use within the ⟨code⟩ part of \pgfcalendar. This expands to the day of the month for the current iteration. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

For use within the ⟨code⟩ part of \pgfcalendar. This is a TeX count register that holds the Julian day number for the current iteration. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

For use within the ⟨code⟩ part of \pgfcalendar. This expands to the month for the current iteration. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

For use within the ⟨code⟩ part of \pgfcalendar. This expands to the week day number for the current iteration (0 for Monday, 1 for Tuesday, etc). § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

For use within the ⟨code⟩ part of \pgfcalendar. This expands to the year for the current iteration. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

Converts the specified date into a Julian day number and stores the result in the given register. § 7.2 The pgfcalendar Package Utility Commands

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

For use within the ⟨code⟩ part of \pgfcalendar. The ⟨end-date⟩ parameter in ISO format. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

For use within the ⟨code⟩ part of \pgfcalendar. The ⟨end-date⟩ parameter converted to a Julian day number. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

Tests the specified date and does ⟨true-part⟩ if the test succeeds otherwise it does ⟨false-part⟩. § 7.2 The pgfcalendar Package Utility Commands

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

Converts a Julian day number into an ISO-date. The resulting numbers are stored in the ⟨year-cs⟩, ⟨month-cs⟩ and ⟨day-cs⟩ control sequences. § 7.2 The pgfcalendar Package Utility Commands

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

Converts a Julian day number into a week day number (0 for Monday, 1 for Tuesday, etc). The resulting number is stored in the given register. § 7.2 The pgfcalendar Package Utility Commands

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

Expands to a textual representation of the month. § 7.3 Displaying a Date

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

Expands to an abbreviated textual representation of the month. § 7.3 Displaying a Date

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

For use within the ⟨code⟩ part of \pgfcalendar. The ⟨prefix⟩ parameter. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

For use within the ⟨code⟩ part of \pgfcalendar. Expands to a representation of the current day, month, year or day of week. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

For use within the ⟨code⟩ part of \pgfcalendar. If the ⟨prefix⟩ parameter is empty, this command expands to empty otherwise it expands to prefix⟩-⟨YYYY⟩-⟨MM⟩-⟨DD, where ⟨YYYY⟩ is the current year, ⟨MM⟩ is the current month and ⟨DD⟩ is the current day of the month. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar

\pgfcalendarweekdayname{week day number}

Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

Expands to a textual representation of the day of week. § 7.3 Displaying a Date

Argument Summary:

\pgfcalendarweekdayshortname{week day number}

Defined in: pgfcalendar package.

Expands to an abbreviated textual representation of the day of week. § 7.3 Displaying a Date

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfkeys package.

Sets the options related to the pgf package and any related packages that use pgf's option interface. § 12.5 Plots

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfmath package.

Defines a list that can have items randomly selected from it (using \pgfmathrandomitem). § 9.5 Random Numbers

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfmath package.

Parses the given mathematical expression and stores the result in \pgfmathresult. § 9.5 Random Numbers

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfmath package.

Pretty-prints the given number. § 12.5 Plots

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfmath package.

Defines the control sequence ⟨cs⟩ to be a pseudo-randomly generated number between ⟨minimum⟩ and ⟨maximum⟩ (inclusive). § 9.5 Random Numbers

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfmath package.

Randomly select an item from the given list, which should have previously been declared using \pgfmathdeclarerandomlist. § 9.5 Random Numbers

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfmath package.

Sets the seed for the random number generator. § 9.5 Random Numbers

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfplots package.

Sets the options governing plot styles. § 12.5 Plots

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

Specifies the sender's phone number. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

An environment that produces a box with the given dimensions (specified in terms of \unitlength). The second argument ⟨llx,lly⟩ is optional and specifies the co-ordinates of the lower left corner, (0,0) if omitted. The contents of the environment should consist of commands such as \put that puts text or lines in the box. § 10. Business Cards, Flyers and Leaflets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgf-pie package.

For use within the tikzpicture environment. Draws a pie chart. § 12.2.2 The pgf-pie Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exsheets package.

Displays the number of points. The starred version omits the unit. § 9.2 The exsheets Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Switches off the automatic point placement. (Used with \droppoints.) § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: exam class.

Puts the points in the left margin. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: exam class.

Puts the points in the left margin. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: exsheets package.

