Example CSV Data (booklist.csv)
This is the contents of sample CSV file booklist.csv used by some of the examples in LaTeX for Administrative Work. Note that the CSV file contains UTF8 characters, so if you download it make sure your text editor or spreadsheet application uses the Unicode (UTF8) character set.id,title,author,format,price 1,"The Adventures of Duck and Goose","Sir Quackalot",paperback,10.99 2,"The Return of Duck and Goose","Sir Quackalot",paperback,19.99 3,"More Fun with Duck and Goose","Sir Quackalot",paperback,12.99 4,"Duck and Goose on Holiday","Sir Quackalot",paperback,11.99 5,"The Return of Duck and Goose","Sir Quackalot",hardback,19.99 6,"The Adventures of Duck and Goose","Sir Quackalot",hardback,18.99 7,"My Friend is a Duck","A. Parrot",paperback,14.99 8,"Annotated Notes on the ‘Duck and Goose’ chronicles","Prof Macaw",ebook,8.99 9,"‘Duck and Goose’ Cheat Sheet for Students","Polly Parrot",ebook,5.99 10,"‘Duck and Goose’: an allegory for modern times?","Bor Ing",hardback,59.99