This example requires the sample images dummy-logo.png, mallard.png and goose.png.\documentclass[a4paper,12pt,notumble]{leaflet} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{Alegreya} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{graphicx} \renewcommand*{\sectfont}{\scshape} \renewcommand*{\descfont}{\bfseries\scshape} \AddToBackground*{1}{% \put (0,0) {\rotatebox{33}{\resizebox{30cm}{!}{\color{lightgray}CLASSIFIED}}}% } \AddToBackground{1}{% \put (\LenToUnit{0.5\paperwidth},\LenToUnit{0.5\paperheight}) {\oval(\LenToUnit{0.95\paperwidth},\LenToUnit{0.95\paperheight})}% } \CutLine{6} \begin{document} \begin{center}\bfseries\Huge Culinary Experimental Research \vfill \normalsize \begin{tabular}{c} Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff\\ University of Somewhere \end{tabular} \vfill \begin{tabular}{c} Department of Stripy Confectioners\\ College of Somewhere Else \end{tabular} \vfill \includegraphics[height=3cm]{dummy-logo} \end{center} \newpage \raggedright \section{Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff} The Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff is a top-secret laboratory whose existence is highly classified so don't tell anyone about it or we'll get really cross with you. The University of Somewhere denies all knowledge of the Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff, except on Open Days where members of the public may visit the facility and ask questions as long as they consent to a memory wipe when they leave. The memory wipe is harmless (well, we haven't really tested it properly, but no one's complained so far) and your memory of the visit will be replaced by a pleasant recollection of spending the day feeding the ducks in the nearby pond. \begin{flushright} \includegraphics{mallard} \end{flushright} \section{Department of Stripy Confectioners} The Department of Stripy Confectioners is a department within the College of Somewhere Else. The department is internationally known for its cutting-edge research in the field of stripy confectionery, including humbugs and sticks of rock. In a spirit of co-operation between the University of Somewhere and the College of Somewhere Else, a number of the department's faculty spend half their time feeding ducks in the pond near the University of Somewhere. The Department of Stripy Confectioners has received a grant of \pounds1~million from the Ministry of Top Secret Stuff to purchase the bread crumbs provided by the University of Somewhere. \section{Mind-Controlling Cookies} Preliminary tests have shown that the mind-controlling properties of the mind-controlling cookies are somewhat disappointing, but critics have said that they taste very nice and could they have some more bread for the ducks. \subsection{Ingredients} \begin{itemize} \item Self-raising flour; \item Butter; \item Chocolate chips; \item Sugar obtained from secret genetically modified beet. \end{itemize} \section{Telepathic Cakes} Preliminary experiments on the telepathic cakes have revealed an unfortunate side-effect. The full results are in the senior scientist's head. Telepathy is required to view them. Please read the full terms and conditions before use. \subsection{Ingredients} The ingredients of the telepathic cakes may be obtained telepathically on consumption of the cake. \section{Exploding Chocolates} One of the junior research assistants suffered injuries during the initial development phase but, after a full and detailed investigation, the health and safety department observed that there are also geese present in the duck pond. \begin{flushright} \includegraphics{goose} \end{flushright} \newpage \section{Query Form} If you'd like to know more about the exciting collaboration between the Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff and the Department of Stripy Confectioners please fill in your details below and post this slip to: \bigskip \begin{tabular}{@{}l} Miss Ingperson\\ Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff\\ University of Somewhere\\ Some City\\ AB3 4YZ \end{tabular} \bigskip \Square\ I would like to receive quarterly newsletters. \Square\ I agree to having my memory wiped. \Square\ Yes, I'd really like to feed the ducks. \bigskip \begin{tabular}{@{}lp{4cm}} Name: & \dotfill \\ Address: & \dotfill\\ & \dotfill \\ & \dotfill \\ & \dotfill \\ Postcode: & \dotfill\\ Country: & \dotfill\\ Telephone: & \dotfill\\ Mobile: & \dotfill\\ Email: & \dotfill \end{tabular} \newpage \section{Research Team} \begin{description} \item[Administrator] Mr Big Head \item[Assistant Administrator] Dr Bor Ing \item[Project Co-ordinator] Mabel Canary \item[Senior Scientists] Dickie Duck, Polly Parrot \item[Research Assistants] Z\"oe Zebra, Jos\'e Arara, Fred Canary \end{description} \section{Acknowledgements} The Culinary Experimental Research team would like to thank the following: \begin{description} \item[University of Somewhere] For something or other \item[College of Somewhere Else] For providing bread crumbs \item[The Ministry of Top Secret Stuff] For supporting the project somehow. \end{description} \end{document}
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