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Previous: Converting a Text Area, Text-Path or Pattern to a Path  Up: Converting to a Path  Next: Splitting Text Areas  

Converting an Outline to a Path

To convert the outline of a path to a path, first select the path and select the menu item Transform->Convert Outline To Path. For example, consider the path in Figure 8.50(a). This has a line width of 10bp, a circle start marker, a triangle end arrow, a gradient line colour and a yellow fill colour. Figure 8.50(b) shows this path in edit mode to show the path's defining control points. In Figure 8.50(c), the path's outline has been converted to a path. This new path now has a gradient fill colour with a line width of 1bp and no start or end arrows. The new path's defining control points are shown in Figure 8.50(d).

 outline2patha outline2pathb  
 (a) (b)  
 outline2pathc outline2pathd  
 (c) (d)  
Figure 8.50: Converting an outline to a path: (a) the original path; (b) the original path's defining control points; (c) the new path; (d) the new path's defining control points.

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