Latest news 2024-08-12: Crime fiction short story The Briefcase is now available.

FlowframTk Screenshots

If you have a small screen, you may prefer to switch on the small image setting.

Some of the screenshots shown below were taken from earlier versions.

Basic Shapes

Basic shapes can be constructed from lines, moves (gaps) and cubic Bézier segments.

Constructing a Closed Curve Shape
While the closed curve path is under construction the control points are visible and the style isn\'t applied.
Shape Under Construction
When the shape is completed the control points are no longer visible, the path is closed and the style is now applied
Completed Shape


Line and Fill Paint

Line and fill paint can be single colour or gradient paint.

Setting the Fill Paint
Set fill colour dialog box.


Setting the Line Style

Paths may have different line styles.

Setting the Line Style
Set line style dialog box.



Paths may have start, mid or end markers.

Setting the End Marker
Set end marker dialog box.

The start, mid and end markers may be different.

A Path With a Dashed Line Style and Different Start, Mid and End Markers
Image of a dashed path with open circle mid markers and different arrow end markers.

Markers can be oriented to follow the path's gradient vector or can be given a specific orientation.

Markers Oriented Along the Path's Gradient Vector
Image of a path with arrows following the path gradient.

Marker Orientation Independent of the Path's Gradient Vector
Image of a path with square markers that maintain the same orientation.

Marker colours may be independent of the path's colour.

Marker Colour Independent of the Path's Colour
Image of a green path with blue square markers.


Adding Text to an Image

Text can be added to images.

Adding Text to an Image
Image containing text being typed above a path.


Inserting Symbols

Symbols not available on your keyboard can be inserted.

Inserting a Symbol
Symbol dialog box.


Specifying Alternative LaTeX Text.

You can specify alternative text to use when exporting to a LaTeX file.

Specifying Alternative LaTeX Text
Edit text dialog box has a field for LaTeX alternative.

The maths tool will automatically insert the maths shift $ characters.

Maths Mode Tool
Inserting text with maths tool.
Alternative text has maths shift characters.

The alternative LaTeX text can be automatically generated for known Unicode to LaTeX command mappings. Packages required for those mappings are added to the preamble.

Preamble Panel
The window is split between the canvas on the left and the preamble panel on the right.

The preamble information is used when exporting to complete LaTeX documents (used as an intermediate step for the export to PDF/PS/SVG functions) and when exporting to a class or package.

Image Generated Using PDFLaTeX
Image as rendered by pdflatex
(Click image to view PDF)

There are separate mappings for text mode and maths mode. New mappings can be added manually or extra mappings can be fetched from the LaTeX Symbol Lookup page.

Text Mode Mappings
Text mode mappings panel in configuration dialog.



Links to bitmaps can be added to an image.

Including a Bitmap
Image with a bitmap and arrow and some text.



TeX's \parshape parameters can be constructed from a path.

Computing \parshape Parameters
Applying parshape function to an ellipse.

You can then save the parameters and input them into your document.

Resulting Shaped Paragraph
Image of shaped paragraph.

Similarly for \shapepar or \Shapepar.


Designing a Poster

Images can be used to construct frames used by the flowfram package to create posters, brochures or newspapers.

Images Can Be Used To Create Frames Used By the flowfram Package
Image used to create a poster

The frame information can be exported to a LaTeX class or package file and used in a document.

Final Document
Image of final poster.
(Click on image to view PDF.)


Selecting Objects

Objects (paths, text, bitmaps or groups) can be selected using the mouse or the navigation menu. Objects can be given a description to help locate them in a cluttered image.

Object Description
Description dialog box.
Assigning a Description
Find by description dialog box.
Selecting an Object By its Description


Editing Paths

Paths can be edited by moving, adding or deleting control points or by converting segment types.

Editing a Path
Image of path in edit mode.


Combining Paths

Multiple paths can be combined by appending, path union, path intersection, exclusive OR or subtraction.

Combining Paths
Image of three paths.
Original Paths
Resulting merged paths.
Resulting path union.
Resulting path XOR.
Resulting path intersection.
Resulting path subtraction.


Adding Symmetry

Symmetry can be added to a shape.

A Symmetric Shape
Image of a symmetric path in edit mode.



Patterns can be applied to a shape.

Image of a shape.
Original Shape
Image of a pattern.
Pattern Derived From Original Shape


Text Along a Path

A text area and a path can be combined to create a text along a path effect.

Text Along a Path
Image of a text area and a path.
A Text Area and a Path
Image of text along a path.
Text and Path Combined

The underlying path can be edited.

Editing Underlying Path
Image of text-path in edit mode.


User Interface

The user interface can be configured.

Look and Feel
Image of look and feel panel in UI dialog.

The language used for the resources and manual can be changed.

Image of languages panel in UI dialog.
Image of main window with Simplified Chinese menu items.
