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ID 198🔗
Date: 2022-02-15 16:04:32
Last update: 2022-10-19 18:22:01
Status Closed (Duplicate)
Category glossaries
Version 4.45
Summary Auxiliary file 'glossaries.aux' doesn't exist error wiht LuaLatex
Cross Ref 196

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i got this error

Prozess gestartet: makeglossaries glossaries
Auxiliary file 'glossaries.aux' doesn't exist. Have you run LaTeX?
Prozess endete mit Fehler(n)

which happen with the LuaLaTex i need to use

i asked for help there

but it seems to be a Problem with gloassaries

Some information about the Host running Latex:
TeXstudio 3.0.4 (Build: 3.0.4+ds-1)
Nutze Qt-Version 5.15.2, kompiliert mit Qt 5.15.2 R
Compiler ist LuaLaTex

Distro: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Kernel: 5.15.0-3-amd64 x86_64 oder neuer


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\usepackage[automake]{glossaries}% Option hinzugefügt.


	description={Is a markup language specially suited 
		for scientific documents}

	description={Mathematics is what mathematicians do}


\title{How to create a glossary}
\author{ich  }
\date{ heute }

	The \Gls{latex} typesetting markup language is specially suitable 
	for documents\gls that include \gls{maths}. 


There are three issues here:

The first, which is the subject of the post, is an error message coming from makeglossaries. I'm guessing you're running makeglossaries from the command line. (The filename is usually identified by a placeholder when running makeglossaries from a text editor, so the problem wouldn't arise in that case if the tool has been set up properly.)

According to the log file that you uploaded with your report, the document file is called glossariestest.tex but your makeglossaries call has “glossaries” as the base name which means it’s looking for the file “glossaries.aux” when it should be “glossariestest.aux”.

So you need to run:

makeglossaries glossariestest
instead of
makeglossaries glossaries
If you're having difficulty integrating makeglossaries into your text editor, see Incorporating makeglossaries or makeglossaries-lite or bib2gls into the document build which has instructions for some common editors.

The second issue is that your test document has the automake package option, which is supposed to run makeindex from the shell escape. This isn't working with LuaLaTeX due to the issue Ulrike has mentioned in the comments. This issue will be addressed, and has already been identified in issue #196.

However, it's redundant to use both automake to run makeindex from TeX's shell escape whilst also running makeglossaries (which runs makeindex) from outside of TeX.

Where possible, it's better to call makeglossaries outside of TeX rather than using the automake package option as it not only reduces the number of makeindex calls within a single build but makeglossaries also provides diagnostic information when things go wrong and fixes duplicate page numbers with different formats, which you don't get with just running makeindex. If you prefer to use automake and you are using LuaLaTeX then add the shellesc package as suggested by Ulrike until that issue has been fixed.

The third issue is just a syntax error in your example file:

 documents\gls that 
\gls requires a label as the argument.

I'm closing this as a duplicate of #196.



🔗Comment from Ulrike Fischer
Date: 2022-02-15 18:04:42

The problem is that glossaries uses \write18. But luatex doesn't support \write18, it supports 256 streams and 18 is not special. The shellesc package provides an emulation but it behaves differently than with pdflatex as it can't detect \immediate. And this means that automake behaves differently depending on the engine used.

It would be much better if glossaries would load shellesc and then use the commands it provides `\ShellEscape` and `\DelayedShellEscape` to get uniform, engine independant behaviour.


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🔗Comment from Nicola Talbot 🦜
Date: 2022-02-15 19:18:00
Repying to: Ulrike Fischer 2022-02-15 18:04:42

The shell escape problem is issue #196

This problem is "file 'glossaries.aux' doesn't exist" which is an error from makeglossaries. This is because makeglossaries is being called with an incorrect filename. The automake package option isn't trying to run makeglossaries from the shell escape (it's trying to run makeindex which doesn't read the aux file).

If this bug report is about running makeindex/xindy from the shell escape then it's a duplicate of #196. If it's about running makeglossaries (which the summary suggests) then the automake option is superfluous.

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🔗Comment from Ulrike Fischer
Date: 2022-02-15 22:27:02

#196 is about an error because \gls@codepage is empty in some cases and then -C \gls@codepage\space gives a faulty xindy call.

This here about \write18 in luatex. The example is not really good but I saw the discussion in the german forum and there is really a bug in glossaries: it shouldn't use \write18 in luatex.

Try the following with lualatex:

\usepackage[automake]{glossaries}% Option hinzugefügt.

	description={Is a markup language specially suited
		for scientific documents}

	The \Gls{latex} typesetting markup language 


You will see that makeindex is never called. luatex only writes the call to the log-file and the terminal but that's all. *\write18 doesn't work in luatex*.

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🔗Comment from Nicola Talbot 🦜
Date: 2022-02-16 09:33:20
Repying to: Ulrike Fischer 2022-02-15 22:27:02

The subject of this report starts with "Auxiliary file 'glossaries.aux' doesn't exist error". The failure to find glossaries.aux is from this line at the start of this report:

makeglossaries glossaries
Auxiliary file 'glossaries.aux' doesn't exist. Have you run LaTeX?
This is unrelated to the automake package option. This is caused by running makeglossaries (outside of the shell escape since glossaries doesn't currently support running makeglossaries from the shell escape) with the wrong filename.

Issue #196 identifies two problems: not correctly setting the -C switch and not running xindy from the shell escape in LuaLaTeX. I will deal with both those issues at the same time when I next update glossaries.

Since the subject of this report is about the error message coming from makeglossaries, the main issue identified here is unrelated to the TeX engine and \write18 (just as the main issue is unrelated to the syntax error).

I'll tidy up the evaluation section to make it clearer.

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