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Dickimaw Books is a publishing imprint set up in 2012 by Dr Nicola L. C. Talbot for her LaTeX textbooks, crime fiction and children’s illustrated fiction. Dickimaw Books is based in Saxlingham Nethergate. The books are printed and distributed by Lightning Source, see Ingram’s Environmental Responsibility page to find out about their chain of custody (CoC) certifications.

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External public pages: Dickimaw Books Public Facebook Page, Goodreads Author Profile, StackExchange accounts and GitHub.

What’s In a Name?

I often get asked where does the name “Dickimaw” come from, so I thought I’d add a note about it here. I moved to Norfolk in the mid 1990s, but although I wasn’t bred and born here I can claim to have a few drops (albeit very diluted) of Norfolk blood as my maternal grandfather’s maternal grandfather was a Yarmouth man. Anyway, I have become very fond of the place and joined the Friends of Norfolk Dialect. I wanted to choose a name that was somehow inspired by Norfolk. There are lots of Canary this and Wherry that around, so instead I thought about the Norfolk expression “Heh yar fa’r got a dickey, bor?” and decided to merge the last two words, but an Internet search showed up quite a few hits for that, so I changed the masculine “bor” to the feminine “maw”. Hence Dickimaw. Dew yew keep a’ troshin!