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Envelope Labels







\name{Mr Big Head}
\signature{Big Head}
\location{Secret Lab of Experimental Stuff}
\address{University of Somewhere\\Some City\\AB3 4YZ}


  \begin{letter}{Miss Polly Parrot\\42 The Lane\\Some Town\\AB1 2XY}

  \opening{Dear Miss Parrot}

  This is an imaginary letter.

  This is the second paragraph of the letter.

  \closing{Yours sincerely}

  \ps PS: this is a postscript.

  \encl{Photocopy of something interesting\\
   Photocopy of something rather dull}

  \cc{Prof Important Person\\Dr Bor Ing}

  \begin{letter}{Miss Polly Parrot\\42 The Lane\\Some Town\\AB1 2XY}

  \opening{Dear Miss Parrot}

  This is an imaginary letter.

  This is the second paragraph of the letter.

  \closing{Yours sincerely}

  \ps PS: this is a postscript.

  \encl{Photocopy of something interesting\\
   Photocopy of something rather dull}

  \cc{Prof Important Person\\Dr Bor Ing}

  \begin{letter}{Miss Polly Parrot\\42 The Lane\\Some Town\\AB1 2XY}

  \opening{Dear Miss Parrot}

  This is an imaginary letter.

  This is the second paragraph of the letter.

  \closing{Yours sincerely}

  \ps PS: this is a postscript.

  \encl{Photocopy of something interesting\\
   Photocopy of something rather dull}

  \cc{Prof Important Person\\Dr Bor Ing}


Download sample-envlab.tex or sample-envlab.pdf.

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