Example CSV Data (people.csv)
This is the contents of sample CSV file people.csv used by some of the examples in LaTeX for Administrative Work. Note that the CSV file contains UTF8 characters, so if you download it make sure your text editor or spreadsheet application uses the Unicode (UTF8) character set.id,forenames,surname,title,address1,address2,town,county,country,postcode,subscribed,gender,dob 1,Polly,Parrot,Miss,42 The Lane,,Some Town,Noshire,gb,AB1 2XY,1,f,1970-12-31 2,Mabel,Canary,Mrs,24 The Street,Some Village,Some Town,Noshire,gb,AB1 2YZ,0,f,1968-01-23 3,Zöe,Zebra,Ms,856 The Avenue,,Some City,CA,us,123456,1,f,1989-07-16 4,José,Arara,,Nenhuma Rua,,São Paulo,,br,123457,1,m,1991-05-30 5,Dickie,Duck,Mr,1 The Street,Another Village,Some City,Imagineshire,gb,YZ1 2AB,0,m,1952-11-25 6,Fred,Canary,Mr,24 The Street,Some Village,Some Town,Noshire,gb,AB1 2YZ,1,m,1967-08-04