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Gallery: Abbreviation Styles

image of sample abbreviations each in a different style
This example illustrates all the abbreviation styles provided by v1.04 of the glossaries-extra package. Some of these styles aren’t available for earlier versions. Make sure you have an up-to-date version of the glossaries package as well.

Note that there is a bug involved in the combined use of the postfootnote and long-em styles in glossaries-extra v1.04 which has been corrected in v1.05. The bug in the short-em-long style has also been corrected.

There’s an updated version of this document supplied with glossaries-extra version 1.17 onwards, which includes new styles not shown here (sample-abbr-styles.tex, sample-abbr-styles.pdf).

The initial comment lines below are arara directives. You can remove them if you don’t use arara.

% arara: pdflatex
% arara: makeglossaries
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex


\renewcommand*{\glstreenamefmt}[1]{\textrm{\bfseries #1}}


 \newabbreviation[category=#1,user1={user text}]{sample-#1}{short}{long form}%
 \csdef{glsxtrpostdesc#1}{ [style: \texttt{#1}]}%

 \newabbreviation[category=#1,user1={user text},description={sample description}]{sample-#1}{short}{long form}%
 \csdef{glsxtrpostdesc#1}{ [style: \texttt{#1}]}%











\chapter{First Use}
First use of \verb|\gls|.


\chapter{Next Use}
Next use of \verb|\gls|.


\chapter{Full Form}
Full form using \verb|\glsxtrfull| (inline full style).


\chapter{Short Form}
Short form using \verb|\glsxtrshort|.


\chapter{Long Form}
Long form using \verb|\glsxtrlong|.


\chapter{First Form}
First form using \verb|\glsfirst|.


\chapter{Text Form}
Text form using \verb|\glstext|.



If you don’t use arara, you need to run the following commands:

pdflatex sample-abbr-styles
makeglossaries sample-abbr-styles
pdflatex sample-abbr-styles

(See Incorporating makeglossaries or makeglossaries-lite or bib2gls into the document build.)

Download: PDF (257.55K), source code (3.34K).