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A Brochure

This example illustrates how to use FlowframTk to create a class that loads the flowfram package. The aim is to produce a two-sided document with different recto and verso headers and footers.

  1. For this example I'm going to start with the Tschichold grid. Use Settings->Grid->Grid Settings to open the grid dialog box. Select the Tschichold tab and set the Major Divisions to 100pt, as shown in Figure 11.81. Make sure that the grid lock is on (Settings->Grid->Lock Grid).

    Figure 11.81: Brochure Example--Setting the Grid
    Use Settings->Configure TeX/LaTeX Settings to open the TeX/LaTeX Settings dialog and select the Document Settings tab. Set the Normal Font Size to 10pt, as shown in Figure 11.82, and make sure the Use default class radio button is selected.

    Figure 11.82: Brochure Example--Setting the Normal Font Size

  2. Set the image storage unit to pt using Settings->Configure Image Settings dialog box, as shown in Figure 11.83

    Figure 11.83: Brochure Example--Setting the Storage Unit

  3. Select the rectangle tool (either via Tools->Rectangle or Ctrl-R) and draw the rectangle with three of its vertices on the diagonals, as shown in Figure 11.84. With the grid lock on, you are limited to only fourteen tick marks.

    Figure 11.84: Brochure Example--Draw a Rectangle

  4. Switch to the select tool (Tools->Select or Ctrl-P) and select the rectangle. Then open the Typeblock dialog using TeX/LaTeX->Flow Frames->Set Typeblock. Click on the Compute Margins From Selected Path button. (If this button is disabled, close the dialog and check that the rectangle has been selected.) This will fill the margins, but it looks a bit untidy with all those decimal places and since a pt is so small such precision seems unnecessary so round the Left and Top margins to the nearest pt (66pt and 94pt, respectively). Make sure the Adjust width to nearest field is set to 1pc and click on the Adjust Width button. This should alter the Right field. Make sure the Baselineskip radio button is selected and click on the Adjust Height button. Finally, click on the Compute button to calculate the even page shift. The settings should now be as shown in Figure 11.85. Click on the okay button to apply these settings and close the dialog.

    Figure 11.85: Brochure Example--Setting the Typeblock

  5. The typeblock is slightly smaller than the rectangle so, making sure the rectangle is still selected, use the menu item TeX/LaTeX->Flow Frames->Scale to Fit Typeblock to scale the rectangle so that it's the same size as the typeblock. Then use the TeX/LaTeX->Flow Frames->Set Frame menu item to open the Set Frame dialog. Set the Type to Flow, set the Label to "main" and set the Border to None, as shown in Figure 11.86. The margins and shifts should all be zero and the page list All.

    Figure 11.86: Brochure Example--Setting the Main Flow Frame

  6. Now use Settings->Grid->Grid Settings to switch the grid to a rectangular grid with 100pt major divisions and use the ellipse tool (Tools->Ellipse or Ctrl-E) to create a circle with a 100pt radius centred on (400,700), as shown in Figure 11.87.

    Figure 11.87: Brochure Example--Draw a Circle

  7. Switch to the select tool (Tools->Select or Ctrl-P), select the circle and switch to edit path mode (Edit->Path->Edit Path or Ctrl-I). Use the popup menu to remove the segment from (500,700) to (400,800), convert the curve segments from (400,800) to (300,700) and from (400,600) to (400,800) into line segments, and move the control at (400,800) to (400,700). The path should now appear as shown in Figure 11.88.

    Figure 11.88: Brochure Example--Change the Circle into an Arc

  8. Exit the edit path mode and move the path to the bottom right edge of the canvas, as shown in Figure 11.89.

    Figure 11.89: Brochure Example--Move the Arc to the Bottom Right Corner

  9. Use Edit->Fill Colour to change the fill colour to orchid (68% red, 36% green, 100% blue) and use Edit->Path->Line Colour to change the line colour to transparent. The arc should now appear as shown in Figure 11.90.

    Figure 11.90: Brochure Example--Apply a Fill Paint to the Arc

  10. Make sure the arc is still selected and open the Set Frame dialog using TeX/LaTeX->Flow Frames->Set Frame menu item. Set the Type to Dynamic, set the Label to "footer", set the Border to As Shown, set the Pages to Odd and set the Alignment to Middle. Set the Left and Top margins to 40pt and the Right and Bottom margins to 10pt. Next, click on the Edit button to open the mini TeX editor and enter:
    as shown in Figure 11.91(a). Click on the okay button to close the editor and return to the Set Frame dialog, which should now look like Figure 11.91(b).

    Figure 11.91: Brochure Example--Setting the odd footer: (a) entering the frame contents; (b) the frame settings.

  11. Click okay to apply the new settings and close the dialog. The image should now appear as shown in Figure 11.92.

    Figure 11.92: Brochure Example--Arc is Now an Odd Footer

  12. Copy (Edit->Copy or Ctrl-C) and paste (Edit->Paste or Ctrl-V) the arc to create a duplicate. The duplicate should now be the only object selected. Use Transform->Scale to open the Scale Selection dialog and set the Scale X field to -1, as shown in Figure 11.93. Click on the okay button and this should flip the duplicate arc.

    Figure 11.93: Brochure Example--Flipping the Duplicate Arc

  13. With the duplicate arc still selected, use TeX/LaTeX->Flow Frames->Set Frame to open the Set Frame dialog box again. Set the Label to "evenfooter", set the Pages to Even, set the Left margin to 10pt and the Right margin to 40pt. The dialog should now appear as shown in Figure 11.94.

    Figure 11.94: Brochure Example--Setting the Even Footer

  14. Use TeX/LaTeX->Flow Frames->Display Page to open the Display Frames dialog and select the Even Pages radio button, as shown in Figure 11.95.

    Figure 11.95: Brochure Example--Changing the Display Page

    The canvas should now look as shown in Figure 11.96. The "footer" frame is no longer displayed as it's only defined on odd pages.

    Figure 11.96: Brochure Example--Even Pages Display

  15. Move the "evenfooter" frame to the bottom left corner, so that it now appears as shown in Figure 11.97.

    Figure 11.97: Brochure Example--Moving the Even Footer

  16. Use TeX/LaTeX->Flow Frames->Display Page to open the Display Frames dialog again and select the All Pages radio button and click on the okay button. The canvas should now look like Figure 11.98. The "evenfooter" frame now appears in a different location, but that's just its odd page position. Since the page list is set to even pages only, it won't actually be displayed in that location in the document.

    Figure 11.98: Brochure Example--"all pages" display mode shows all objects in their odd-page location.

  17. Use the closed-line tool (Tools->Closed Line) to create the path shown in Figure 11.99. The co-ordinates are: (310,0), (360,50), (600,50) and (600,0).

    Figure 11.99: Brochure Example--Adding a Closed Polygon

  18. Switch to the select tool (Tools->Select) and select this new polygon. Set the fill to orchid and line colour to transparent, as done earlier for the arc. Then use TeX/LaTeX->Flow Frames->Set Frame to open the Set Frame dialog again. Set the Type to Dynamic, set the Label to "header", set the Pages to Odd, set the Border to As Shown, set the Alignment to Middle, set the Left to 50pt and set the remaining margins to 10pt. Then click on the Edit button to open the editor, and set the contents to:
    as shown in Figure 11.100(a). Click on the okay button to go close the editor and go back to the Set Frame dialog, which should now look like Figure 11.100(b).

    Figure 11.100: Brochure Example--Setting the odd header: (a) entering the frame contents; (b) the frame settings.

  19. Click on the okay button to apply these settings and close the dialog. Keep the polygon selected and copy and paste it to create a duplicate, as shown in Figure 11.101.

    Figure 11.101: Brochure Example--Create a Duplicate Polygon

  20. Flip the duplicate using the same method as earlier (Transform->Scale) and, keeping the duplicate selected, use TeX/LaTeX->Flow Frames->Set Frame to open the Set Frame dialog again. Set the Label to "evenheader" and change the left margin to 10pt and the right margin to 50pt, as shown in Figure 11.102.

    Figure 11.102: Brochure Example--Setting the Even Header

  21. Use TeX/LaTeX->Flow Frames->Display Page to open the Display Frames dialog again and select the Even Pages radio button to switch to the even page view, as shown in Figure 11.103.

    Figure 11.103: Brochure Example--Even Pages Display (Two Objects Hidden)

  22. Move the "evenheader" frame to the top left corner of the canvas, as shown in Figure 11.104.

    Figure 11.104: Brochure Example--Move Even Header

    As with the "evenfooter" frame, when you switch back to the "all pages" view, the frame will be displayed in its odd page position, but since the page list is set to even pages only, it won't be displayed in the document at that location.

    Figure 11.105: Brochure Example--All Pages View Again (All Frames Shown in their Odd Page Position)

  23. Save the image as brochure.jdr or brochure.ajr using the File->Save As menu item. Then use File->Export to open the Export dialog. Select the Class (*.cls) filter and export the image as brochure.cls.

  24. Create a document that uses this new class. I've used the blindtext package to generate pages of dummy text for illustrative purposes:

    A double-page spread view of the resulting document (pages 2 and 3) is shown in Figure 11.106.

    Figure 11.106: Brochure Example--Double-Page Spread View of Brochure

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