flowfram package FAQ
This is a problem that will occur if you have flow frames with different widths, as the change in \hsize
does not come into effect until a paragraph break. So if you have a paragraph that spans two flow frames, the end of the paragraph at the beginning of the second flow frame will retain the width it had at the start of the paragraph at the bottom of the previous flow frame. (This is due to TeX's output routine mechanism and can't be changed by flowfram.) You can fix the problem by inserting \framebreak
at the point where the frame break occurs.
2013-12-08 17:44:56
Permalink: https://www.dickimaw-books.com/faq.php?id=108
Alternative link: https://www.dickimaw-books.com/faq.php?itemlabel=linewrongwidth
Category: flowfram package
Unexpected Output