flowfram package FAQ

Undefined control sequence (\@ldc@l@r) 🔗

This seems to happen when the draft option is used without a colour package, such as color or xcolor, in conjunction with PDFLaTeX. It doesn't seem to happen with LaTeX. For some reason with PDFLaTeX the \color command is defined in the begin document hook, but not the command \@ldc@l@r which is the cause of this error message. You can avoid this error message by including the color package. You can use the monochrome option if you don't want any colour in your document:


2013-12-08 18:09:53

Permalink: https://www.dickimaw-books.com/faq.php?id=132
Alternative link: https://www.dickimaw-books.com/faq.php?itemlabel=oldcolorundef

Category: flowfram package
Topic: Error Messages