fmtcount package (out-of-date) FAQ
This page is archived. This is the old FAQ for the fmtcount package. The fmtcount package is now under a new maintainer, so information on this page only refers to queries and issues with old versions. Please see the fmtcount listing on CTAN for details of the new maintainer and issue tracker.
- General Queries
- Is there multilingual support?
- Why is there only limited multilingual support?
- How do I get septante instead of soixante-dix?
- How do I get the feminine form instead of the masculine?
- How can I set up a different set of default package options?
- How do I get the ordinal suffix to be level instead of a superscript?
- How do I use the value of a label in \numberstring, \ordinalstring etc?
- Package Errors
- Unexpected Output
- LaTeX2HTML Support
General Queries
Currently there is multilingual support for English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and German.
2013-12-09 09:29:13
Because there is a limit to the number of languages I can speak! If you like, you can volunteer to write and maintain a language file for fmtcount.
2013-12-09 09:32:03
If the currently selected language is French, you can select the Swiss or Belgium variants using:
2021-12-18 21:20:39
Use the optional argument f
to \ordinal
2013-12-09 09:33:27
Create a file called fmtcount.cfg, and put the appropriate commands in it. Then save it to somewhere on the TeX path. However, if you share your document code with other people, make sure you also supply your custom fmtcount.cfg file if it's important that they replicate your date and time format. (Note that if you are also using the datetime package, datetime.cfg will override fmtcount.cfg.)
2013-12-09 09:35:57
2013-12-09 09:37:42
Try using Heiko Oberdiek's refcount package which provides commands that will set a counter to the number given by a label. You can then pass that counter to \numberstring
etc. For example:
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{fmtcount} \usepackage{refcount} \begin{document} \newcounter{myctr}\setcounterpageref{myctr}{pg:last} First page. This document has \numberstring{myctr} pages. \newpage Second page.\label{pg:last} \end{document}
2013-12-09 09:38:48
Package Errors
You need to use at least version 1.04 of the fmtcount package and use \FCordinal
to access fmtcount's version of \ordinal
and use \ordinal
to use memoir's version of that command.
2013-12-09 09:40:25
Make sure you are using at least version 1.07 of the fmtcount package.
2013-12-09 09:41:10
This bug appeared in version 1.06. You need to upgrade to a later version.
2013-12-09 09:42:18
Unexpected Output
This was fixed in version 1.05.
2013-12-09 09:43:28
This is caused by the way \MakeUppercase expands its argument. (see, e.g. \count reference breaks \MakeUppercase or Case-changing oddities).
As from version 1.09, you can use one of the commands \ORDINALstring
, \NUMBERstring
etc, which will convert the text to upper case.
2013-12-09 09:45:31
This was fixed in version 1.2.
2013-12-09 09:46:13
LaTeX2HTML Support
Because I haven't found a way to implement it.
2013-12-09 09:47:22