Gallery: Mini-Glossary (bib2gls)
This is an alternative approach to the\makeglossaries
mini-glossary example that uses the
post-link hook to keep track of which entries have been referenced within the custom minigloss
environment. In this case, the mini-glossary uses the same order as the main list at the end
of the document.
This example requires the file example-glossaries-symbolnames.bib. If it’s not supplied with glossaries-extra.sty, you can create it from example-glossaries-symbolnames.tex (supplied with glossaries.sty v4.33) using the convertgls2bib application supplied with bib2gls:
convertgls2bib example-glossaries-symbolnames.tex example-glossaries-symbolnames.bib
As with the other examples, this
works through the use of an internal etoolbox list that’s reset at
the start of the provided minigloss
environment. In this case, a custom hook
is prepended to the general post-link
hook \glsxtrpostlinkhook
that’s defined by
glossaries-extra. The custom hook does nothing outside
of the minigloss
environment, but within it the hook
adds the label of the entry that has just been referenced to the
internal list (\miniglosslist
\def\miniglosslist{}% \def\miniglosshook{\listxadd{\miniglosslist}{\glslabel}}%
In the other examples, the hyperlink target for the entries
referenced within the minigloss
environment is in the complete list at
the end of the document, as per normal behaviour. In this example,
I’ve redefined \glolinkprefix
to make the referenced
entries within the environment link to the mini-glossary instead. To
ensure a unique target name I’ve defined a counter
) that’s incremented at the start of the
environment and used that in the target name:
\stepcounter{minigloss}% \def\glolinkprefix{minigloss.\theminigloss.}%
The mini-glossary is now displayed using the starred version of
with code that filters out all terms that
aren’t contained in the internal list:
\printunsrtglossary*[title={Symbols},style=long,nonumberlist] {% \renewcommand*{\glossarysection}[2][]{\miniglossheader{##1}}% \renewcommand*{\printunsrtglossaryentryprocesshook}[1]{% \xifinlist{##1}{\miniglosslist}{}{\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}% }% }%
The complete document is shown below. (The comment lines below are arara directives. You can remove them if you don’t use arara.)
% arara: pdflatex % arara: bib2gls % arara: pdflatex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage[record,nogroupskip]{glossaries-extra} \GlsXtrLoadResources[src={example-glossaries-symbolnames}] \newcommand{\miniglossheader}[1]{\par\noindent\textbf{#1:}\par} \newcommand{\miniglosshook}{} \preto\glsxtrpostlinkhook{\miniglosshook} \newcounter{minigloss} \newenvironment{minigloss}% {% \stepcounter{minigloss}% \def\glolinkprefix{minigloss.\theminigloss.}% \def\miniglosslist{}% \def\miniglosshook{\listxadd{\miniglosslist}{\glslabel}}% \ignorespaces }% {% \printunsrtglossary*[title={Symbols},style=long,nonumberlist] {% \renewcommand*{\glossarysection}[2][]{\miniglossheader{##1}}% \renewcommand*{\printunsrtglossaryentryprocesshook}[1]{% \xifinlist{##1}{\miniglosslist}{}{\printunsrtglossaryskipentry}% }% }% \bigskip \ignorespacesafterend } \begin{document} Reference \gls{sym.gamma} in this paragraph. \begin{minigloss} \begin{equation} f(\gls{sym.alpha}) = \gls{sym.zeta}\gls{sym.alpha} + \gls{sym.beta}[^2] \end{equation} \end{minigloss} Reference \gls{} here. \begin{minigloss} \begin{align*} f(\gls{sym.xi}) &= \gls{}\gls{sym.epsilon} + \gls{sym.beta}[^2]\\ g(\gls{sym.chi}) &= \gls{}\gls{sym.tau} + \gls{sym.alpha} \end{align*} \end{minigloss} Reference \gls{sym.sigma} here. \printunsrtglossaries \end{document}
If you don’t use arara, you need to run the following commands:
pdflatex minigloss-bib2gls bib2gls minigloss-bib2gls pdflatex minigloss-bib2gls
(See Incorporating makeglossaries or makeglossaries-lite or bib2gls into the document build.)
Download: PDF (55.26K), source code (1.39K).