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datetime2 package FAQ

Unwanted space occurs after language change 🔗

Update 2019-10-28: I’ve fixed all unmaintained modules.

This is a known bug. Unfortunately the template used to create all the language .ldf files had an uncommented end of line character. I've fixed this in datetime2-english and am working my way through all the modules, fixing the unmaintained ones and contacting the new maintainers of the ones that have been adopted. Unfortunately, due to the large number of modules this is quite time-consuming, so please be patient. If you would like to take over maintenance of any of the unadopted modules, please contact me so that I can notify the CTAN team. In the mean time, if you are experiencing this problem, here’s a fix until the new version is available: modify the appropriate date command \datelanguage to switch the date style. For example:



  {}% do nothing




2020-07-03 13:12:34

Alternative link:

Category: datetime2 package
Topic: Unexpected Output