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Exercise 26: Creating an Assignment Sheet with the datatool Package (Solution)

This is a solution to Exercise 26. This exercise requires the mth102.dbtex database. Before you compile this document, you need to run the following:
datatooltk --name easybasic --output easybasic.dbtex --in mth102.dbtex --shuffle --filter-and --filter Level eq 1 --filter Topic eq Basic --truncate 2
datatooltk --name mediumbasic --output mediumbasic.dbtex --in mth102.dbtex --shuffle --filter-and --filter Level eq 2 --filter Topic eq Basic --truncate 1
datatooltk --name hard1stpr --output hard1stpr.dbtex --in mth102.dbtex --shuffle --filter-and --filter Level eq 3 --filter Topic eq Theory --truncate 1
Alternatively you can use arara with the directives shown below. This code uses internal commands (\@for, \protected@write and \@auxout) so \makeatletter and \makeatother are required.
% arara: datatooltk: { name: easybasic, output: easybasic.dbtex, input: mth102.dbtex, shuffle: true, options: "--filter-and --filter Level eq 1 --filter Topic eq Basic --truncate 2"}
% arara: datatooltk: { name: mediumbasic, output: mediumbasic.dbtex, input: mth102.dbtex, shuffle: true, options: "--filter-and --filter Level eq 2 --filter Topic eq Basic --truncate 1"}
% arara: datatooltk: { name: hard1stpr, output: hard1stpr.dbtex, input: mth102.dbtex, shuffle: true, options: "--filter-and --filter Level eq 3 --filter Topic eq Theory --truncate 1"}
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex



 \ifbool{showanswers}{\par\textbf{Solution: }#1}{}%

% This assumes all points are integers:

    (#1 \ifnum#1=1 point\else points\fi)
  \global\advance\runningtotal by #1\relax





   \GenericWarning{}{Rerun required to determine the total points}%


    \GenericWarning{}{Total points has changed. Rerun required}%



% do all the questions in the given database:
   {[Topic: \Topic. Level: \Level.]} % debugging information

Assignment~1\ifbool{showanswers}{ (Solution Sheet)}{}

This assignment is worth a~total of \thetotalpoints\ points.



Download mth102.tex or mth102.pdf.

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