Displays the total number of points, excluding bonus points. (Requires two LaTeX runs to ensure it's up to date.) The starred version omits the unit. § 9.2 The exsheets Package


Defined in: minutes package.

Displays additional information that doesn't form part of the minutes. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package


Defined in: minutes package.

Displays additional information that doesn't form part of the minutes. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Pound £ symbol. This robust command may be used in math or text mode. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: newlfm class.

Specifies the PPS line. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pressrelease class.

Specifies the company's address. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pressrelease class.

Specifies the company's name. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pressrelease class.

Specifies the department's name. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pressrelease class.

Specifies the company's email address. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pressrelease class.

Creates a press release. § 6.2 Press Releases


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Prepends ⟨code⟩ to the definition of the control sequence ⟨cs⟩. Use \gpreto for a global assignment. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pressrelease class.

Specifies the company's fax number. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pressrelease class.

Specifies the headline. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pressrelease class.

Specifies the company's opening hours. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: envlab package.

Used internally to typeset the recipient's address. § 3.6 Envelopes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Enable (show) the solutions. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: envlab package.

Used internally to typeset the big labels. § 3.6 Envelopes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: envlab package.

Used internally to typeset the sender's address. § 3.6 Envelopes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exsheets package.

Prints all the solutions. § 9.2 The exsheets Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: meetingmins class.

Displays the text “The minutes of the previous meeting were approved”. § 6.3.1 The meetingmins Class


Defined in: pressrelease class.

Specifies the company's location. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pressrelease class.

Specifies the code to use to produce the logo. Typically, this will usually just involve the \includegraphics command. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pressrelease class.

Specifies the company's mobile phone number. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

For use within the Argumentation environment, this indicates the start of an important item in favour of the argument. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package


Defined in: minutes package.

For use within the Argumentation environment, this indicates the start of an item in favour of the argument. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package


Defined in: probsoln package.

Stores the extension of the temporary file used by probsoln to work with verbatim code. (Defaults to vrb.) § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: probsoln package.

Stores the basename of the temporary file used by probsoln to work with verbatim code. (Defaults to \jobname.) § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Process all the declare options. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form


Defined in: invoice package.

For use within the invoice environment, this command is used to specify the project title. § 4.2 Writing an Invoice Using the invoice Package

Argument Summary:

\begin{proof}[proof name]body\end{proof}

Defined in: beamer class.

An environment for typesetting proofs. § 8. Presentations (The beamer Class)

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Used in a moving argument to prevent a fragile command from expanding. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Similar to \protected@edef but the name of the control sequence (without the leading backslash) is used. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Similar to \protected@xdef but the name of the control sequence (without the leading backslash) is used. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Similar to \edef but a protected expansion is performed on ⟨definition⟩. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Writes ⟨text⟩ to the file identified by ⟨output stream⟩. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Similar to \xdef but a protected expansion is performed on ⟨definition⟩. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Defines the command only if it doesn't already exist. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Identifies the class name and optionally the version date. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Identifies the package name and optionally the version date. § 4.2 Writing an Invoice Using the invoice Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pressrelease class.

Specifies the company's phone number. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pressrelease class.

Specifies the sub-headline. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pressrelease class.

Specifies the company's website. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: Classes that define the letter environment.

Indicates the start of the postscript. § 3.1 Writing a Letter Using the letter Class

\psbarcode[options]{text or filename}{PS options}{type}

Defined in: pst-barcode package.

Generates a bar code. § 10.4 The pst-barcode Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

Specifies the PS line. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Randomly generates an integer between 1 and ⟨n⟩ (inclusive) and stores the result in the given register. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Sets the random number generator seed. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pstricks package.

Environment for drawing vector graphics. § 10.4 The pst-barcode Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: hyperref package.

A push button that performs some action (for use within the Form environment.) § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

For use inside the picture environment, this puts ⟨object⟩ at the given co-ordinates (which are in terms of \unitlength). § 10.1 The picture Environment

Argument Summary:



Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

For use in the picture, this draws a quadratic Bézier curve with the given start, end and curvature control points. § 10.1 The picture Environment

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Horizontal spacing command (twice as wide as \quad). § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form


Defined in: exam class.

Starts a new numbered question, with optionally the number of points the question is worth. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exsheets package.

Creates a new question. Both arguments are optional! § 9.2 The exsheets Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Contains all the question in the exam. § 9.1 The exam Class



Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Ragged-right paragraph justification. § 4.3 Building Your Own Invoice using longtable and datatool


Defined in: probsoln package.

Randomly generates an integer between ⟨min⟩ and ⟨max⟩ (inclusive) and stores the result in the given counter. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

Specifies the “re” part of a memo. § 6.1 Memos

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

References the value of the counter linked to the given label. A second (possibly third) run of LaTeX is required to ensure the cross-references are up-to-date. (See Volume 1.) § 1.2 Arara

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Increments the value of the given counter by one and allows the counter to be cross-referenced using \ref and \label. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: newlfm class.

Specifies subject of letter. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Unexpandable nothing. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions


Defined in: newlfm class.

Specifies the release information. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Redefines an existing command. (See Volume 1.) § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Redefines an existing environment. § Delving Deeper

Argument Summary:


Defined in: changes package.

Indicates that ⟨old-text⟩ has been replaced with ⟨new text⟩. § 13.1 Change Markup

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Analogous to \usepackage but for use in class or package files. § 4.2 Writing an Invoice Using the invoice Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: hyperref package.

A reset button that resets the form (for use within the Form environment.) § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: graphicx package.

Scales the specified contents to the given dimensions. § 10.3 The leaflet Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: censor package.

Switches on the censoring. § 6.4.1 Redaction: The censor Package


Defined in: minutes package.

For use within the Argumentation environment, this indicates the start of an item indicating the result of the argument. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package


Defined in: envlab package.

The return address. Defaults to the address given by \address § 3.6 Envelopes


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (Math Mode).

Right arrow →. § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Places ⟨text⟩ to the right of the reference point without taking up any space. § 11. Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Displays counter value as an upper case Roman number. (I, II, III, …) § 9.2 The exsheets Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Displays counter value as a lower case Roman number. (i, ii, iii, …) § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Expands ⟨number⟩ to a lower case Roman numeral. § Delving Deeper

Argument Summary:


Defined in: graphicx package.

Rotates the given contents by the given angle. § 3.6 Envelopes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Draws a rule (filled rectangle) with the given width and height. If the optional argument is present, the rule is raised by that amount. § 3.6 Envelopes

Argument Summary:



Defined in: tikz package.

For use within the tikzpicture environment, this provides a way of scoping options. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Switches to the small-caps form of the current font family, if it exists. See Volume 1. § 10.2 The ticket Package


Defined in: minutes package.

The environment contents will only be displayed if the package option Secret is used. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

\secret{secret text}

Defined in: minutes package.

The ⟨secret text⟩ will only be displayed if the package option Secret is used. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: leaflet class.

The font declaration used by the sectioning commands. § 10.3 The leaflet Class


Defined in: Most classes that have the concept of document structure.

Inserts a section header. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:

The starred form of this command doesn't have an optional argument and doesn't increment or display the section counter.


Defined in: beamer class.

Sets how covered material should appear. § 8.1 Overlays

Argument Summary:


Defined in: envlab package.

Sets the custom dimensions for the big labels. § 3.6 Envelopes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Sets the state (true or false) of a boolean variable. (Local effect only.) A new boolean variable can be defined using \newbool and can be tested in the first argument of \ifbool. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: ifthen package.

Sets the state (true or false) of a boolean variable. (Local effect only.) A new boolean variable can be defined using \newboolean and can be tested in the first argument of \ifthenelse with \boolean. § 6.1 Memos

Argument Summary:

\setcommittee{committee name}

Defined in: meetingmins class.

Sets the committee name. § 6.3.1 The meetingmins Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Sets the value of a counter. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application

Argument Summary:


Defined in: meetingmins class.

Sets the date of the meeting. § 6.3.1 The meetingmins Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: flowfram package.

Sets the contents of a dynamic frame. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application

Argument Summary:


Defined in: envlab package.

Sets the custom envelope dimensions. § 3.6 Envelopes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: keyval package.

Sets the options provided by the given option family § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: KOMA-Script classes.

Sets the content and optionally the description of a KOMA-Script variable. § 3.2 Writing a Letter Using the scrlttr2 Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: KOMA-Script classes.

Sets the description of a KOMA-Script variable. § 3.2 Writing a Letter Using the scrlttr2 Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: envlab package.

Sets the custom label dimensions. § 3.6 Envelopes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Sets the value of a length register. § Delving Deeper

Argument Summary:


Defined in: leaflet class.

Used to specify the page margins. § 10.3 The leaflet Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: meetingmins class.

Sets the list of members. The chair should be indicated within the list with the \chair command. § 6.3.1 The meetingmins Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: meetingmins class.

Sets the list of people present. The chair should be indicated within the list with the \chair command. § 6.3.1 The meetingmins Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: changes package.

Sets the extension of the list or summary of changes file. § 13.1 Change Markup

Argument Summary:


Defined in: flowfram package.

Sets the contents of a static frame. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application

Argument Summary:


Defined in: isodoc class.

Sets up the general document options § 3.4 Writing a Letter Using the isodoc Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exsheets package.

Sets options for the exsheet package. § 9.2 The exsheets Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Switches to the predefined sans-serif font. (Defaults to Computer Modern Sans.) § 12.3.1 The bchart Package


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Produces a box with a single column of text with the reference point at the lower-left corner. Similar to using a single column tabular environment. § 10.1 The picture Environment

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Interrupts the document compilation and writes the definition of ⟨token⟩ to the transcript. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

Shows the solutions (from that point onwards). § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: letter class; some other letter-like classes; minutes package.

Specifies the sender's (or author's) name to go after the closing text. § 3.1 Writing a Letter Using the letter Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (Math Mode).

Typesets sin function name. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: Most document classes.

Switches to small sized text. § 6.4.1 Redaction: The censor Package


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Inserts a small vertical space. The size is given by the length \smallskipamount. § 12.3.1 The bchart Package


Defined in: exam class.

Typesets its contents if the answers option is set otherwise it hides its contents, optionally replacing the contents with space for the student to fill in their answer. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exsheets package.

Contains the solution to the preceding question. § 9.2 The exsheets Package


Defined in: probsoln package.

Starts a new paragraph (without indentation), typesets \solutionname in bold followed by a colon space and then the environment contents. § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: probsoln package.

The solution title text used by the solution environment. § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: exam class.

Typesets its contents if the answers option is set otherwise it hides its contents, optionally replacing the contents with an empty box for the student to fill in their answer. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Typesets its contents if the answers option is set otherwise it hides its contents, optionally replacing the contents with an area containing dotted lines for the student to fill in their answer. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Typesets its contents if the answers option is set otherwise it hides its contents, optionally replacing the contents with a lined area for the student to fill in their answer. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

A space character. Sometimes used instead of typing a space character when the author wants to emphasize that there's supposed to be a space there. For example, if the space occurs at the end of a line of code, using \space is a visual indication that the author hasn't simply forgotten to discard an unwanted EOL character. § 3.6 Envelopes


Defined in: wasysym package or ifsym with the geometry option.

Produces a square symbol ☐. § 10.3 The leaflet Class


Defined in: envlab package.

Starts the manual generation of labels (which should be made using \mlabel). § 3.6 Envelopes


Defined in: minutes package.

Specifies the start time of the meeting. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: flowfram package.

Sets the contents of a static frame. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application

Argument Summary:


Defined in: invoice package.

For use within the invoice environment, this command is used to make a subtotal appear for all the expenses hidden via \EBCi or \EFCi. § 4.2 Writing an Invoice Using the invoice Package


Defined in: censor package.

Switches off the redaction to produce an uncensored version of the document. § 6.4.1 Redaction: The censor Package


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Converts the given control sequence into the list of characters that makes up that control sequence name (including the initial backslash) where each character in the list has category code 12 (“other”) § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: meetingmins class.

A numbered list for use within subsections and sub-subsections. Use the items environment for lists within sections. § 6.3.1 The meetingmins Class


Defined in: hyperref package.

A submit button that sends the data to the URL provided by the form's action (for use within the Form environment.) § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: Most classes that have the concept of document structure.

Inserts a subsubsubsubsection header. Most classes default to an unnumbered running header for this sectional unit. § 6.5.2 Non-Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering

Argument Summary:

The starred form of this command doesn't have an optional argument and doesn't increment or display the associated counter.


Defined in: exam class.

Starts a new numbered question sub-part, with optionally the number of points the sub-part is worth. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Contains all the question sub-parts. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: Most classes that have the concept of document structure.

Inserts a subsection header. § 6.3.1 The meetingmins Class

Argument Summary:

The starred form of this command doesn't have an optional argument and doesn't increment or display the subsection counter.


Defined in: exam class.

Starts a new numbered question sub-sub-part, with optionally the number of points the sub-sub-part is worth. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Contains all the question sub-sub-parts. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: Most classes that have the concept of document structure.

Inserts a subsubsection header. § 6.5.2 Non-Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering

Argument Summary:

The starred form of this command doesn't have an optional argument and doesn't increment or display the subsubsection counter.


Defined in: Various classes or packages that have the concept of a subtitle.

Specifies the subtitle. Usually for use with \maketitle in a similar manner to \title. Some classes, such as beamer, also provide an optional argument for this command. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:

\subtopic[toc title]{title}

Defined in: minutes package.

Starts a new subtopic. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: svninfo package.

Prints a summary of the Subversion information in the same form as the Id keyword anchor. § 13.2 Version Control


Defined in: svninfo package.

Parses the Subversion Id keyword anchor. § 13.2 Version Control

Argument Summary:


Defined in: svninfo package.

Prints the date in the form ⟨YYYY⟩-⟨MM⟩-⟨DD⟩ when the file was checked out or the current date if unknown. § 13.2 Version Control


Defined in: svninfo package.

Prints the day (in ⟨DD⟩ form) when the file was checked out or the current day if unknown. § 13.2 Version Control


Defined in: svninfo package.

Prints the name of the source file or --sourcefile-- if unknown. § 13.2 Version Control


Defined in: svninfo package.

Prints the information obtained from the HeadURL keyword. § 13.2 Version Control


Defined in: svninfo package.

Prints date in the form of \today when the file was checked out or the current date if unknown. § 13.2 Version Control


Defined in: svninfo package.

Prints the maximum revision number for all the files in the document or --maxrevision-- if unknown. § 13.2 Version Control


Defined in: svninfo package.

Prints date in the form of \today from the latest Subversion revision. § 13.2 Version Control


Defined in: svninfo package.

Prints the minimum revision number for all the files in the document or --minrevision-- if unknown. § 13.2 Version Control


Defined in: svninfo package.

Prints the month (in ⟨MM⟩ form) when the file was checked out or the current month if unknown. § 13.2 Version Control


Defined in: svninfo package.

Prints the user name of the file owner or --owner-- if unknown. § 13.2 Version Control


Defined in: svninfo package.

Prints the revision number of the checked out file or --revision-- if unknown. § 13.2 Version Control


Defined in: svninfo package.

Prints the time when the file was checked out or --time-- if unknown. § 13.2 Version Control


Defined in: svninfo package.

Prints the year when the file was checked out or the current year if unknown. § 13.2 Version Control


Defined in: svninfo package.

Parses the Subversion keyword anchor. § 13.2 Version Control

Argument Summary:



Defined in: Most classes except for those designed for correspondence or similarly restrictive documents.

Floats the contents to the nearest location according to the preferred placement options, if possible. Within the environment, \caption may be used one or more times, as required. (See Volume 1.) § 2.6 Displaying Tabulated Data

Argument Summary:


Defined in: Most classes that have the concept of document structure.

Inserts the table of contents. A second (possibly third) run is required to ensure the page numbering is correct. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel (Text Mode).

Environment for lining things up in rows and columns. § 2.6 Displaying Tabulated Data

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

Specifies a task. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: minutes package.

Specifies a task. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: letter class.

Specifies the sender's telephone number. § 3.1 Writing a Letter Using the letter Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Typesets the TeX logo. § 7.4 Parsing and Displaying Times


Defined in: amsmath package (Math Mode).

Displays its argument in the normal text font (as opposed to the current maths font). § 7.4 Parsing and Displaying Times

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Circumflex ^ symbol. § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Tilde ~ symbol. (If you are typing an URL, use the url package, which provides \url{address} that allows you to directly type ~ in the address.) § 2.2.1 Loading Data From a CSV File


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Renders ⟨text⟩ with a bold weight in the current font family, if it exists. (See Volume 1.) § 1. Introduction

Argument Summary:


Defined in: color and xcolor packages.

Sets ⟨text⟩ with the foreground colour according to the given ⟨specs⟩. § 2.3 Security

Argument Summary:


Defined in: textcomp package.

Displays the dollar symbol $. § 4.2 Writing an Invoice Using the invoice Package


Defined in: probsoln package.

An inline numbered list environment. Each item may be started with the standard \item command, but may also be started with \correctitem or \incorrectitem. § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: textcomp package.

Displays the Euro symbol €. § 4.2 Writing an Invoice Using the invoice Package


Defined in: hyperref package.

A text field (for use within the Form environment.) § 11.2 Electronic PDF Forms

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

A length containing the height of the typeblock. Note that the actual contents of the page may fall short of the text height (underfull vbox) or extend beyond it (overfull vbox). This measurement does not include the header and footer areas. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application


Defined in: ifsym package.

Selects the symbol identified by ⟨number⟩ from the given font family. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form

Argument Summary:


Defined in: fixltx2e package (now in LaTeX Kernel).

Makes ⟨text⟩ a subscript. Unlike \sb, this command is for use in text mode. § 13.1 Change Markup

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Makes ⟨text⟩ a superscript. Unlike \sp, this command is for use in text mode. § 13.1 Change Markup

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Renders ⟨text⟩ in the predefined monospaced font. See Volume 1. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

A length containing the width of the typeblock. Note that the actual contents of the line may fall short of the line width (underfull hbox) or extend beyond it (overfull hbox). This width does not include the area for marginal notes. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic


Defined in: TeX primitive.

Expands ⟨register⟩ to the current value of the register. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Displays the current value of the enumi (first level enumerate) counter. § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Displays the current value of the enumii (second level enumerate) counter. § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Displays the current value of the enumiii (third level enumerate) counter. § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Displays the current value of the enumiv (fourth level enumerate) counter. § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: beamer class.

An environment for typesetting theorems. § 8. Presentations (The beamer Class)

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Displays the current question number. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Displays the current value of the section counter § 6.5.1 Hierarchical Paragraph Numbering


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

This declaration switches to a thick line width for lines drawn within the picture environment. § 10.1 The picture Environment


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Like \pagestyle but only affects the current page. § 3.1 Writing a Letter Using the letter Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: probsoln package.

May be used within the ⟨body⟩ argument of \foreachproblem to display the current problem. § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: probsoln package.

May be used within the ⟨body⟩ argument of \foreachproblem to access the current problem label. § 9.3 The probsoln Package


Defined in: pgfplots package.

For use within one of the tick label options, this expands to the current tick element. § 12.5 Plots


Defined in: ticket package.

Specifies the variable ticket content. § 10.2 The ticket Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: ticket package.

The default ticket content. § 10.2 The ticket Package


Defined in: ticket package.

The horizontal and vertical distances between tickets in terms of \unitlength. § 10.2 The ticket Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: ticket package.

Specifies the number of tickets per sheet and their arrangement. § 10.2 The ticket Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: ticket package.

The width and height of the tickets in terms of \unitlength. § 10.2 The ticket Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: pgfplots package.

For use within one of the tick label options, this expands to the current tick number (starting from 0). § 12.5 Plots


Defined in: tikz package.

Environment for drawing vector graphics. § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar

Argument Summary:


Defined in: TeX primitive.

The current time expressed as the number of minutes since midnight. § 7.4 Parsing and Displaying Times


Defined in: Most classes that have the concept of a title page.

Specifies the document title. This command doesn't display any text so may be used in the preamble, but if it's not in the preamble it must be placed before \maketitle. Some classes, such as beamer, provide an optional argument for this command. § 8. Presentations (The beamer Class)

Argument Summary:

Note that some classes, such as those supplied by journals or conference proceedings, may also define an optional argument that can be used to specify an abbreviated title for the page headers.


Defined in: exam class.

Like \question but assigns a title to the question. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:


Defined in: beamer class.

Code to produce a title graphic used by \maketitle. § 8. Presentations (The beamer Class)

Argument Summary:


Defined in: envlab package.

A length register used to store the width of the recipient's address. § 3.6 Envelopes


Defined in: Most of the commonly-used classes.

Inserts into the output file the date when the LaTeX application created it from the source code. § 3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class


Defined in: arara directive.

Create a file reference. § 1.2 Arara

\topic[toc title]{title}

Defined in: minutes package.

Starts a new topic. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: booktabs package.

Horizontal rule for the top of a tabular environment. § 2.6 Displaying Tabulated Data

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exsheets package.

Displays the total number of points, including bonus points. (Requires two LaTeX runs to ensure it's up to date.) The starred version omits the unit. § 9.2 The exsheets Package


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Displays ⟨number⟩, ensuring that it has at least two digits. (If ⟨number⟩ is less than 10 a leading 0 is inserted.) § 7.4 Parsing and Displaying Times

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Issues a page break and switches to two column mode. § 10.5 The flowfram Package and the flowframtk Application



Defined in: arara directive.

Evaluates to true if the given file hasn't changed. The argument ⟨ref⟩ may either be a string "⟨extension⟩" which indicates the file extension or a file reference toFile("⟨filename⟩"). § 1.2 Arara

Argument Summary:


Defined in: exam class.

Switches off the default frame around the solutions. § 9.1 The exam Class


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

A length used as the unit of measurement in the picture environment. § 10.1 The picture Environment


Defined in: arara directive.

Only run the application if ⟨condition⟩ is false. § 1.2 Arara

Argument Summary:


Defined in: arara directive.

Repeatedly run the application until ⟨condition⟩ is true. § 1.2 Arara

Argument Summary:


Defined in: url package.

Typesets an URL in a typewriter font and allows you to use characters such as ~. § 6.2 Press Releases

Argument Summary:


Defined in: beamer class.

Loads a beamer color theme. § 8.2 Themes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: beamer class.

Loads a beamer font theme. § 8.2 Themes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: beamer class.

Loads a beamer inner theme. § 8.2 Themes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: beamer class.

Loads a beamer outer theme. § 8.2 Themes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Loads the listed package(s). (See Volume 1.) § 1.1 Packages and Document Classes

Argument Summary:

\useproblem[dataset]{label}{ arg1}{argN}

Defined in: probsoln package.

Uses a previously defined problem. § 9.3 The probsoln Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: beamer class.

Loads a beamer presentation theme. § 8.2 Themes

Argument Summary:


Defined in: tikz package.

Load the tikz library called ⟨name⟩. (Preamble only.) § 7.5 Displaying a Calendar

Argument Summary:



Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

References the value of the given counter where a number rather than a counter name is required. § 2.1.3 Arithmetic

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

For use within the argument of \put, this draws a straight line with an arrowhead of the given length whose horizontal and vertical extent (gradient vector) is given by (⟨h⟩,⟨v⟩). § 10.1 The picture Environment

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Typesets ⟨text⟩ verbatim. The starred version replaces spaces with the visible space symbol. § 8. Presentations (The beamer Class)

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Typesets the contents of the environment as is. (Can't be used in the argument of a command.) § 8. Presentations (The beamer Class)


Defined in: verbatim package.

Inputs the given file verbatim. § 9.4 Using the datatool Package for Exams or Assignment Sheets

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Inserts a vertical space that will expand to fit the available height. § 3.6 Envelopes


Defined in: minutes package.

If multiple votes were made, the \vote commands are listed in this environment. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package


Defined in: minutes package.

Indicates a vote took place. § 6.3.2 The minutes Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: LaTeX Kernel.

Inserts a vertical gap of the given height. The unstarred version doesn't create a space if it occurs at the beginning or end of a page. The starred version always creates a space. § 9.1 The exam Class

Argument Summary:



Defined in: arara directive.

Repeatedly run the application while ⟨condition⟩ is true. § 1.2 Arara

Argument Summary:



Defined in: etoolbox package.

Global version of \eappto. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:


Defined in: censor package.

Like \blackout, but also blacks out the interword spaces. § 6.4.1 Redaction: The censor Package

Argument Summary:


Defined in: wasysym package.

Produces a square with a cross in it ☒. § 11.1 Writing a Class File for a Form


Defined in: TeX primitive.

As \edef but the definition is global. § 2.1.1 Macro Definitions

Argument Summary:


Defined in: datatool package.

Finds the first row in the database ⟨db-name⟩ where entry in the column identified by the label ⟨col-label⟩ matches a one level expansion of ⟨value⟩ and applies the assignment list, which has the same format as for \DTLforeach and \DTLforeach*. See also \DTLassignfirstmatch. § 2.8 Fetching Data From a Given Row

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

As \ifinlist but the test is performed on the expansion of ⟨item⟩. § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

As \xifinlist but the control sequence name is supplied (without the backslash). § 2.7.3 Iteration With etoolbox's Internal Lists

Argument Summary:


Defined in: etoolbox package.

Global version of \epreto. § 2.1.2 Hook Management

Argument Summary:



Defined in: TeX primitive.

The current year. § 7.2 The pgfcalendar Package Utility Commands


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