Bug Tracker 
ID | 161🔗 |
Date: | 2020-05-26 18:56:25 |
Status | Closed (Migrated) |
Category | glossaries-extra |
Version | 1.45 |
Summary | Possible incompatibility with totcount (\newtotcounter ) or other macros/packages |
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A more detailed description is available at [TeX.SX Link].In current MiKTeX distribution (both release and pre-release), compiling the attached MWE leads to java.lang.StackOverflowError
that, according to bib2gls
’s manual, may be caused by an infinite loop.
The problem indicates possible incompatibility between bib2gls 2.3 2020-03-23
and \newtotcounter{}
of totcount 1.2
or some other macros/packages that it invokes.
It seems to be related to the second line of the AUX file:
\expandafter\ifx\csname c@tc@totc\endcsname\relax\newcounter{tc@totc}\fi\setcounter{tc@totc}{0}
as changing it to:
reverts normal operation of bib2gls
Also, reordering commands in preamble does not prevent these errors from occurring.
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\documentclass{article} \begin{filecontents*}{entries.bib} @entry{bird, name={bird}, description = {feathered animal} } \end{filecontents*} \usepackage[record]{glossaries-extra} \GlsXtrLoadResources[src=entries] \usepackage{totcount} \newtotcounter{tc} \begin{document} \gls{bird} \printunsrtglossaries \end{document}
The bug is in the TeX parser library not in glossaries-extra.sty. This issue has been migrated.
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