flowframtk application FAQ
This is the FAQ for the flowframtk application. See also the flowframtk manual and the old jpgfdraw FAQ.
General Queries
FlowframTk was previously called JpgfDraw (Java pgf-code generating drawing application). The old name confused some people because the first three letters "jpg" made them think of jpeg images, which was inappropriate for a vector graphics application. There are a lot of drawing applications that can generate code for use in LaTeX documents, so I decided it would be better for the new name to reflect the application's connection with the flowfram package.
2015-10-22 02:52:32
Internal or Runtime Errors
This happened for some operating systems with flowframtk version 0.8. The bug was fixed in version 0.8.1.
2015-10-22 02:58:20
This should now be fixed in version 0.8.4.
2017-03-21 07:05:34
This problem should now be fixed in version 0.8.4.
2017-03-21 07:06:23
User Interface Problems
This problem should now be fixed in version 0.8.2.
2015-10-22 03:00:46
In version 0.8.2, use the menu item Settings->Configure User Interface to open the configure user interface dialog and make sure the "canvas click to exit" checkbox is selected.
2015-10-22 03:11:42
Make sure the canvas has the focus (try clicking on the canvas or on a tool button or try using TAB to switch the focus). If the preamble panel has the focus, only the preamble accelerators will be recognized.
2015-10-22 03:15:32