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ID 53🔗
Date: 2014-01-24 09:49:54
Status Closed (Not a Bug)
Category glossaries
Version 4.03
Summary glossaries, multibib and tableofcontents produce "weird error"
OS windows 7 64 bit

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I have a situation that when I use multibib and glossaries, and I addmore than 10 \newcites (bibliographies) and have a \tableofcontents command then I get "weird error" or a "no room" error.

The bug was extremely tedious to debug (as the error changes if other packages are included or the orderof packages is different), but I found the solution here:


that using:

\usepackage{morewrites} before the glossaries package solves the problem.

I am uncertain which package is responsible for this problem, but I think other users may find the solution useful. If there is nothing to fix, I believe it may be a useful FAQ entry.

thanks for the awesome latex package!


Download (1.00K)

% arara: pdflatex: {action: batchmode, draft: yes, options: "-synctex=-1 --src-specials --file-line-error-style"}
% arara: makeglossaries
% arara: pdflatex: {action: nonstopmode, draft: yes, options: "-synctex=-1 --src-specials -halt-on-error -file-line-error-style"}
% arara: pdflatex: {action: nonstopmode, options: "-synctex=-1 --src-specials -halt-on-error -file-line-error-style"}

% if morewrites is commented out, one cannot have more than 10 bibliographies
% (case a) ERROR. compile this as is and it should produce an error
% (case b) OK. uncomment line 11 and it should compile, with any number of \newcites.
% (case c) OK. keep this commented, but switch line 14 with line 15 (comment/uncomment as necessary of course) 








Thank you for your report. This is a basic limitation of TeX and its limited number of registers. As you mentioned, loading morewrites can fix the problem. An alternative is to use scrwfile. I think this is similar to the problem I get the error: "no room for a new \write". I'll have to close this as "Not a Bug" as I can't provide a fix other than to recommend using morewrites or scrwfile.

Update 2020-02-29: if you have a problem with too many write registers, you may want to consider switching to bib2gls and glossaries-extra as no write registers are required for the glossaries in that case (since the indexing information is written to the aux file).



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