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Custom Date and Time Package

Here's the code for mycustomdatetime.sty:
\ProvidesPackage{mycustomdatetime}[2014/03/20 1.0 My custom date and time format]


% Time commands:

  \ifstrempty{#3}% test for empty 3rd argument
  {}% no seconds specified
  {:\two@digits{#3}}% seconds
  \timezonefmt{#4}% time zone

  {}% empty argument

  \ifnum #2=0\relax
    \ifnum #1=0\relax
      \ifnum #1<0 $-$\two@digits{-#1}\else +\two@digits{#1}\fi
    \ifnum #1<0$-$\two@digits{-#1}\else +\two@digits{#1}\fi








% Define an ordinal command:
  \ifcase#1\or st\or nd\or rd\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or
  th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or
  th\or th\or st\or nd\or rd\or th\or th\or th\or th\or th\or
  th\or th\or st\fi

% Define registers needed by \printdate:

% Define generic date format:
  {}% day of week missing
  \ord{#4}~\pgfcalendarmonthname{#3} \number#2%

% Define command to convert ISO date to a form that can be used by \datefmt:
  % Now display the date:

% Redefine \today to use the same format:

% Check if babel is used with the british option:
  \ifdef{\datebritish}% check if \datebritish exists
  {% it does exist, so redefine it
  {}% doesn't exist, do nothing

And here's the code for the sample document:



The file \jobname.tex was last modified on:

The PDF was built by \TeX\ on: \pdfnow.

Format a specific time (Zulu time):

Format a specific time (non-Zulu time):
\timefmt{8}{10}{35}{+1:00} or
\timefmt{8}{10}{35}{-4:30} or

Format a specific time without a time zone:

Format a specific time with a time zone but without seconds:

Format a specific time without a time zone or seconds:


Download customdatetime.tex or customdatetime.pdf.

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