Bug Tracker 
ID | 277🔗 |
Date: | 2024-08-01 11:31:45 |
Last update: | 2024-08-04 13:56:15 |
Status | Closed (Not a Bug) |
Category | glossaries-extra |
Version | 1.53 |
Summary | Uppercase macros not expanding with hyperref |
Cross Ref | 271 |
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Uppercase commands for section headings (e.g.,\Glsfmtshort
or \Glsfmtlong
) are not fully expanded and produce invalid PDF strings:
Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode): (hyperref) removing `\glsentryshort' on input line 11. Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string (Unicode): (hyperref) removing `\glsentrylong' on input line 13.The respective PDF bookmarks only show the entry label.
The not uppercased commands work as expected.
I'm not sure if this is related in any way to #271 Bug Tracker
Is there a workaround other than using \texorpdfstring
in every section heading explicitly?
Download (323B)
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{glossaries-extra} \setabbreviationstyle{long-hyphen-short-hyphen} \newabbreviation{label}{SHORTFORM}{long form} \begin{document} \section{\glsfmtshort{label}} \section{\Glsfmtshort{label}} \section{\glsfmtlong{label}} \section{\Glsfmtlong{label}} \end{document}
I'm sorry, I've not been able to reproduce the problem, but I notice that we have slightly different versions of some packages. Both \glsentryshort
and \glsentrylong
are expandable so they shouldn't cause that warning. \Glsfmtshort{label}
is effectively doing:
\texorpdfstring {\Glsxtrtitleshort{label}} {\MFUsentencecase{\glsentryshort {label}}}where
is also expandable and defined to simply use \text_titlecase_first:n
. I think there have been some changes to the LaTeX3 code that may have affected expansion of the case-changing commands.
Adding \listfiles
to the start of your mwe I get:
*File List* article.cls 2024/02/08 v1.4n Standard LaTeX document class size10.clo 2024/02/08 v1.4n Standard LaTeX file (size option) hyperref.sty 2024-07-10 v7.01j Hypertext links for LaTeX iftex.sty 2022/02/03 v1.0f TeX engine tests keyval.sty 2022/05/29 v1.15 key=value parser (DPC) kvsetkeys.sty 2022-10-05 v1.19 Key value parser (HO) kvdefinekeys.sty 2019-12-19 v1.6 Define keys (HO) pdfescape.sty 2019/12/09 v1.15 Implements pdfTeX's escape features (HO) ltxcmds.sty 2023-12-04 v1.26 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO) pdftexcmds.sty 2020-06-27 v0.33 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO) infwarerr.sty 2019/12/03 v1.5 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO) hycolor.sty 2020-01-27 v1.10 Color options for hyperref/bookmark (HO) nameref.sty 2023-11-26 v2.56 Cross-referencing by name of section refcount.sty 2019/12/15 v3.6 Data extraction from label references (HO) gettitlestring.sty 2019/12/15 v1.6 Cleanup title references (HO) kvoptions.sty 2022-06-15 v3.15 Key value format for package options (HO) etoolbox.sty 2020/10/05 v2.5k e-TeX tools for LaTeX (JAW) stringenc.sty 2019/11/29 v1.12 Convert strings between diff. encodings (HO) pd1enc.def 2024-07-10 v7.01j Hyperref: PDFDocEncoding definition (HO) intcalc.sty 2019/12/15 v1.3 Expandable calculations with integers (HO) puenc.def 2024-07-10 v7.01j Hyperref: PDF Unicode definition (HO) url.sty 2013/09/16 ver 3.4 Verb mode for urls, etc. bitset.sty 2019/12/09 v1.3 Handle bit-vector datatype (HO) bigintcalc.sty 2019/12/15 v1.5 Expandable calculations on big integers (HO) atbegshi-ltx.sty 2021/01/10 v1.0c Emulation of the original atbegshi package with kernel methods hpdftex.def 2024-07-10 v7.01j Hyperref driver for pdfTeX atveryend-ltx.sty 2020/08/19 v1.0a Emulation of the original atveryend packa ge with kernel methods rerunfilecheck.sty 2022-07-10 v1.10 Rerun checks for auxiliary files (HO) uniquecounter.sty 2019/12/15 v1.4 Provide unlimited unique counter (HO) glossaries-extra.sty 2023/09/29 v1.53 (NLCT) xkeyval.sty 2022/06/16 v2.9 package option processing (HA) xkeyval.tex 2014/12/03 v2.7a key=value parser (HA) glossaries.sty 2024/04/03 v4.54 (NLCT) ifthen.sty 2024/03/16 v1.1e Standard LaTeX ifthen package (DPC) mfirstuc.sty 2022/10/14 v2.08 (NLCT) xfor.sty 2009/02/05 v1.05 (NLCT) datatool-base.sty 2019/09/27 v2.32 (NLCT) amsmath.sty 2024/05/23 v2.17q AMS math features amstext.sty 2021/08/26 v2.01 AMS text amsgen.sty 1999/11/30 v2.0 generic functions amsbsy.sty 1999/11/29 v1.2d Bold Symbols amsopn.sty 2022/04/08 v2.04 operator names substr.sty 2009/10/20 v1.2 Handle substrings datatool-fp.sty 2019/09/27 v2.32 (NLCT) fp.sty 1995/04/02 defpattern.sty 1994/10/12 fp-basic.sty 1996/05/13 fp-addons.sty 1995/03/15 fp-snap.sty 1995/04/05 fp-exp.sty 1995/04/03 fp-trigo.sty 1995/04/14 fp-pas.sty 1994/08/29 fp-random.sty 1995/02/23 fp-eqn.sty 1995/04/03 fp-upn.sty 1996/10/21 fp-eval.sty 1995/04/03 glossary-hypernav.sty 2024/04/03 v4.54 (NLCT) glossary-list.sty 2024/04/03 v4.54 (NLCT) glossary-long.sty 2024/04/03 v4.54 (NLCT) longtable.sty 2024-04-26 v4.20 Multi-page Table package (DPC) glossary-super.sty 2024/04/03 v4.54 (NLCT) supertabular.sty 2024/07/20 v4.2c the supertabular environment glossary-tree.sty 2024/04/03 v4.54 (NLCT) glossaries-extra-abbrstyles.def 2023/06/28 v1.52 (NLCT) l3backend-pdftex.def 2024-05-08 L3 backend support: PDF output (pdfTeX)
1 comment.
Replying to Comment #144:
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Page permalink: https://www.dickimaw-books.com/bugtracker.php?key=277
Date: 2024-08-04 09:29:05
Thank you for the fast response. You are correct that this is indeed an issue of version incompatibilities (I falsely assumed that I had the latest version). With the newest version, everything works as expected. Sorry for any inconvenience, and thanks for your support!
Version diff: