Exercise 14: Custom Invoice (Solution)
This is a solution to the easy part of Exercise 14.
\documentclass{isodoc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{booktabs} \setupdocument { language={en-GB}, company={University of Somewhere}, who={Mr Big Head}, street={Academic Lane}, city={Some City}, zip={AB3 4YZ}, country={United Kingdom}, countrycode={GB}, areacode={44}, cityzip, date=20140301, accountname={Big Head}, accountno={123456}, subject={Invoice Number 2}, currency={\pounds}, iban=ex1234, vatno=1234, bic=abc123, term=28, accept, acceptaccount={123456789}, accepteuros={388}, acceptcents={08}, acceptreference={1000 2000 3000 4000}, acceptdescription={Invoice 2} } \begin{document} \invoice [ to={Jos\'e Arara\\Nenhuma Rua\\S\~ao Paulo\\123457\\Brazil} ] { \begin{longtable}{>{\raggedright}p{0.3\linewidth}rrrr} \bfseries Item & \bfseries Quantity & \bfseries Unit Price (\pounds) & \bfseries VAT \% & \bfseries Price (\pounds)\\ \midrule \endhead ``\,`Duck and Goose': an allegory for modern times?'' (hardback) & 1 & 59.99 & 0 & 59.99\\ ``My Friend is a Duck'' (paperback) & 20 & 14.99 & 0 & 299.80\\ ``Annotated Notes on the `Duck and Goose' Chronicles'' (ebook) & 1 & 8.99 & 20 & 8.99\\ \midrule \multicolumn{4}{r}{\bfseries Sub-Total} & 368.78\\ \multicolumn{4}{r}{\bfseries VAT} & 1.80\\ \multicolumn{4}{r}{\bfseries Postage and Packaging} & 20.00\\ \multicolumn{4}{r}{\bfseries Promotional Discount} & $-2.50$\\ \midrule \multicolumn{4}{r}{\bfseries Total} & 388.08 \end{longtable} } \end{document}
Download invoice-longtable-easy.tex or invoice-longtable-easy.pdf.