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🔗 SmashWords Read an Ebook Week Sale From 2025-03-02 05:00:00 UTC to 2025-03-08 04:59:00 UTC.
My ebooks (short stories Unsocial Media, Smile for the Camera, The Briefcase and I've Heard the Mermaid Sing, crime fiction novel The Private Enemy, and children's illustrated story The Foolish Hedgehog) are being promoted on Smashwords as part of their Read an Ebook Week Sale from 2th March 2025 to 8th March 2025. 100% off crime fiction short stories (free!) and 50% off The Foolish Hedgehog and The Private Enemy.
- I’ve Heard the Mermaid Sing: 1920s crime fiction short story. (home page)
- Unsocial Media: Cybercrime short story. (home page)
- Smile for the Camera: Cybercrime short story. (home page)
- The Briefcase: Crime short story. (home page)
- The Foolish Hedgehog: An illustrated cautionary tale about road safety and stranger-danger. (home page)
- The Private Enemy: Crime/SF novel set in East Anglia. (home page)