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Check Characters Outside the Range 0x20-0x7E

Encoding problems can arise when different authors have used different input encodings. For example, one article may use latin1 and another may use utf8. Even more troublesome is where a single file contains a mixture of encodings. This can happen if the co-authors haven't agreed on an encoding, or (quite often) entries in the bib file have been copied and pasted from different sources so that different bibliography entries use different encodings. Sometimes you will get a message about missing or undefined characters, but sometimes (as in Example 6 in Troubleshooting) there will be no messages but the resulting PDF file will appear incorrect.

To help editors track down problem characters, MakeJmlrBookGUI version 0.4.2b has introduced the Tools->Character Check... menu item. Use this function to open a dialog box with a list of all the .tex and .bib files belonging to the book. The files are arranged in hierarchical order. If you select a directory, everything inside that directory will also be selected, so to select all files just click on the root node. Once you have selected all the files you want to check, click "Okay" and the application will check each file for characters outside the range 0x20 (space) to 0x7E (tilde). On completion, a window will appear with the list of files with the line numbers where characters outside that range were detected. (The characters will be highlighted in bold red to make them stand out.)

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