General Dickimaw Books FAQ

What do you do with my email address if I enter it on the Dickimaw Books site? 🔗

Summary: it will be used for the stated purpose; it will not be sold; it will be forwarded to the applicable author or illustrator for messages directed to them to enable them to reply; it will be added to a deny list if it’s associated with spam or a hacking attempt or abusive content; it will be shared with UK law enforcement agents if there is an obligation to do so as governed by English law.

If you use the contact form, the site will automatically send an email to me (Nicola Talbot) with your message and the email address you supplied. This will be used to answer your message. If your query is about the book Into the Lion’s Den by my brother Stephen Talbot, your message will be forwarded to Stephen with your email address so that he can reply directly. If an error occurs while the site attempts to send your message then your message and email address will be written to an error log file along with debugging information to enable me to fix the problem and respond to your query.

If your message trips a bot trap or spam filter the message and email address will be saved but not sent. I periodically check these for false positives. At the time of writing, these have all been spam or hacking attempts.

If you created an account on the Dickimaw Books Store using the osCommerce web application then your email address was your username, which you needed to log in. These old accounts are now being migrated to the main site account.

If you create an account on the main Dickimaw Books site, then the email address you supply will be used to send you important information about your account, such as password change notifications. It will also be used to send you notifications that you have subscribed to, such as bug report updates or book information or newsletters. You may additionally provide a secondary email address which will also be used for important messages, such as notifications of any changes to your security settings. You can alter your notification settings via your account page. You can also delete your account via that page, which will remove your email address from the main site database.

It was formerly possible to subscribe to notifications or site competitions without having an authenticated account. This required saving your email address in a database without an accompanying password. These legacy entries are considered “guest accounts”. These are now being phased out and should all be deleted as from 1st July 2023.

See also the site Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

2023-06-26 11:09:58

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Category: General Dickimaw Books
Topic: Dickimaw Books Website