Bug Tracker 
ID | 48🔗 |
Date: | 2013-12-06 16:05:29 |
Status | Closed (Not a Bug) |
Category | glossaries |
Version | v4.01 |
Summary | minimalgls.tex |
OS | MAC OS X 10.8.4 |
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I have tested the minimalgls.tex. It almost works, but gives the following errors:! LaTeX Error: \genacrfullformat undefined. ! LaTeX Error: \genplacrfullformat undefined.May you help me to fix it?
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% This file is public domain. % % This is a minimal file for testing and debugging % the glossaries package. Change the class file as % desired, and add the relevant package options to % both the class file and the glossaries package. % Change the sample glossary entry and acronym if % required. If the problem occurs with an additional % glossary, add in the relevant \newglossary command % and a sample entry. % % Only add extra packages or commands if they % contribute to whatever problem you are trying to % test. % % Remember that the document will not be complete % until you have successfully completed all of the % following steps: % 1. latex minimalgls % 2. makeglossaries minimalgls (note no extension) % 3. latex minimalgls % A further run through LaTeX will be required to ensure that % the table of contents is up to date if the toc option % is used. % Alternatively, if you use arara, you can add the following % directives in your document: % % arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on } % arara: makeglossaries % arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on } \documentclass{article} \listfiles \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} %\usepackage{glossaries} % acronym will go in main glossary \usepackage[acronym]{glossaries} % make a separate list of acronyms \makeglossaries % Setup acronym fonts (e.g. \emph for short form on first use and % \textbf for short form on subsequent use): \renewcommand{\firstacronymfont}[1]{\emph{#1}} \renewcommand{\acronymfont}[1]{\textbf{#1}} % Apply the generic acronym style to just the "acronym" glossary: \defglsentryfmt[acronym]{\glsgenacfmt} % Change acronym first use so that its displayed as % short (long) \renewcommand{\genacrfullformat}[2]{% \glsentryshort{#1}#2 (\glsentrylong{#1})% } \renewcommand{\genplacrfullformat}[2]{% \glsentryshortpl{#1}#2 (\glsentrylongpl{#1})% } \longnewglossaryentry{par}{name={par}}% {% A long description with a paragraph break. This is the next paragraph. } \newglossaryentry{sample}{name={sample}, description={a sample entry}} \newacronym[\glsshortpluralkey=cas,\glslongpluralkey=contrived acronyms]{aca}{aca}{a contrived acronym} \begin{document} A \gls{sample} entry and \gls{aca}. Second use: \gls{aca}. Plurals: \glspl{sample}. Reset acronym\glsreset{aca}. First use: \glspl{aca}. Second use: \glspl{aca}. \glsresetall First letter upper case: \Gls{sample}. First use: \Gls{aca}. Subsequent use: \Gls{aca}. \glsresetall Plurals: \Glspl{sample}. First use: \Glspl{aca}. Next: \Glspl{aca}. If you want paragraph breaks in the description use \verb|\longnewglossaryentry|, as with entry \gls{par}. \printglossaries \end{document}
Those are new commands. Upgrade to version 4.02. (I mainly added those lines in minimalgls.tex for testing purposes, but I may remove them in the next version to keep this file minimal.)
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