Bug Tracker 
ID | 164🔗 |
Date: | 2020-06-28 12:59:22 |
Status | Open Sign in if you want to bump this report. |
Category | datatool |
Version | v2.32 |
Summary | Updating currentrow does not work as expected |
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I try to create a dynamic project database which is updated in each run of LuaLaTeX and exported to a file. In the next run, the database is loaded from the file.Starting from scratch (i.e. without any db-file), the database is produced and exported as expected. But in the second run, all updated row entries get modified to the entries of the last row in the database.
The index for currentrow is obtained correctly, but somehow the changes are distributed to the preceeding rows.
I am not sure if this is a bug or if I have missed something within datatool. Thanks!
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\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage[verbose,separator=;]{datatool} \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[top=2cm,bottom=2cm,left=2.5cm,right=2cm]{geometry} \usepackage{fontspec} % numbering of projects \newcounter{project} \setcounter{project}{0} \newcommand{\prepro}{P} \renewcommand{\theproject}{\prepro\arabic{project}} % create project database \newcommand{\tabproj}{projects} \IfFileExists{projects.csv}{\DTLloaddb[]{\tabproj}{projects.csv}}% {\DTLnewdb{\tabproj}% \DTLaddcolumn{\tabproj}{ID}% \DTLaddcolumn{\tabproj}{project title}% \DTLaddcolumn{\tabproj}{leaders}% \DTLnewrow{\tabproj} \DTLnewdbentry{\tabproj}{ID}{P0} } % updating project database when project ID, title or leaders have changed \newcommand{\projtitle}{\relax} \newcommand{\projlead}{\relax} \NewDocumentCommand{\updateProjDB}{ m m m }{% \xdtlgetrowindex{\myrowidx}{\tabproj}{\dtlcolumnindex{\tabproj}{ID}}{#1} \ifx\myrowidx\dtlnovalue Index not found.\\ \DTLnewrow{\tabproj} {\dtlexpandnewvalue \DTLnewdbentry{\tabproj}{ID}{#1} \DTLnewdbentry{\tabproj}{project title}{#2} \DTLnewdbentry{\tabproj}{leaders}{#3} } \else Changing entry with index: \myrowidx\\ \dtlgetrow{\tabproj}{\myrowidx}% \dtlreplaceentryincurrentrow{#2}{\dtlcolumnindex{\tabproj}{project title}} \dtlreplaceentryincurrentrow{#3}{\dtlcolumnindex{\tabproj}{leaders}} \dtlrecombine \fi } \begin{document} \DTLdisplaydb{\tabproj} \refstepcounter{project}\label{author1} \edef\projcount{\theproject} \edef\projtitle{Title 1} \edef\projlead{{author1,author2}} \updateProjDB{\projcount}{\projtitle}{\projlead} \DTLdisplaydb{\tabproj} \refstepcounter{project}\label{author3} \edef\projcount{\theproject} \edef\projtitle{Title 2} \edef\projlead{{author3,author4}} \updateProjDB{\projcount}{\projtitle}{\projlead} \DTLdisplaydb{\tabproj} \refstepcounter{project}\label{author5} \edef\projcount{\theproject} \edef\projtitle{Title 3} \edef\projlead{author5} \updateProjDB{\projcount}{\projtitle}{\projlead} \DTLdisplaydb{\tabproj} \DTLsavedb{\tabproj}{projects.csv} \end{document}
It looks like the user manual is incorrect where it claims the value is expanded. It isn’t. Since it could cause a problem for existing documents if I change the behaviour to match the documentation, I think it would be better if I introduce new commands that expand the value.
Since you only need one level of expansion, the following will work:
\expandafter\dtlreplaceentryincurrentrow\expandafter{#2}{\dtlcolumnindex{\tabproj}{project title}} \expandafter\dtlreplaceentryincurrentrow\expandafter{#3}{\dtlcolumnindex{\tabproj}{leaders}}
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Page permalink: https://www.dickimaw-books.com/bugtracker.php?key=164
Date: 2020-06-30 19:49:00
Thanks, works perfectly!