Bug Tracker 
ID | 217🔗 |
Date: | 2022-12-22 14:53:13 |
Last update: | 2022-12-22 15:05:35 |
Status | Open Sign in if you want to bump this report. |
Category | jmlr |
Version | 1.30 |
Summary | The \propositionref macro is missing |
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As per the jmlr user manualthe jmlrutils package provides the following theorem-like environments: theorem, example, lemma, proposition, remark, corollary, definition, conjecture and axiom.Furthermore, the jmlrutils package also provides some convenience commands to assist referencing; when it comes to theorem-like environments, these are \theoremref, \lemmaref, \remarkref, \corollaryref, \definitionref, \conjectureref, \axiomref and \exampleref.
Clearly, there is one command missing: \propositionref.
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\documentclass{jmlr} \begin{document} \begin{proposition} \label{prop:proposition} This is a proposition. \end{proposition} I want to refer to \propositionref{prop:proposition}, but this does not work. \end{document}
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