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Display Product List (SQL)

This code requires the samples SQL database. The .dbtex files are created using:

datatooltk --output products.dbtex --sqluser sampleuser --sqldb samples --sql "SELECT * FROM books" 
datatooltk --output customers.dbtex --sqluser sampleuser --sqldb samples --sql "SELECT * FROM people"
datatooltk --output countries.dbtex --sqluser sampleuser --sqldb samples --sql "SELECT * FROM countries"
Alternatively you can use datatooltk-gui to import the data and save it to a file called customer.dbtex.


\usepackage{longtable}% required for \DTLdisplaylongdb





First an example that just uses the \texttt{table} and
\texttt{tabular} environments. See Table~\ref{tab:products}.

  \caption{A Sample Product List}

Data loaded from a CSV file has empty rather than null values.
See Table~\ref{tab:customers}.

  \caption{A Sample Customer List}
   [id,forenames,title,country,postcode,dob]% omit these columns

If the data is too large to fit on a single page we need to use the
\texttt{longtable} environment instead. See Table~\ref{tab:countries}.

   caption={A Sample Long Table},% main caption
   contcaption={A Sample Long Table (Continued)},% continuation caption
   label={tab:countries},% label
   foot={\emph{Continued on next page}},% table foot
   lastfoot={}% final table foot


Download sample-datatooltk-sql.tex or sample-datatooltk-sql.pdf.

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