Exercise 12: Creating an Invoice for a Customer using isodoc.cls (Solution)
This is a solution to the easy part of Exercise 12.
\documentclass{isodoc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \begin{document} \invoice [ to={Jos\'e Arara\\Nenhuma Rua\\S\~ao Paulo\\123457\\Brazil}, currency={\pounds} ] { \itable { \iitem{``\,`Duck and Goose': an allegory for modern times?'' (hardback)}{59.99} \iitem{20 copies of ``My Friend is a Duck'' (paperback) at \pounds14.99 per copy}{299.80} \iitem{``Annotated Notes on the `Duck and Goose' chronicles'' (ebook)}{8.99} \itotal[Subtotal]{368.78} \iitem{Postage and Packaging}{20.00} \iitem{Promotional Discount}{$-2.50$} \itotal{386.28} } } \end{document}
Download invoice-isodoc-easy.tex or invoice-isodoc-easy.pdf.