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6.1 Memos

§3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class introduced the newlfm class [107], which can be used for writing correspondence. This class can also be used for writing memos and press releases. (See the next section for press releases.) If you read the earlier section on the newlfm class, you may remember that you can set the style of the document through the class options. For example, the stdletter option sets the standard letter style. There are two styles relating to memos: stdmemo (standard memo) and fullmemo (full memo).

As before, you still use the newlfm environment. However, some of the commands described in §3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class are ignored for the memo styles, such as those that set the greeting, closing and signature. Again, options can be set using either the class option list or the command:

\newlfmP{options list}

Memo options are listed in Table 6.1.

Don't be confused by the “Re:” line. The \regarding command described in §3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class is for letter subject lines. (Prefixed with “Regarding:”) In a memo, the text in the line prefixed with “Re:” is set using:


Note that in the current version of newlfm (dated 2009-04-10) there are bugs in the memonofrom, memonoto and memonore options. The following lines are workarounds to implement these options:

\setboolean{@memo@e}{false}% memonofrom
\setboolean{@memo@g}{false}% memonoto
\setboolean{@memo@f}{false}% memonore

Table 6.1: Memo Options
Option Description
memonofrom Omit sender's block.
memoemailfrom Include sender's email.
memoaddrfrom Include recipient's address.
memophonefrom Include sender's telephone number.
memofaxfrom Include recipient's fax number.
memopagerfrom Include recipient's pager number.
memonoto Omit recipient's block.
memoemailto Include recipient's email.
memoaddrto Include recipient's address.
memophoneto Include recipient's telephone number.
memofaxto Include recipient's fax number.
memopagerto Include recipient's pager number.
memodate Set the date on the memo.
fullmemo Use all optional items.
memonore Omit the “Re:” line.

Example 30. Sample Memo (newlfm class)

Commands such as \nameto and \dateset were described earlier in §3.3 Writing a Letter Using the newlfm Class. This example makes use of some of those commands, but sets the style to stdmemo to create a memo instead of a letter.




\nameto{Mabel Canary}

\namefrom{Mr Big Head}
\addrfrom{Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff}

\re{Cricket Match}

It has come to my attention that certain members of your team 
intend to bring the prototype ray gun to the forthcoming cricket 
match against the Department of Stripy Confectioners in order to 
`level the playing field'. Please remind them that this is against 
regulations.  Also, the mind-controlling cookies are inappropriate 
for the tea interval provisions.

(You can download or view this example.) The resulting document is shown in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1: A Sample Memo (newlfm class)

To: Mabel Canary
From: Mr Big Head
  Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff
  Telephone: 0123456789
  E-mail: big.head@somewhere.ac.uk
Re: Cricket Match
Date: 11-03-2014

It has come to my attention that certain members of your team intend to bring the prototype ray gun to the forthcoming cricket match against the Department of Stripy Confectioners in order to ‘level the playing field’. Please remind them that this is against regulations. Also, the mind-controlling cookies are inappropriate for the tea interval provisions.

End of Image.

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