glossaries package FAQ

How do I make my glossaries appear in different sectional units? 🔗

Suppose you want the main glossary to appear in a chapter, but you want the list of acronyms to appear in a section, then use the package option section=chapter (which is actually the default if your document class defines chapters) and then change the document sectioning unit to section at the place where you want the change to occur. Version 1.1 introduced an easy interface to do this: \setglossarysection{<section name>}, where <section name> is the name of a sectional unit. For example:

\printglossary % print the main glossary
% change the glossary sectional unit to section
\printglossary[type=acronym] % print the list of acronyms

For earlier versions, you need to redefine \@@glossarysec, but remember that this is an internal command so it needs to be placed inside \makeatletter and \makeatother. For example:

\printglossary % print the main glossary
% change the glossary sectional unit to section
\printglossary[type=acronym] % print the list of acronyms

2020-06-27 15:44:14

Alternative link:

Category: glossaries package
Topic: Glossary Formatting