Latest news 2024-08-12: Crime fiction short story The Briefcase is now available.

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[book image] The Fourth Protectorate. fiction / crime / speculative fiction, ISBN 978-1-909440-09-8. Alternative history set in 1980s/90s London.

[book image] The Briefcase. fiction / short stories / crime, ISBN 978-1-909440-14-2. Convinced that his secretive wife is cheating on him, Aide investigates with an attractive young goth he meets at the pub. Available from Smashwords and other ebook retailers.

[book image] Muirgealia. fiction / speculative fiction / fantasy. Fantasy novel.

[no image] A Guide to bib2gls and glossaries-extra.sty. non-fiction / typesetting / LaTeX.

[book image] LaTeX for Complete Novices. non-fiction / typesetting / LaTeX. A new edition updated to include modern TeX engines XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX.